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Working against a company.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:34 pm
by madrath

I was considering to start working against the company that is using unfair competition on the market. Moral aspects are of course out of question here.

Since I am planing my strategy in this case, I was wondering if you happen to have any experience with such approach.
I've checked two topics:
Hexing powerful people -
And working against a group -
but neither of them covers the scope of my interest since I want to bring harm and fall to the company per se.

My plan would be to go with a complex work. On one hand use negative planetary aspects to block specific areas. on the other take more offensive actions to inflict direct damage and operational chaos resulting in serious problems.

First I would weaken the defense of, what I consider to be an egregore of the company that feeds on the believes of employees / owners / customers, possibly by usage of some kind of sigil magic or simple candle curse. After this a confusion spell (kind of what was outlined in Jasons' Miller 'Protection and reversal magic) to confuse management.
Then I would do evocation (spirit yet to be researched) to put more direct negative action on the company body (employees, infrastructure, customer relations etc.).

Do you have any experiences with work against companies? Any advice.on spirits or tips on methods?
