What is best ritual for own business success?

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Re: What is best ritual for own business success?

Post#31 » Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:07 am

Gilbertopb wrote:Magicbelli:

Surely you work in the trade. Your arguments are insistent and repetitive, despite all good answers you received from Provenant and others. You ignored at all and is being even rude with the atention you received.
You do not read or hear the answers because you already have a ready reply.

You looks like a typical used car salesman who only thinks about how to get the customer's money trying to sell that wonderful 1985 Chevy dripping oil.

See, you are questioning even the most basic rules of the forum, as if you were someone very important.

Magic "for help others"? Bullshit. You used this words as a salesman but is boring and insistent asking for "success, success, money, money..."

No one here will make the role of a sweetie "Mom" that move her hand over your head if you do not do your part.

See: the comments you are receiving are a complete classroom on basic needed skills. All we are talking is needed. I will repeat: all we are talking to is needed. You won't do nothing in magic if you don't do the basics for yourself.

When you ignored the advice for neophytes and also quoted a rate of 95% beginner, I can change this to something more real : imagine a ladder with 95 steps. But you barely is on the first step.
The vast majority are on 10-20. Very few reach 50, and a rare reach 95. Surely one among thousands. And yet, each new step just means a whole new knowledge to be learned and practiced.

Someone already said in another thread, this forum is the equivalent of a group of higher-graduates with various specializations.
You are on the first day of kindergarten and moreover, you ask even "what page of the book"!!! Are you kidding?
We not!
We must read for you?

Hey, if this is not your area, ask for a professional. You WON'T have the results you desire without all the effort needed. This means: years and years and years of discipline and practice.

I'm sure you have not read the NAP book from beginning to end and even more sure that you have not practiced and learned the exercises needed for the invocation that there are suggested. It's useless to go straight to the page "N" and try to read the ritual without having learned the necessary steps, such as concentration, etc. That must be done a lot of times.

What will you ask next? How to light a candle ? :toss

So it's obvious, it is absolutely certain that you will have difficulties and some things will not work (or all). This is part of learning too.

But the only thing you keep repeating is "and did not work".

What did not work??? What you did? How? What happened?
And without considering your business plan how do you will know if there was any change ? For example, maybe you had 5% to 10% improvement, but are dissatisfied because you want immediate 2000% improvement. In such example, the ritual worked. And for a beginner, is a lot.

Nobody has big miraculous results at start. Even if you go to learn how to do magic for a circus, will quickly discover that you need a lot of training before you try anything.

You have no idea what magic is. This is no newage or mystic hippie talk. Nor have the lesser idea who really was Hermes Trismegistus or high magic or whatever. Do not confuse information from popular magazines and mixtures of newage theories. The ancient books, are often the result of the work of several people, and this work ends up generating a single book that is assigned to only one name.

Before having the ridiculous pretense of question some members skills, be sure that some of the greatest exponents of magic today, are in this forum. And they have more important things to do than to explain the most basic.

First you have to read and practice by yourself, instead of repeating and repeating and repeating the same thing "what the magic bullet for expanding my business."

Go and practice for yourself now. You need to practice.

For now your are just pure spell begging.

Important, look what you are asking. You told you already have 50%-80% of costumers conversion? This means you already have success for your business size. So, the word, is not "success". Is expansion. And this means breaking borders. Breaking borders can break you if you are not really prepared for an instant jump. So, as Provenant wisely told you: business is a magick too.


Gilbertopb, you talk about humility, about that I am rude, that I don't have idea about Magick, that I am a neophyte.

Do you realize that you are the one being rude with your opinion about me and my comments?

Also you are underestimate, disqualifying me.

Are you sure that you have humildity attacking and making fun with me?

I never said that in the forum not participate Great Magicianss and maybe you are included with the Great Magicians.

I said that I think that a very low percentage of the members are high level Magicians because in the world top 10 people in any activity only are 10 people.

Then I guess that high level magicians in the world are very limited.

Magicians that really have a big domination in the manipulation of his/her own reality with the Magick.

I am in this forum to learn and to get someday high success with Magick.

Do you understand what I mean?

A clarification,

I am not pure spell begging

I am just doing my best to learn Magick, to improve my Magick skills in the case that I have at least little skills and of course asking for help at least with opinions, suggestions.

