NAP and the Bible and Qabala

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

NAP and the Bible and Qabala

Post#1 » Sun May 13, 2012 10:32 am

This was in reply to the thread on hoodoo style banishment, but it is so long, it is not even related much to Hoodoo, and it really introduces a topic in of itself I will pursue greatly, NAP and the Bible and Qabala. But as such, it starts with the subject of purification, consecration and banishment.

This applies to everything in the New Avatar Power, in general.

This is based of REAL Messianic Qabala. It passed hands outside of families or tribes, but it is the same as REAL Qabala. I know this, having received a REAL Messianic Qabala in my father's family's records since 1684. This means it come from the book you know as the Bible. Furthermore, it comes from an ancient tradition of root mantrum employed by canaanites which was integrated into a view of Jews who believed or employed the biblical doctrine of the old and new testaments in various languages. It comes from a time where magicians HAD to be be ployglots capable of speaking in many languages, and writing is several as well.

You can find EVERY NAME in NAP in the Bible. Because that is where they come from. It is more like an updated version of the Sixth and Seventh books of Moses, with the Biblical stuff suppressed (for the most part) and no need for any material outside yourself. The only tools you get are orations, and if you do not want to use those, that is fine - because they are not the original ones used, either. If you have a problem with this, go ahead and drop your Lemegeton off on Ebay, along with your Heptameron, and the majority of your books on "Magick."

So what did magick look like:

Prayer - air (Aleph) - Tipareth (lesser Kether)
Purification - water (Mem) - Bell - Binah
Consecration - fire (Shin) - Candle - Chokmah
Doctrinal Reading with the Spirit name in it. AIN SOPH - Book - Kether
Petition or Taliman making - Da'ath
Offering - Ha-Aretz

NAP basically drops out the Doctrinal Reading, opts just for petitions, and nixes the offering in general. It should be said, that offering is made to the LORD who is to give the reward to the spirit itself, in his wisdom. Direct offering to spirits is not made.

You should not speak to a spirit about the same thing for seven days, but only six - they need rest. It was not the LORD who needed rest, but his creation. There are prayers and psalms to made offering or to encourage them to answer you more greatly.

In certain traditions, you orate the first six days of creation, (which are all written far different than translated) and then you orate the part about the REST, and then you rest. Then you recite a part of another prayer which calls all the angels to acknowledge their God, Ain Soph who is white fire whereupon is written their names in black fire, and then you call from their numbers them by the words where they are found - i.e. recite the verses where those names are found, and then you give them petition, and tehillim (praise in psalm).

There are many variations, but all of them have a similar idea behind them. NAP is just a "bare-bones" approach. If you want a bare-bones approach, this works well. If that is not what you want - then perhaps you need to add a bit more. I don't see the harm in having a cup of tea, or offering one to your "guest". In fact, I have done so in Chinese magic quite effectively. There are herb greens and roots which were dried, steeped in hot water, and many were called "bitter herbs" - one of these was dandelion greens and roots and cinnamon. There are others, but go ahead. I would consider this a fine addition, especially if you are familiar with Japanese tea ceremony.


What you call a banishing is not. It is a purification by water. This is VERY consistent with NAP. Hallowed ground is typically Purified with water (washed with water made holy hyssop in a laver of brass), Consecrated with fire (an orison of smoke and heat from incense). This is the way offerings are prepared in the the Temple.

The purification by water is accompanied with the words of psalm 51:7 (FYI: Levi used Hebrew, GD/Crowley used Latin)

t’chat’eni b’ezob w’et’har t’kab’seni umisheleg ‘al’bin.

hrantieis me hysspoi, kai katharisthsomai; plyneis me, kai hyper chiona leukanthsomai.

asparges me hysopo et mundabor lavabis me et super nivem dealbabor.

English: (KJV)
Sprinkle me with hyssop and I am pure; wash me in it and I shall be whiter than snow.


The consecration with Fire is accompanied by these words of psalm 18:8 (This is not something everyone knows, and it constitutes oral tradition not represented by the published wording used by Levi or Crowley. My Grandfather bid me use this, and so did my mentor in the OTO, neither of who knew each other. It matches what I was told by a Rabbi with whom I have spoken about Qabala. As it comprises my primary instructions, I follow this.)

