Request from Geof Gray-Cobbs Daughter

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Request from Geof Gray-Cobbs Daughter

Post#1 » Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:44 pm

Morning All,
I received this e-mail and am posting it as I truly believe there are beautiful people out there who do amazing work. If you could please read it, as there is a comment in it that truly surprised me and I know that what she speaks of is true. Please use your energy to do the Healing Clearing that she talks about Thanks All. For those of you who do not know, Geoff Gray- Cobb passed over on May 12th 2009 at 11am and was cremated on May 13th at 11am.

Hello Vicki, my name is Erin. I have been a fan of your father's work for years and I had the privilege of conversing with him through email.

I'm not sure how this is going to sound to you, but I'm a gifted clairvoyant and I communicate with the Other Side. I got to thinking about your father and our interactions and invited him to be present with me so that I could offer him a healing. He connected with me and I offered him a healing, but he wouldn't clear. When people Cross Over, I experience what I call "Pain Memory". I can tell how people died through this. I have been told that they cannot access the Highest Levels of Creator when they retain this low, dense energy in their Matrix. Usually they clear instantly, because when people Cross Over, they no longer have the lower ego, but I couldn't get him to clear no matter how many times I attempted it. I was told that people are holding him in the memory of that 'pain'. I think a lot of his fans keep his death in their memory. If you could post something that asks that people allow him to enter the energy of perfect Health and strength, I think he will be able to clear better. He also told me that there is some worry with your business and his wife's, that his death may make the work less popular or accepted. If you will clear that and 'forgive' him, release him from that obligation, I believe he will be healed.

He's waiting to incarnate because he has new work to do in this new energy. He is a teacher and he is meant to come in with an entirely new perspective and teaching, but he cannot do this until he has been cleared.

Thank you for your time reading this.

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 589

Re: Request from Geof Gray-Cobbs Daughter

Post#2 » Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:36 pm

To Viki, Maia and Geoff --

I simply send my love and gratitude to your family for a life changing experience, knowledge and good things.


Posts: 248

Re: Request from Geof Gray-Cobbs Daughter

Post#3 » Tue Sep 15, 2009 4:10 am

My deepest and best feeling for You, Maia and Geoff...even though I never have the privilege of know or talk to him, his memory lives in us -and I dare to talk on behalf of many members of this forum- because we really appreciate his works and the real person behind them, he changed our lives and our perspectives for the better, is hard to let him go, is something that for sure is happening at and unconscious level, unnoticed to us...nevertheless I think that the healing work can be enhanced if we (individually) ask to one of the Angels of his works to help him go towards the light.


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Brother Suroh

Re: Request from Geof Gray-Cobbs Daughter

Post#4 » Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:51 pm

He was a great person, I am more then sure that when the proper time comes he will move on there where he is meant to go. The world would defiantly be extremely blessed if the great teacher returned but remember he has trained and gave many new aspiring magi there first footing into the vast world of the occult, and who knows how enlightened the great man was before he passed? For all we know he was a far more then an astrologer and adept magian he could have been far more. I give my gratitude to this great person and he has helped me more then all the occult figures I have researched. He gives many a good aspriation of a path that is sustainable and very fullfilling the occult world needs more people of his likeness.

So here 's to you Cobb. I know your out there somewhere. :ugeek: 8-) :D

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Adeptus Major
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Re: Request from Geof Gray-Cobbs Daughter

Post#5 » Sat Nov 21, 2009 3:45 pm

I'm sticking my neck out here by being so new, but I'm NOT new to working with people who've passed, to heal and support them (some in my own family, including one of my parents) and I just did a - let's call it, "search" for Mr G-C and I can feel that he's now passed on and through just fine, and also that any enmeshments he had at that point would have been as a part of his clearance of past unwanted energies, so that he can progress into a higher frame of work.

Most of us have to deal with past impressions (call them karma or whatever, though in normal usage that's used to denote judgemental retribution, which is incorrect) in our embodied lives: however a very few gifted or otherwise evolved people get the opportunity to "biurn them off" between lives, where in truth it's simpler, the reasons are known, and the whole process is simpler.

I have worked with people in this phase and believe it to be the case here - I believe him to be on his way to the next incarnation, which judging by the gifts he's given us all in his most recent life, will be astronomical!!
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