And if I ask, is because I can't find the answer in Internet, in the ''Miracle of New Avatar''.

What is the problem that I want to learn and clear my doubts in Magick?

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4618

Re: What is best ritual for own business success?

Post#32 » Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:54 am

Magicbeli, I'm not being rude. I'm being objective with you. That's all diference.
And the others members who replyed with a lot of very good sugestions too.

Try to forget for a moment the flufffy bunny shit like "magicians are love" or whatever you will find alot anywhere on sweety fairies foruns and think on this: you are like the one at the first step with a lot of questions to the one at the 30-50-70-90 level. Or higher.

Or even the one at level 2. The one who is at the 2 level, is higher than you.
When adequate, we use soft words. You will read a lot of such replies in the forum.

Most people stay at level 1. If this means one year, then only one in each 20 will enter at level 2. Just the second year. Most of people cease "because lack of results" in the first months.
The ones at level 2, will be there for a time. For each 100 that goes to level 2, only one will be in some time, at level 5. Most will keep their lives at 5 to 10, maximum. A so go on.

Stop and think on your attitudes. Have you observed the amount of information you received?
Have you at your mind observed the amount of time each one used to reply about some very basic things you are not doing yet?

So don't talk me or anyone is being rude.

Did you note you again used that colors schema trying to catch atention? At my monitor, I had to select the text to reverse it just because that become unreadable. That is not needed and it's boring have to call you about this.

If you really want to learn magick, you will learn soon what really means receive a objective, direct punch on your life when working with such energies. Many spirits, starting with angels, don't matter about turn your life upside down to make you learn something. Sometimes their reply is really straigh and direct.

And because this too, we gave too many advices for you.

You received almost information you needed to improve your current work, but you still is not reading it.
Change your attitude and read that and go to practice.
This way you will see results. And with time, understand what works for you or not.

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Re: What is best ritual for own business success?

Post#33 » Sat Sep 28, 2013 1:10 am

provenant wrote:
magicbeli wrote:...
Just a question:

Are you a skilled Magician?

Did you get results with Magick to reach some of your personal desires?

Do you use a little bit or a lot the Magick to get fulfill desires that of course without Magick will be impossible?

(Because some own desires are impossible to get not matter how many times you try, what you do by yourself to get it.)

(Only can be reached by the destiny.)

(Magick is to manipulate the own reality at least partially.)

I ask because I feel that you don't believe really in Magick, I feel that you avoid Magick.

I feel that you think that only the hard work, the mundane actions are the solution to get success.

1. Opinions vary ... I do alright.
2. Yep
3. Hmmm ... Never measured it by the pound. Guess I use just the right amount. Though if something is truly "impossible" then magick won't make it happen. On the other hand what are you considering "impossible"?

(Sorry, don't understand the point of what you're getting at in the parenthetical parts.)

Well, "belief" is a rather fuzzy word ... belief could mean holding a position steadfast in absence of evidence. Personally don't need belief, as I have knowledge. The fact that your takeaway from my last post is that somehow I "avoid Magick" just shows that you have no idea what you're doing. And, that would be alright, except that in your lack of experience you're projecting hostility against us on the forum as if we're somehow "hiding the ball" from you. We're not ... it's been made as plain as day several times.

Here it is again: It's not the spell, it's the caster.

My point of my business ritual being just as magickal as a grimoire ceremonial wouldn't be lost on someone who has worked in the areas of magick for any length of time. Might be an argument about which one is more effective, but the other side would "get" my point. One can devise a ritual out of almost any action ... It might not shake the walls and bring in angels like some others. But enchanting my work as it goes to a client is just as much magick as if I was saying funny words and chalking a circle on the floor.

But, the fact that you are completely lost on that point, and instead misinterpret it as somehow I'm avoiding magick, tells me you are still hoping for the Harry-Potter fantasy idea of magick ... that some spell or entity will pull your ass out of the fire if you say the right words. Sorry M ... don't work that way.

The only thing I think that might be contributing to you seemingly not understanding the main thrust of what folks are responding to you with, is that I detect a bit of a language barrier. But in the end, re-reading your other responses, I don't think so.

And, please, when you respond, if you respond ... for the love of god, man ... skip the COLORS and BOLDING.