`alah `ashan b’apo w’esh-mipiu to’kel gechalim ba`aru mimenu.

aneb kapnos en orgÿ autou, kai pyr apo prospou autou katephlogisen, anthrakes anphthsan apí autou.

ascendit fumus de furore eius et ignis ex ore eius devorans carbones incensi sunt ab eo.

English: (KJV)
There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.


The Qabalistic Cross is not as well known as one might imagine: It predates the Lord's Prayer and it is influenced by practices older than Christ. It is from Messianic Qabala.

There is a HUGE infusion of Qabala in the End of the New Testament, including the verse of 1 Chronicles 29:11, which is ALSO attributed to David. Bascially rule #1 is if David (Dawid = "beloved") is supposed to have said it, it is magical. :bow
The following prayer is recited by Qabalists as the draw a cross (up down right left, center) and encircle it in front of themselves (this symbolizes his first musical instrument):

l’ak YHVH hag’dulah w’hag’burah w’hatiph’ereth w’hanetsach w’hahod ki-kol bashamayim uba’arets l’ak Yahúwah hamam’lakah w’hamith’nase’ l’kol l’ro’sh

soi, kyrie, h megalsyn kai h dynamis kai to kauchma kai h nik kai h ischys, hoti sy pantn
tn en toi ouranoi kai epi ts gs despozeis, apo prospou sou tarassetai pas basileus kai ethnos.

tua est Domine magnificentia et potentia et gloria atque victoria et tibi laus cuncta enim quae in caelo sunt et in terra tua sunt tuum Domine regnum et tu es super omnes principes

English: (KJV)
Thine, O LORD, [is] the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all [that is] in the heaven and in the earth [is thine]; thine [is] the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Frater EOE
Posts: 103

Re: NAP and the Bible and Qabala

Post#2 » Sun May 13, 2012 12:21 pm

:goodpost Great post Raum - very interesting! Thank you for sharing!
"Be on your guard against all who are subordinate to you ... Trust no brother, know no friend, make no intimates."

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Re: NAP and the Bible and Qabala

Post#3 » Sun May 13, 2012 2:13 pm

Massively informativ as always; thanks for sharing!

Question#1: "his first musical instrument" - a drum?
I only seem to find David associated with the lyre/harp (and maybe trumpets), but the cross sorrounded by a circle reminds me heavily of something just like this:

Question#2: How would you describe the difference between consecration+purification as opposed to banishing?

btw, shouldn't it be Psalms 51:9?

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

Re: NAP and the Bible and Qabala

Post#4 » Sun May 13, 2012 6:41 pm

David was Chief Musician before he was ever King, and before that was Shepherd. Thus, his first musical instrument was Ha-Rosh. (Heh-Resh-Ayin-Shin) - even before Kinnown (i.e. the Kitara, which is the root of Guitar. King David's had 10 strings.) The Kinnown is NOT a Harp.

There is a great mystery in this story of Ha-Rosh. It was said to have been invented by Jubal, the son of Lamech, - whose name is the root of Jubilee. It accompanied the ritual of muhl (circumcision) and entrance into the Tabernacle. It was a ritual device which lost favour during the fall of the first temple. It aligns one to ancestors and expels demons.

It's sound is called a "yowbel" and it is the prototype for the sound of the Shophar. The word's meaning is all but lost, until you look back into the roots of the Exodus.

It is generally a "whirring aerophone." Though many were made of horn or bone, A common material and form throughout history is a one foot piece of wood on a four foot long piece of string. it is swung over head, around and around. There are rings, disks, clay, wood and in general swinging things around on a string really fast. This is the the general idea of the Swastika, or to Rosh Ha-Galgalim, the Primal Motion. It is also played by holding the string at different lengths by spinning it sideways, on a vertical arc. VERY skilled players can make transitions that are mind-altering to behold, and the droning pitch is VERY cool in of itself. Bad players lose teeth, jaws, eyes, or worse. Kids instinctually do this, and humans have been doing this since time immemorial. This was used as a vehicle of prayer and praise, and the meaning of David being able to whirl his sling so had it sunk a stone INTO Goliath's head; it was because was so strong from this practice. Well, that's oral tradition and there are biblical indicators in Qabala, many of which are HORRIBLY translated. The story is so great was David's prayers and so long did he use the Ha-Rosh that his arm was GODLY in its ability to whirl stones in a sling. God helps those who help themselves. ;)

Furthermore, most cultures who use "bullroarers" or "rhombi" or many other names for them ALSO use them to develop strength with slings, and attribute them as such. The Greeks and the Phoenicians both did, as did Afro Semites, Egyptians, and Proto-Indo-Europeans.

