Depression NAP And Vibration

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

Posts: 157

Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#41 » Thu Dec 26, 2013 3:31 pm

So I have a question, to anyone who is experiencing depression with NAP: Are you really happy with your life as it is? Or are you just asking for Success for the goals you have to continue on in your misery?

I only ask because for the longest time every time I would get a powerful charge of energy things would spontaneously happen around me that, while inconvenient, still worked in my favor. Yeah, I experienced some depression, but that was because the foundations of my life were being seriously distorted and twisted. (I am talking Big Things here.) Sometimes in life we are not where we want to be and we don't have what we need to be happy, and so we desperately do a ritual or a spell to work on keeping up appearances, but it doesn't work, nothing happens, and suddenly we are upset and angry because what we wanted done didn't work.

It's because you didn't really want it. You wanted that bigger change deep down. At least, that's been my experience with things. So your whole life is shaking and twisting behind the scenes. That depression is the universe around you creaking and trying to contort but the foundation you have established so far is holding it back.

Now don't misunderstand me. Elubatel is more than willing to work with you so you are successful at everything you attempt, but you must give your all to it. You must talk with him about it and say 'I know this is not helping me long term but please help me with this task because I can't let go of my old life just yet.' And he WILL work with you. But you must have that dialogue, otherwise he is going to approach things from the Big Scope. And if you're not ready- and let's be honest, when will that be?- the current will sweep you off your feet and drown you.

Elubatel is the white-gold transmutational substance. He is the alchemical stone that helps transform a lead soul to a gold soul. He will lead you down the multiple dead-ends of fate to find that penultimate final form of who you really are supposed to be. And he is fantastic for it.

But unless you are really ready to change, unless you are really ready to have reality rocked before you then I would suggest a different spirit.

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Frater Chika Chika
Posts: 68

Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#42 » Fri Dec 27, 2013 2:59 am

Boggsley wrote:[...]Elubatel is more than willing to work with you so you are successful at everything you attempt, but you must give your all to it. You must talk with him about it and say 'I know this is not helping me long term but please help me with this task because I can't let go of my old life just yet.' And he WILL work with you. But you must have that dialogue, otherwise he is going to approach things from the Big Scope. And if you're not ready- and let's be honest, when will that be?- the current will sweep you off your feet and drown you.

In my case, I didn't practiced as suggested in this forum that is to blend invocations with evocation flavors and work with each entity as a magic mentor.

I worked precisely as explained in the book.

Posts: 157

Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#43 » Fri Dec 27, 2013 12:36 pm

I admit I don't have a photographic memory but talking to an entity in a mentor fashion is within the scope of the book. I would hardly state that speaking with the entity whose energies you are invoking would be considered evocation. I don't mean to pluck hairs here. This can be applied to spirits in a broader sense as well.

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Frater Chika Chika
Posts: 68

Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#44 » Fri Dec 27, 2013 3:16 pm

Boggsley wrote:I admit I don't have a photographic memory but talking to an entity in a mentor fashion is within the scope of the book. I would hardly state that speaking with the entity whose energies you are invoking would be considered evocation. I don't mean to pluck hairs here. This can be applied to spirits in a broader sense as well.

The invocation mechanic of the book is to state what you want from the entity.
The purpose is to get precisely what you want without effort.
This is similar to common prayer, one doesn't need to discuss his request.

When you start to talk with the entity about your needs and ask what is best suited for your life, this is magic mentorship.
Here, it's not necessary that you know what's going on since the mentor works for the best.

On this forum, I've found the approach of mixing the two aspects of this system.
I think that this is a good method, but I preferred to stick to the original one.

Of course, the evocation flavors aren't about the mere speaking with the entity... :roll:

Posts: 157

Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#45 » Sun Dec 29, 2013 11:14 am

The invocation mechanic of the book is to state what you want from the entity.
The purpose is to get precisely what you want without effort.
This is similar to common prayer, one doesn't need to discuss his request.