Nice seem that you are a skilled magician.

But in the kind of answer that you give, I think that you don't believe in God.

Because you don't believe, you have not hope, you have not faith.

You think that all the results, success only can be reached for your knowledge, effort, dedication, time investment, ideas, hard work, for yourself.

on second thoughts, really I don't know what kind of Magick do you practice.

Maybe you practice, Administration Magick, Financial Magick, Economy Magick, Marketing Magick, Effort Magick, Hard Worker Magick.

Mmm let me see. That kind of Magick is not Magick :thinking

All that is mundane.

That routine that you answer like Magick is not Magick.

Maybe you will answer me again that I am in a mistake.

But I see that you really don't apply knowledge in Magick.

You talk about a normal routine that any person in the world that work will apply.

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4618

Re: What is best ritual for own business success?

Post#34 » Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:42 am

magicbeli wrote:But in the kind of answer that you give, I think that you don't believe in God.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

magicbeli wrote:You think that all the results, success only can be reached for your knowledge, effort, dedication, time investment, ideas, hard work, for yourself.

on second thoughts, really I don't know what kind of Magick do you practice.

Magick need some knowledge (you have to read and practice the book);
Magick need some effort (open the book and find the chapter by yourself instead of asking what page is);
Magick need some dedication (take notes, prepare your rituals, practice, compare your results);
Magick need some time (having discipline and being respectfull with the time needed and with the time of others who try to teach you something);
Magick need some investment (money, time, personal effort);
Magick need some ideas (from yourself and from searching the available material);
Magick need some hard work (practice, revise results, study, practice);

Magick is done by yourself first of all.

We asked many times what you did, how you did, etc so this way we can comment about.

Instead, you are just spell beging.

I finished here.

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Posts: 80

Re: What is best ritual for own business success?

Post#35 » Sun Sep 29, 2013 11:49 pm

Gilbertopb wrote:
magicbeli wrote:But in the kind of answer that you give, I think that you don't believe in God.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

magicbeli wrote:You think that all the results, success only can be reached for your knowledge, effort, dedication, time investment, ideas, hard work, for yourself.

on second thoughts, really I don't know what kind of Magick do you practice.

Magick need some knowledge (you have to read and practice the book);
Magick need some effort (open the book and find the chapter by yourself instead of asking what page is);
Magick need some dedication (take notes, prepare your rituals, practice, compare your results);
Magick need some time (having discipline and being respectfull with the time needed and with the time of others who try to teach you something);
Magick need some investment (money, time, personal effort);
Magick need some ideas (from yourself and from searching the available material);
Magick need some hard work (practice, revise results, study, practice);

Magick is done by yourself first of all.

We asked many times what you did, how you did, etc so this way we can comment about.

Instead, you are just spell beging.

I finished here.

Good steps, I will keep in mind.

I am not spell beging, I am just asking for help in the Apprenticeship about the thread that I opened.

Ok nice to meet you Gilbertopb

I appreciate a lot your effort, your pattience, that you are not rude, your understanding to help me understand about spell beging, say Magick :thinking

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Re: What is best ritual for own business success?

Post#36 » Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:10 am

As Gilbertopb has explained, spell begging is not permitted on this forum.
Hic nominabit Spiritus quos volet, cuiuscunq ordinis sunt.

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Re: What is best ritual for own business success?

Post#37 » Mon Sep 30, 2013 5:10 pm

philodox wrote:As Gilbertopb has explained, spell begging is not permitted on this forum.

I understand the rules of the forum.

But I am not spell beging, I am just asking for help in the Apprenticeship about the thread that I opened.

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Posts: 1931

Re: What is best ritual for own business success?

Post#38 » Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:39 am

Throughout this thread you are asking people to recommend you rituals, what else would you call that? :thinking
Hic nominabit Spiritus quos volet, cuiuscunq ordinis sunt.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: What is best ritual for own business success?

Post#39 » Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:55 pm

The problem w/ these types of questions, no offense, is that they always come
from n00bs.

I mean technically, we can all recommend our favorite rites/techs/entities/etc
till the sun sets again but overall, as provenant mentioned already, it's the
worker, in the end, that's probably the main variable that will make or break the


p.s: but if you find it, let me know, lol.

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