Zoroel/Sabriel or Kadriel?

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Zoroel/Sabriel or Kadriel?

Post#1 » Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:15 pm

Hi again! i have a doubt. I feel in my inside a lot of energy acumulate, and a few days ago I requested to Nitika if she gave me some energy because i was very tired and after that I felt a "warm" in my body and that feel so good and it give me more confident...so, I want to request to "unlock" this energy for permanently but i don´t know if is Zoroel/Sabriel stuff or a Kadriel business.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Zoroel/Sabriel or Kadriel?

Post#2 » Mon Aug 18, 2014 7:50 pm

Hello there!

I believe a practice like the Middle Pillar is really good for giving energy. It always leaves me buzzing and feeling good.

Also, the invocation of Dynamis gives me a nice "alpha male" energy feeling.

You could also use the General Chant and state what you like.
I have found that Iaote, Pateayah and Opiel are VERY dynamic and have worked a wide range of successes in my life... so much so that I have dedicated the chant to memory and have said it in places like my car before a meeting/test/client/etc.

Zoroel and Sabriel, would be my choice, out of the two you've given.

If your sensitive enough, many of the spirits will give you their own current or "energy". But I believe you are better off working with your own energy.

Check out IAM's Solar ritual. The first time I *truly* performed it, I felt like I could run 5 miles (this was in the middle of the night too)


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Re: Zoroel/Sabriel or Kadriel?

Post#3 » Mon Aug 18, 2014 7:54 pm

Quick response: ask the spirits yourself :p

Slightly longer response: sounds like you want some sort of initiation. It's not something that can be done quickly or thoughtlessly (at least without messing things up). Consider what you actually want and how much effort you're willing to put in first.

What you're asking for is kinda like permanently feeling awake and warm from drinking coffee. It may not be healthy and tolerance is quite possible.

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