Nap Success Stories

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

Frater Synadelfos
Posts: 121

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#141 » Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:53 am

I have been working with NAP in various ways since October. Back in September I presented a talk about Agrippa here in the UK. Apart from being an enjoyable day, two further good things happened to me: 1) I was told about this website. It was described to me as the best magical forum on the net…and I reckon they were right. 2) By coming here I remembered about NAP.

I had been interested in buying the book for around two years, but the prices of the book were very pricey, and I was in a cash dip at the time. I had logged the details on a memory stick which then stopped working so I could no longer remember the name of the author of the book or the book title!

After being prompted by this site I found a reasonably priced copy and set to work. I must say I am impressed by this system. I was already familiar with the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and the Middle Pillar, but it was the chants and the Point A Ritual that really got my juices going.

The method I use is based on the book but not really identical to the book. I sit with my back to Arzel rather than face her/him. I simply sit in a chair and read aloud the Point A Ritual and then chose one or more of the chants. I have found that I drawn to more than one chant sometimes to tackle one problem from a number of aspects. This works fine for me.

I discovered that the best way for me to work with all the spirits of this book was to ask them to locate their points of reference in my body and charge them. What I mean by this is that, as a microcosm of the macrocosm I must have aspects of this spirits in my mind/body etc, and by exchanging a charge with the spirit I can become a talisman for the objective I seek/desire rather than sending the spirit off to do my will. In other words I draw to me the changes I want.

I would like to share two successes I have had with the spirit Elubatel, continuing the theme of the message above.

Back in October I was required to attend a meeting in a town some 20 miles away. I don’t drive and had positioned myself geographically to be able to get to a number of our offices but not all. To get to the office I needed to go to, I would have to walk 6 miles in the early hours (not a problem), then try and catch an early bus in a village to get to a town to make a connection to the town I needed. This involved (typical for the UK) going 11 miles in the wrong direction.

I was particularly apprehensive as I do not get on well with my boss and wanted to make damn sure I was there. So I got up and did my usual morning ritual and included the invocation to Elubatel.

The spirit reassured me that I would make the bus on time and all my travel arrangements would be perfect. I was worried that there was only two minutes between one connection.

So off I went for the first leg of the journey….my torch failed on a main road lol. I was not sure that I was going to make the first connection. However, I arrived in a village still some 4 miles outside of the first village I needed reach to catch the bus as advertised.

Coming the other way, the wrong way, was the first bus! I signalled to the driver and he completely ignored me. A wave of panic overtook me, but I reminded myself how adamant Elubatel had been. Sure enough the bus turned around and stopped to pick me up, four miles near home at a stop and time not advertised on the website.

However, the price for the ticket I needed had gone up. Being in a tight financial situation at that particular time I was concerned that I did not have the money. I put my hand in my pocket and found the exact amount of money needed to buy an unlimited day ticket. I got to the bus station and made my connection comfortably within the two minutes as the bus I was on parked next to the bus I needed to get on. I arrived early for the meeting, spoke at the meeting and even got the support of my not so friendly boss.

I left and walked on to a bus and was on my way home when I got the vibe to get off at the next town. If I did get off I would still be some distance from home with no connection, but the feeling persisted and I felt a connection to Elubatel. The spirit informed me that there would be transport all the way home but I needed to get off at the next town and go and see a friend who recently moved back to the area. According to Elubatel, there would be a visitor at my friend’s house with a car. Sure enough there was. In fact both my friends were formally in an old magical group with me some 10 years previously and were just talking about me as I rang the doorbell. I had not seen one of the friends for around 5 years. We did an impromptu working and later after food I was driven to my door as Elubatel had said.