Invocation mechanic of the book is to state what you want from the entity
One doesn't need to discuss his request

state what you want from the entity
discuss his request


Please understand me when I say this: a spellbook, or a manual like NAP is like a cookbook. If a person is a skilled enough chef they can start from scratch from a recipe they know nothing about from an unfamiliar cookbook. This prior skill is useful so the chef can proceed with the instructions and even fill in some of the blanks that the author of the cookbook left out. Some things that a skilled chef may take for granted that someone new at this wouldn't know. Blindly following a recipe without looking for other people's guidance on it, watching some other tutorial, or reading how someone has tweaked it without having the prior knowledge on how to cook can be disastrous and you will wind up with an inedible mess.

That being said, I want to dive deep into the roots of the issues you are having here with this manual. In an earlier post you stated

and since the book is full of fluff stories, I copied the important parts.

From page 16 of New Avatar Power:

This book has been written in a special way. Every word has been carefully chosen to speak deeply to your mind. No matter whether you believe these words-even if you totally deny their truth-the thoughts will slip far down into your mind, waking up forces, commands, and powers that have been slumbering unused for years.

That 'fluff' is important mental conditioning, and a part and parcel of the book. If you excise that part of the text, then it's no wonder the system isn't working for you.

On page 18 he does talk about stating your desire. What I mean by discussion is not necessarily a back and forth but a mere statement of exactly what you want out of whoever you're invoking. This 'statement' is very important. He even explicitly says to 'quietly say out loud what you most want to happen' on the end of page 18. This appellation very much applies to working with any sort of spirit.

So if you skim the text, don't follow directions, and then wonder why your souffle turned out like crap then whose fault is it? Is it the ingredients? Is it the utensils? Is it the recipe? Or is it the chef? Especially considering you have access to an entire forum full of people who have successfully used NAP and have experience tweaking and working with the various spirits herein.

Elubatel will really work with you. It doesn't take much to establish a relationship with him. (I literally just add a statement of intent during the downtime between Point A and the invocation.) He has been one of the most powerful spirit allies I have ever encountered in my life. Of course, I ask for his assistance in a general, broad sort of way.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#46 » Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:03 am

Elubatel will work with you as long as he likes you. Some spirits doesnt matter the approach unless you mesh with their energy.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#47 » Wed Apr 30, 2014 2:41 am

totenkopf wrote:
Magick42 wrote:Grounding is very necessary to bring yourself "down" after each ritual, otherwise, depression and all other kinds of mental issues could arrive. We are dealing with spirits with a higher frequency than what we normally operate in.

Great post Brother B, as usual....

After every NAP ritual I do the middle pillar ritual (Uncle Bearheart Version, youtube it). Not only does this ground the ritual, it energizes you and causes faster manifestations.

Re: totenkopf
I have huge headaches after 1 month of doing NAP. I had some great results along the way, but I also had step backs.
I am going to follow your advice and try "the middle pillar ritual (Uncle Bearheart version) AFTER the NAP,
I really hope my headache will go away.

My headache was terrible, it's 2nd day with pain -I had to make radical changes to what I am doing.
1st I have checked if I am right with VOD. As I have been told to never do any ritual work during "Void-of-course-Moon",
2nd I decided that if there is even 1 spirit around me - I need a protection!
The changes are as follows:
- preparation as for the ritual by Frater Malak: clean the place, arrange the altar, psychic cloak, mistic oil, placing amulets on the alatar, the thaumaturgic triplet on the wall,
- and the most important now - the circle of protection around me, - my mystic flame and incense - psychic cloak on me
I perfom the "place cleaning ritual", I light the candle and incense.
NOW I start NAP
- Relaxation Ritual to point A... Prayer to Arzel x3
- Invocation for specific intent - that is follwed by thanking the spirits, promising p.ex that I will burn a candle in the honor of the spirit and then I release
Nitika x3
Elubatel x3
Iaoth, Petahyah and Opiel x3
THEN after basic NAP I follow with:
- Open the Five Gates
- Circulation Ritual
- Middle Pillar Ritual
- Bornless One Ritual
- Attracting Ritual (see the light changing into the colour p.ex gold, repeat the mystic being name 3 times aloud, and see the results already achieved)
- AGAIN I thank ALL the spirits for coming and I release them

AND guess what? My headache is GONE!!!

