
The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Re: Dynamis

Post#11 » Wed Jul 11, 2018 3:03 am

WolfAmongSheep wrote:
dron wrote:I think i decoded the word of power cobb wanted to give.

It's an attempt to spell the greek word ''αγλαοτίμιτη'' which means ''splendour honoured''..As you can see, the greek translation reffers to a female,otherwise the word would be ''αγλαότιμος'' or ''αγλαοτίμητος'', which means the same but in the male version..

Dynamis is a greek word and it's a female.(η δυναμις)

You can click the audition button to hear the right pronounciation.

https://translate.google.com/?hl=el#el/ ... F%84%CE%B7

Have you tried this pronunciation? The other way works fine as well. I wonder what the difference is.

The name came to me while i was siting in a public park,so i decided to do a little research about it.
For the moment i'm not doing NAP,but it thoughted it would be a good idea to share it,and i had used the chant in the past.
I see no reason why to use a ''near close'' while you have the original one.And don't forget that it's a word to command and close the chant,so at least you have to know what it means.

Why don't you try for your self?The only difference is that now you know what it means,you know the right pronunciation,and you know that dynamis it's a female power.
Other's might want to know the meaning of the words they are speaking.It's not only about if it works or not.

Knowing the forces you're calling upon,can also help to avoid parasites and other unwanted entities,cause your inner self is informed about the current you want to tap into.The more you know,the better.

And when we say that something ''works'',i think it's a topic that needs a lot of discussion.
An ounce of experience is worth a pound of theory.

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Re: Dynamis

Post#12 » Wed Jul 11, 2018 8:24 am

This is interesting. I was just thinking about how the goddess, Gayatri, is said to be the personified form of a passage from the Vedas. Dynamis seems comparable—a spirit that doesn't come from a catalogue, per se, but from an expression in words. Mage Magick comments on this, citing the possibility that "Dynamis" actually calls an entire range of angels:

Before I do this though, it would seem that similar to YECHOEL, who I previously mentoned, the spirit
(Mightiest) DYNAMIS, also appears to *not* be a spirit, yet another word to describe something. In this case, it
means “Miraculous Powers”. Appropriate, seeing as the name of the book has the word “Miracle” in the title
and also because this spell is the Incantation to Give Power Over Others. The fascinating thing though, is that
upon further research, it seems that this word is actually used to describe a class of angels as well. So this spell
would seem to have the potential to tap into a whole pantheon of angel spirits perhaps. As an aside, pretty
much any copy that one could find of this book, ‘The Miracle of New Avatar Power’ would be a used one, as it
was published in the 1970’s and is now out of print. The page with this spell on it, in the hardback edition that I
have, is the only page that has a crease on it from it’s previous owner. Possibly hintng that they really liked the
power from this spell and used it a lot. Or maybe it even says something about the power that DYNAMIS had
over them, seeing how it was the only page that was folded at its corner. Perhaps bending ones will like the
page. . . . So what this tells me, is that these FORCES, are not necessarily spirits, beings, or entities, but more like a power that one is invoking, similar to a Hebrew God name, or other words of power that someone performing magic
might use. (my emphasis, https://magemagick.blogspot.com/2016/01/shem-angels-genii-and-nap.html)

If this is so, then we get even more insight into what a crafty magician Gray-Cobb actually was. He's not just structuring the grimoire around individual entities from spirit catalogues. He's also "compressing" particular ranges ("pantheons") of spirits and personifying them as individuals. It reminds me of Nathan Elkana's method in Taking Control of a Group Through Occult Manipulation, where you visualize a group as a single individual who embodies every member.
Aradia: Letters from the Dark Moon

If something is hard, do it more. Don't run away.

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Re: Dynamis

Post#13 » Wed Jul 11, 2018 1:12 pm

dron wrote:
The name came to me while i was siting in a public park,so i decided to do a little research about it.
For the moment i'm not doing NAP,but it thoughted it would be a good idea to share it,and i had used the chant in the past.
I see no reason why to use a ''near close'' while you have the original one.And don't forget that it's a word to command and close the chant,so at least you have to know what it means.

Why don't you try for your self?The only difference is that now you know what it means,you know the right pronunciation,and you know that dynamis it's a female power.
Other's might want to know the meaning of the words they are speaking.It's not only about if it works or not.

Knowing the forces you're calling upon,can also help to avoid parasites and other unwanted entities,cause your inner self is informed about the current you want to tap into.The more you know,the better.

And when we say that something ''works'',i think it's a topic that needs a lot of discussion.

Very interesting! I have had great success invoking Dynamis in the past, though the impression that I always got was a very strong and masculine energy. I usually got tossed to the wolves whenever I asked for help. Perhaps Cobbs interpretation of the WoP was based on his regional dialect. Canadians pronounce things slightly different than the English used in either the US or the UK. I am working with the Mystic Grimoire right now, but will be back to NAP later this year. I will make a note of this in my notebook and see where it goes.


So what this tells me, is that these FORCES, are not necessarily spirits, beings, or entities, but more like a power that one is invoking, similar to a Hebrew God name, or other words of power that someone performing magic

There has been discussion that the Genius' being used are the embodiment of various virtues. Perhaps everything that can be invoked in NAP is the same? A virtue or character that one will eventually come to make a part of themselves as they remove old foibles?
Of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lust is definitely the pick of the litter ~ Anon

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Posts: 2740

Re: Dynamis

Post#14 » Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:58 am

WolfAmongSheep wrote:There has been discussion that the Genius' being used are the embodiment of various virtues. Perhaps everything that can be invoked in NAP is the same? A virtue or character that one will eventually come to make a part of themselves as they remove old foibles?

:goodpost It's possible. Everything starts to get very fluid and relative once you start personifying groups of things. Take that idea along with Grant Morrison's "hypersigil" (https://logomancy.blogspot.com/2008/03/what-is-hypersigil.html)—which is all about embedding objects as magical foci in a narrative structure—and you're pretty much investing yourself with the power to recreate anything as a magician. It boggles the mind. Groups become personified as individuals. Individuals open up to reveal groups ("I contain multitudes"). History becomes a magical performance interchangeable with fiction, poetry, art, etc. Time is subsumed by narrative structure and pacing. And everything is magic. I've always thought of a grimoire as a story being told by culture in magical terms. NAP is this, I think.
Aradia: Letters from the Dark Moon

If something is hard, do it more. Don't run away.

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