Update: Results from NAP Love Enchantment

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Magister Templi
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Update: Results from NAP Love Enchantment

Post#1 » Mon May 19, 2014 8:27 am

So...It ended up working. Was NOT expecting this. So that's a total of 5 days I believe, of using the excite love spell.

Results were not boring, they were pretty full on.

Um, yeah, so in the interests of experimental magic I will go on to say that give the NAP spell a few days, repeat daily, have absolute faith in your abilities as a Magician to influence the Universe. I feel that with NAP, the true merit comes from the unique way it gets you to participate using your own 'magic power' with the spirits so to speak, whereas this is not brought up in many other books and traditions, which instead utilise the power of Light, God, supreme authority, LVX or whatever. This is Light as You, or 'New Avatar Power' as Cobb puts it cornily and yet effectively.


I would not recommend the love spell unless you want full on declarations of love or desire. I honestly think the spirits of Venus invoked seriously imbalance the desired person in favor of romance towards you.

My result manifested specifically in a declaration of love, not lust, and whilst I will be taking things slow - I feel there was a certain fervor you would not ordinarily get at the start of a non-Venus-influenced relationship.

From now on, I will be taking it slow and careful :)

Don't think I will be using that one again in a hurry...This was almost as extreme as the time I summoned Sitri for a date, and it turned out to be someone only interested in a fling :/

Gotta say,
In the name of EL, whoah.
Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est

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Magister Templi
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Re: Update: Results from NAP Love Enchantment

Post#2 » Mon May 19, 2014 8:30 am

Um, I would like to add that I didn't end up having to have a serious chat with the person mentioned in the prior post.
The spell seemed to just suddenly work, and things just turned out that way, with basically circumstance and barely any effort on my part beyond going on the internet...
Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est

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Re: Update: Results from NAP Love Enchantment

Post#3 » Mon May 19, 2014 8:47 am

Astar_Mundi wrote:So...It ended up working. Was NOT expecting this. So that's a total of 5 days I believe, of using the excite love spell.

Results were not boring, they were pretty full on.
Don't think I will be using that one again in a hurry...This was almost as extreme as the time I summoned Sitri for a date, and it turned out to be someone only interested in a fling :/

Gotta say,
In the name of EL, whoah.

Congrats :P

Do trust that you will get what you wished for but not always in the way you think that it will happen.
Back in 2007 I got more than I bargained for. I wrote a list of everything I would want in my perfect partner and what I would bring to the relationship. After I week I decided that I wanted a different type on man looks wise and I go that. The thing is the first guy turned out to be very obsessed and told everyone that he was going marry me etc. calling me 4am.... Yes I did ask for a man who loves me more than anything in this world for who I am. When I wen back over my list months after, I freaked out and ripped the whole thing up. :twisted: :rofl I can laugh now but it was a lesson well learnt.

I am also glad for you that you got what you wanted - a specific person. You can now use this good example in other areas in your life to have trust.

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Magister Templi
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Re: Update: Results from NAP Love Enchantment

Post#4 » Mon May 19, 2014 9:05 am

Lol that definitely sounds extreme :?

yeah, very wary of unbalanced Venus spirits - they are renowned to create obsession.
I'm sorry to hear yours went like that : (

Thanks as well... and for the prior advice too :)
Whilst arguably the person in question wasn't disinterested before (and was apparently interested all along), it is rather an interesting and 'magical' coincidence.

Even without adding anything metaphysical in, I'd say the excite love spell gives you more confidence than before. Which will obviously get you more dates.
Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est

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Posts: 58

Re: Update: Results from NAP Love Enchantment

Post#5 » Mon May 19, 2014 10:11 am

Astar_Mundi wrote:Lol that definitely sounds extreme :?

Thanks as well... and for the prior advice too :)
Whilst arguably the person in question wasn't disinterested before (and was apparently interested all along), it is rather an interesting and 'magical' coincidence.

Your welcome! Just to clear things up I do not believe myself or any of the other replies you had was under the impression that the person was disinterested but fed up for that moment. Keeping in mind that 90% of communication is body language is nonverbal.

Anyways, I thank you for sharing and I look forward to your NAP future experiences.
Later on today I will decided to go for the career success or the excite love. I know for me it's best to do one thing at a time until I get the results. Normally it can take anything from 8-30 days from once I start. I have read here that some people it takes 2 months. However I will know after day 7 if things will work out. When the NAP ball starts rolling for me I will be sure ti work my magick forever. One of my regrets was to stop tapping into to the universe.

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Magister Templi
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Re: Update: Results from NAP Love Enchantment

Post#6 » Mon May 19, 2014 10:26 am


I think tapping into the power of the universe was how we were meant to live our lives all along. And the illusion is that we are utterly helpless before external forces ;)

A very good illusion most of the time :b especially when its bills payday.

Good luck with your endeavours!
Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est

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Re: Update: Results from NAP Love Enchantment

Post#7 » Wed May 21, 2014 7:25 am

Astar_Mundi wrote:I would not recommend the love spell unless you want full on declarations of love or desire. I honestly think the spirits of Venus invoked seriously imbalance the desired person in favor of romance towards you.

My result manifested specifically in a declaration of love, not lust, and whilst I will be taking things slow - I feel there was a certain fervor you would not ordinarily get at the start of a non-Venus-influenced relationship.

I love hearing about your results, and I have to agree with the above. I used this spell on two occasions. The first was for a casual fling when there was no real connection. It was very casual wishful thinking, and nothing happened.

But the next time, the pathways were open. I didn't realise they were open, because I thought the person in question had no interest in me. She did. The spell pushed her from silence to open declaration of love. I was massively impressed. Big love followed and we're still together.

So it seems useless as a seduction spell, but to kick love into action, when emotions are already simmering, it is astounding.
Adventures in Practical Magick with Damon Brand at http://www.galleryofmagick.com

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Magister Templi
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Re: Update: Results from NAP Love Enchantment

Post#8 » Wed May 21, 2014 7:33 am

Yeah, I will admit...on the last thread I opened on this topic, I was -sort of-
expecting something like her making an aggressive physical move during the 'date' I went on with her, after doing the excite spell whilst at home preparing to go out to the date. That certainly did not happen - women will not start climbing all over you if you use the EL spell :rofl That would be kind of cool, but ...have to keep working on the skills I believe ;)
Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est

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Re: Update: Results from NAP Love Enchantment

Post#9 » Sat Aug 23, 2014 4:31 am

Is the relationship still going strong?
Magic is possible because life is a dream.

Posts: 54

Re: Update: Results from NAP Love Enchantment

Post#10 » Sat Aug 23, 2014 4:54 am

Congrats! Remember to add "pepper" on the date, spirits give you the opportunity and now you're the one to act (you're both a team, spirits bring opportunities and you get profit of it or not depending on your "ACT"itude)
:Thank You

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