The second time I worked with this spirit has been over the last couple of weeks. I have some money invested in a scheme that I have had a feeling I should cash in. For various reasons which would be too complicated to go into, it made sense to opt out and ask for the balance to be sent to my bank so I could use the money over Christmas. All went smoothly until just before Mercury went retrograde on the 10th. Having made the arrangements to have the money transferred back in November I saw no reason why this would present problems. But something was nagging at the back of my mind. So I called on Elubatel and he/she informed me all was not well and in fact some important bits of information where not known to me. Sure enough I had been misinformed about the process and the company had not given me the correct form to fill in to access my money. To process this new form would take a further 25 working days at least, which to due having paid out for a major repair to my home, would mean I would have no money to live on over the Christmas period. I felt down to say the least.

As I walked back to my house I suddenly felt different about the situation and it came to me to go home, clean the house, feed the animals, bathe and perform the ritual associated with Elubatel. Through the Tarot Elubatel informed me I would have the money I needed but not from an expected source and the key to my success would be to adopt the attitude of the spirit.

Back at work the following day, from out of the blue, a friend who I had been out of contact with for a short while, but in the past worked on a few projects with, sent me an e-mail asking me if I would like some money! Obviously this was a loan, but I would have the money to cover what I needed easily and shortly have the cash to pay him back. The e-mail came without any prompt. In fact this was not the only offer of support I had.

The interesting thing about all of this is, like the previous message by [V], there are things which let me know that Elubatel is on the case, and they for me, are all to do with transport. The day after the invocations and the day of the e-mails etc of support it throw it down with snow. I got into work but the buses were no longer running which meant a 10 mile walk home in dangerous conditions. Again I received advice “go to the bus station”, this was nuts, no buses were running. I did go, and a driver was about to leave to go home and offered me a lift all the way back to my village. Back in the village, I went to the shop and bought some bread, came out and was offered another lift to my house by a driver who just stopped on a dangerous and icy junction, like he was compelled. I pointed out this was not necessary as my house was literally yards away, but he insisted. As I got out of the car my inner voice said “Does this seem familiar?”

It does seem that this spirit likes to do patterns of things to let you know he/she is working.

A side note before I end. Through reading the threads here I have noticed that Geof Gray-Cobb changed his mind over his approach to these spirits, changing from a commanding stance to a more reverential stance. I myself perform the more commanding invocation and then when the spirit has made contact I bless the spirit as a child of God and thank the Divine for its creation and office…this seems to work.

Lastly, when invoking Elubatel, when I come to the communion/mediation point I get a sense of someone being in the room, and if my eyes are closed I can actually sense where he/she is standing and sense them move, just like you would with a physical person as the spirit blocks out light momentarily as they move around the room.

Kind regards,


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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2335

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#142 » Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:26 am

Thank you for sharing! Elubatel never ceases to amaze me. :goodpost
Remember 'For the Man of Religion, Believes in God, The Magician, Knows God.'
(Ars Solomonis)


Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#143 » Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:18 pm

Just found a PDF copy and reading it as we speak. I'll let you know what I get out of it.

Frater Synadelfos
Posts: 121

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#144 » Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:27 am

Over the Christmas period I had a guest staying with me. On Boxing Day, amidst a burst pipe and flood water, we had a text saying that a child of a friend of my guest had been rushed into hospital due to a severe infection, and now was causing the hospital stuff some concern.

Grabbing what ritual equipment I could I set up an altar on my massage couch (the temple being out of action) in the spare bedroom and told my guest to stop clearing up the mess and focus on what was really important. I advised him to bring this child to the attention of as many healers etc. he knew, and through the wonders of modern technology (an iPhone) he evoked the support needed.

After the use of the usual primaries (banishing etc.), I used the invocation for bringing health and called on the angels Zoriel and Sabriel. Due to not having a link with the child (having never met him) I had my friend help by focusing his desire for the child to be well into an unlit candle that I had baptised as the child. For a space of time we held the candle in our hands and poured I desire to see this child well. I then read the invocation five times, the number of Geburah for physical health and stamina.

Due to the Moon waning I asked the angels including Raphael to banish any disease or malady, then lit the candle seeing this flame as the angelic power banishing the illness as the flame consumed the candle. I then proceeded to use a singing bowl to help keep the mood of positive meditation and also as part of my visualisation of seeing the 3 year old well.