As for the verse of Purification, I am not sure of the numbering of the verse of psalm in your bible. In most of mine it is Psalm 51:7. KJV of Psalms 51:9 is "Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities." That is not what I mean.

as for Purify (Barar) and Consecrate (Nazar) - these are the roots of the ideas of destruction of the world, first by Water (purification), then by Fire (Consecration). Of course they have ancient proto-biblical roots, just like everything else.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: NAP and the Bible and Qabala

Post#5 » Sun May 13, 2012 7:51 pm

Prayer - air (Aleph) - Tipareth (lesser Kether)
Purification - water (Mem) - Bell - Binah
Consecration - fire (Shin) - Candle - Chokmah
Doctrinal Reading with the Spirit name in it. AIN SOPH - Book - Kether
Petition or Taliman making - Da'ath
Offering - Ha-Aretz

Well spotted. ;) Nice summary too man.

Loving the roots of these names and the origins of the languages within the NAP.

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

Re: NAP and the Bible and Qabala

Post#6 » Sun May 13, 2012 10:06 pm

Well, when I write my book, I am totally using his format for writing, just beefing up the knowledge, the practices, and the catalog of what to do in circumstances. I will also be totally by-passing all the GD influenced Qabala influences, and correcting pronunciations.

If you were curious, the powers of Solomon are called in the Hebrew, by the phrase of "bakar memshalah ha-masheekah", which is "Authority of the Firstborn Anointed One" - This is why Qabala passes to the Firstborn, as does what I generally call "Divine Authority or Providence." Furthermore, I think this is where he gets the idea for the title for "New Avatar Power." It is a suitable translation in more understandable terms, and it is clear he was not just trying to teach the occult to occultists, like so many do. :lol:
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: NAP and the Bible and Qabala

Post#7 » Mon May 14, 2012 8:18 am

raum215 wrote:Well, when I write my book, I am totally using his format for writing, just beefing up the knowledge, the practices, and the catalog of what to do in circumstances. I will also be totally by-passing all the GD influenced Qabala influences, and correcting pronunciations.

If you were curious, the powers of Solomon are called in the Hebrew, by the phrase of "bakar memshalah ha-masheekah", which is "Authority of the Firstborn Anointed One" - This is why Qabala passes to the Firstborn, as does what I generally call "Divine Authority or Providence." Furthermore, I think this is where he gets the idea for the title for "New Avatar Power." It is a suitable translation in more understandable terms, and it is clear he was not just trying to teach the occult to occultists, like so many do. :lol:


Want first copies of your book! Many times BBB has posted about Divine Authority in the NAP. It makes a lot of sense. Your posts are AWESOME raum!
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: NAP and the Bible and Qabala

Post#8 » Wed Dec 11, 2013 4:24 pm

Have to bump this ... it's great to see such indepth, historical information that relates to a "modern grimoire"

Thank you raum as always, very enlightening.

It's too bad ( or is it? ) that some people discount the book because of the success stories.

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Frater Chika Chika
Posts: 68

Re: NAP and the Bible and Qabala

Post#9 » Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:49 am

raum215 wrote:This is based of REAL Messianic Qabala. It passed hands outside of families or tribes, but it is the same as REAL Qabala. I know this, having received a REAL Messianic Qabala in my father's family's records since 1684. This means it come from the book you know as the Bible. Furthermore, it comes from an ancient tradition of root mantrum employed by canaanites which was integrated into a view of Jews who believed or employed the biblical doctrine of the old and new testaments in various languages. It comes from a time where magicians HAD to be be ployglots capable of speaking in many languages, and writing is several as well.

Thank you.

Can you tell us more about your qabbalistic heritage?

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