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Posts: 108

Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#48 » Fri May 09, 2014 1:38 pm

My thoughts.

Ceteribus paribus, we can divide the depression into two probable causes which are either of the ritual itself, or of the changes that are caused in us to attract what is requested.

As to the ritual itself, just do what you need to do to make it work for you. In my case I just do the relaxation ritual followed by the request, burn incense, drink some whisky and that's it. Works for me. I feel tired but in a "good way". If you need to do LBRPs, bornless, or if you need to go for a jogging to shake it off, do it. Whatever works for you.

As for the changes that are caused on our subconscious vibration, it can easily cause depression. Depression is a natural way of our minds/bodies to deal with a change that needs to be reintegrated. It is a good opportunity to meditate and identify shifts/blockages/problems and deal with them. After all, to know yourself is a fundamental part of any kind of change.

Instead of seeing the depression as a bad thing, see it for what it really is: you, reacting to change that is happening or needs to happen for the request to occur.

As an example, imagine Brian, a guy that lost control of his life after a breakup at 25. He started to smoke and eat a lot to compensate and now passes his time just working and going out with friends. He is always avoiding looking at himself as he subconsciously knows that when he does he will have to deal with his own issues. He does a NAP invocation to find love. After it he goes into a deep depression that forces him to realize that he needs to start taking care of his body and reconnect with his passions.
He gets into a gym and start blogging about dogs, something he really is passionate about. As a result he attracts Helena.
Without the depression, true results would not have been achieved.
Doing is learning what you need to do

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#49 » Fri May 09, 2014 2:58 pm

Nahash wrote:My thoughts.

Ceteribus paribus, we can divide the depression into two probable causes which are either of the ritual itself, or of the changes that are caused in us to attract what is requested.

As to the ritual itself, just do what you need to do to make it work for you. In my case I just do the relaxation ritual followed by the request, burn incense, drink some whisky and that's it. Works for me. I feel tired but in a "good way". If you need to do LBRPs, bornless, or if you need to go for a jogging to shake it off, do it. Whatever works for you.

As for the changes that are caused on our subconscious vibration, it can easily cause depression. Depression is a natural way of our minds/bodies to deal with a change that needs to be reintegrated. It is a good opportunity to meditate and identify shifts/blockages/problems and deal with them. After all, to know yourself is a fundamental part of any kind of change.

Instead of seeing the depression as a bad thing, see it for what it really is: you, reacting to change that is happening or needs to happen for the request to occur.

As an example, imagine Brian, a guy that lost control of his life after a breakup at 25. He started to smoke and eat a lot to compensate and now passes his time just working and going out with friends. He is always avoiding looking at himself as he subconsciously knows that when he does he will have to deal with his own issues. He does a NAP invocation to find love. After it he goes into a deep depression that forces him to realize that he needs to start taking care of his body and reconnect with his passions.
He gets into a gym and start blogging about dogs, something he really is passionate about. As a result he attracts Helena.
Without the depression, true results would not have been achieved.

Ok....Its not the depression thats the problem its the tidal wave that faces you when your world is thrown up in the air and trying to figure out which one to pluck first to fix it. Im not the only one here that has been in this position. I dont work with Elubatel, But... I will eventually have to face him again (But with a different approach) This whirl wind of current is too much to handle at once.

Connecting with this current you better be able to deal with it sometime down the road. This is a very powerful current and there nothing subtle about him. Everything about you is broke down until it is new.

Edit: Although i might try the shot of whiskey afterwards (because ill need it) ;)
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Posts: 108

Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#50 » Tue May 13, 2014 8:21 am

summerland wrote: Edit: Although i might try the shot of whiskey afterwards (because ill need it) ;)

It's been working so far to get me back on the daily stuff, especially because I always work at night and I might get a liitle edgy and get spooked by anything. I'm such a pussy, it's a miracle I practice magick. Whiskey really helps to ground me back. To help you ground even further, you can visualize that you are Sean Connery for a minute, and you speak in that deep voice "now let's back to business, shall we?" :lol:

I'll be working with NAP very soon, wish me good results.
Doing is learning what you need to do

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