The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb


Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#281 » Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:43 pm

Thank You sooo much, i made a very little modification that i changed "i command you" to i "ask" because you know i want to maintain a positive relationship with these beings and don't want to appear as an abusive person to them.

When my wish is fulfilled i will also light some candles and say thanks.

Maybe you guys remember the part from "Frabato the Magician" when the grand master of the COTGD order invokes demons and when issuing commands he is very hostile, and the demons say: "we only fulfill your wish because of your pact with our master but otherwise we would just kill you, little arrogant mage".

So what i learned from that is that I need to pay respect to the beings whom help I wish to use.

It is great to be a part of this forum, respect to You all guys :)

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Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#282 » Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:01 am

If I were you I would stick to the original meanings of words. The point is that some NAP practitioners reported lack of results or even worse when they were asking. Especially think again about giving any offerings to the spirits afterwards. I think that in topic about Elublatel - command or be grateful you might find some ideas. Read the NAP forum - its full of advice that will save your time :D

Commanding is not impolite or abusive as long as you do it with respect. Someone compared it to being a good boss that commands his employees - he is polite, yet demanding and especially does not give any additional money after employee did his job. You give orders with authority for it is your will to be done. That is how I see this issue.


Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#283 » Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:04 am

Hmm... Very thought-provoking. Okay man, i will stick to the original form :) and see what happens


Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#284 » Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:14 am

I've got a question about this book, in the presentation it looks like a lot of other 70's books.
I usually work with old grimoires, so - cause I don't have the book right now to control myself - what's the differences between it and other grimoires? It's a collection of "recipes" or it explains things too?

Thank you for the answers.

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O Delano
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Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#285 » Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:06 pm

Basically, it's a book of recipes, but they're exceedingly easy to do in comparison with the results most of its users report.

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Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#286 » Fri Nov 26, 2010 5:15 am

S.Anguis wrote:I've got a question about this book, in the presentation it looks like a lot of other 70's books.
I usually work with old grimoires, so - cause I don't have the book right now to control myself - what's the differences between it and other grimoires? It's a collection of "recipes" or it explains things too?

Thank you for the answers.

It is watered down Golden Dawn magic, extremely simplified and use simple spells with some random entities and a word of power. Typical new-age mishmash that is failed attempt to create shortcut in magic. I tried it and it doesn't work. Sometimes it happen to give some half-assed results, as seen in one thread in this chapter of the forum.
There was a testimony of another Finbarr book, which is shortcut that really works - it's called Holy Squares of Divine Magic.
Last edited by Seavel on Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#287 » Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:02 pm

It's just another tool for magical workings. The only difference is it's simplicity and short form of rituals (short cut in magic is nice) whereas in classic grimoires it's usually more complicated and you need to have decent background on other classical works to make them work (imho). Here you get complete system with required minimum information to make your magic work. One drawback though - the success stories are way to 'tv shop' style, but some say that this is publisher's trick to make it more popular in '70.


Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#288 » Fri Nov 26, 2010 6:05 pm

Guys, i think that it is a great system, it works wonders for me so far, i will post success stories in the appropriate topic.

And i really love this forum, so much great information and so many fantastic users, this is the most valuable forum ive encountered so far.

However, ive got a technical type question here: ive read in a lot of places that keeping your sexual energy can make all your spells and magical workings more affective. Now I have a dilemma: should i totally keep away from having sex on the days i perform the NAP rituals or i should just not let my energies go in the act (ejaculating). Or maybe that all is not really necessary.

I would much appreciate if You shared your thoughts. Thanks for the great community!

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Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#289 » Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:33 am

I simply stick to what the book says. As for NAP I don't care - I simply have a good time with my girlfriend :) and perform my workings as usual. I haven't noticed any drawbacks afterwards so far... In other book of fr. Malak - the Mystic Grimoire, you find advice about sexual activity before the rites. Maybe someone more experienced would share their point of view...


Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#290 » Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:22 pm

Thanks for the answer :)
A relative of mine is using this system too acting on my advice, but it is possible that she pronounces the words of power incorrectly. It is the rekindle of mate's interest chant, the words are: VEDGE-EED-OR-AH-MEET-EYE

In fact i see only 2 ways of getting it right: 1st, see a phonetic writing, 2nd, hear from a recording. She is pronouncing the words if they had meaning in English: VEDGE - like "badge", EED - like "weed", MEET - like "to meet a person", EYE: - like "eye - part of the body"

Im really feeling strange because i can not give an advice to her about pronounciation, because i have no clue on how are these words intended to use, and i would like her to get results just like me.

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