My first evocation of Elubatel

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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My first evocation of Elubatel

Post#1 » Tue May 17, 2016 3:00 am

Well, I spent half of the day yesterday and half of the day today compiling an article about Elubatel for SA Encyclopaedia:


And I did my best to do it from my comfortable armchair position especially as it was not my intention at all to evoke Elubatel.

And the more I went on reading about this great angel, the more I was determined not to evoke him, especially having in mind Summerland's crazy ride with Elubatel and other odd things connected with that omnipotent angel such as weird currents, tsunami effect, depression, abrupt changes and other things which I don't need in my life.

It is not that I am afraid or that I am not prepared for that. I mean, my life has already been turned upside down many times due to my magical working with spirits. I already got to know what depression is and I am familiar with tsunami, typhoons and odd currents.

And I don't need a new job. At the end I don't need any job at all to be totally honest. I care not about my career and I am not ambitious. I was once, but it all had been gone long time ago due to the effect of my working with some other spirits.

So, why would I need Elubatel?

The more I was thinking that way, the more Elubatel's appearance was more apparent in my room while I was writing and compiling.

I heard him clearly. I felt his presence clearly. I even smell that sweet wine odour from him. But I ignored him. I felt terrible headache, but I thought it must be because of my previous compilation I made about Dynamis. It was actually him I wanted to evoke, but alas Elubatel was faster.

So, I ignored all of those signs of Elubatel's presence, but while I was writing, off course, I had to read all of NAP incantations and additionally look through all of those sigils of him made by SA members. All of that only made Elubatel's presence stronger.

I did not want to communicate with him as it would be a sign that I accepted his presence. If I could communicate with him, I would have told him that I am engaged currently with Shem Angels, Tarot and the whole bunch of Bardon's spirits and that maybe I have not capacity for him too. As I did not communicate, those were my internal thoughts, but I was somehow sure that Elubatel had no difficulty to hear me.

So, finally an hour ago, I finished this article for SA, turned off my labtob and went to sleep asking myself:

Who evoked who? Me Elubatel or Elubatel me? Well, as a matter a fact after two years of not doing anything on that Encyclopaedia, the first spirit I chose to write about was Dynamis (11 pages - OK not much) and than Elubatel (OMG - 156 pages). Even that did not discourage me from him.

So, I went to sleep, but Elubatel was there. I asked him, OK, please, tell me, why did I evoke you? Am I the worthy one?

He said nothing about that, but gave me suggestion to tie with rope everything which is dear to me, friends, home, children, parents, sister, family, job...and stick the rope to the ground so that they don't move during tsunami.

I asked him: how should I tie them? Each one with a rope? To the ground? Not an easy task. He said, through strong imagination (you fool - he did not say that, but that was what he thought).

OK, once I started this conversation, I remembered Gilberto's wise advice and according to it asked him if he is willing to help.

I further explained, that many other spirits are already there helping me in certain issues, and he said that he will not oppose them. He said he will just boost them. He asked me what I specifically want, and I explained him shortly about all of my old important business related issues and if he can help there.

So, we will see.

On the side note, I think that this article about Elubatel on SA Encyclopaedia, has this magical potential to evoke Elubatel just through reading. So, please, be careful about that.

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1618

Re: My first evocation of Elubatel

Post#2 » Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:36 am

One very interesting thing about Elubatel that I've noticed over the 7 years of working with him full time is that many magicians will get something...a small bit of result and think it's done...not done. When you ask the omnipotent angels for something they are in it for the long haul, not some scrap of a result. Also, fighting against the current only lengthens any discomfort one has while the work is moving you to what you asked for. That work will continue whether you fight against it or will continue until it's done. If the magician chooses to get right into the actual meat of the energy.

There are very different experiences if one waters down the connection. I'm of the opinion this is not just a Elubatel thing, it is standard.
Live lightly.

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