My friend, an experienced healer was not convinced that the child would pull through, but my experience of candle magic and using candle magic for healing told me otherwise, despite the medical facts. Over the years I have noticed that if a flame is active (flickering and being pulled as if on a piece of string in one direction) then the patient is fighting the illness and is pulling on the magic. If the candle is steady and strong, the corner has been turned and the patient is in recovery. If the flame bobs up and down, the patient is in and out of their body and is possibly preparing for death. If the flame shrinks, then the crossing over has already begun. The flame of the child was rigid and strong despite a windy night (incidentally I have also noticed that enchanted candles will behave in the way previously described despite the atmosphere of the house/temple etc.), the child as far as I was concerned was resting and on the mend.

The following day a message was sent from the father to my friend saying the child had gone from being very ill to being released from hospital and was at home opening his presents.

Blessings to all angels.


Posts: 284

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#145 » Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:03 am

What an amazing story! Thanks for sharing that with us and thank you for the explanations on candle flame. If you don't mind I'm printing this one out for my notebook.

Frater Synadelfos
Posts: 121

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#146 » Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:12 am

Yeah sure go ahead. Bit of an honour going into your notebook :bow


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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#147 » Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:13 am

Success with the "Invocation for Money" . . .

Lately, I’ve been short on cash. The emotional fallout of the holiday season was bad enough. But the collateral damage on my bank account left me with some hard decisions for the new year. Like: do I live off reserve canned goods for a month (or two) and secure the rent or do I wing it as usual? Instead of making such a call, I decided to follow in the footsteps of Crowley and simply assume that I could produce the necessary rent via magic. If I failed, well, I’d deal with that when I had to. Looking back, that sort of “magical” thinking seems reckless and stupid. But part of leading the magical life is believing in your own abilities.

So I went forward and began performing the “Invocation for Money.” My practice of NAP has remained fairly consistent over the years: NAP Power Ritual; Ritual for Opening of the Gates; Power Circulation Ritual; Power Fountain Ritual; Bornless Invocation; Main Invocation (where Nitika is invoked); and ending with the Seal of Dee Hay Thooth. The first day of the Invocation, I located $20 that I didn’t know about. The second day, I received a back paycheck from a freelance gig for $450. With $470 more added to my bank account, I could afford utilities, rent, and basic groceries for January. Amazing? Certainly. But not surprising. The magic truly is real.

Aradia: Letters from the Dark Moon

If something is hard, do it more. Don't run away.

Posts: 22

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#148 » Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:07 am

I haven't read the entire posts here but I will soon.

I have only recently started working with NAP and the day after doing the money chant, I got $2. Not much I know, but so far it has been promising. I'm getting more and more opportunities for income and lately even got an easy writing job. This is far better than what I had experienced using other forms of magick for money. Also, I think the reason why I didn't get money immediately (I get paid for work on Monday) is that I usually don't visualize the result or event. I just observe the visions during the 2-5 minute calm.

I look forward to hearing more from everyone here. The stories are definitely inspiring.
Those who say it cannot be done need to get out of the way of the people who are doing it.
- Confucius

Practical Mental Influence audio

Posts: 22

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#149 » Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:06 am

Just keeping you guys updated.

Second day of doing the gold ritual I got a payment for a product I sold and my salary came earlier than expected. :) It should be noted I just used the very basic as suggested by the book because I'm just starting out with NAP. I will try the combinations suggested here by others once I'm done with the rest of the book so I can compare the results.

I've been quite busy (in a good way ^_^) lately that I haven't had time to read after the seventh page of the posts here. But I will endeavor to do so so I can learn more about how others do it. :)


Those who say it cannot be done need to get out of the way of the people who are doing it.
- Confucius

Practical Mental Influence audio

Posts: 2

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#150 » Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:34 am

Hello I'm new to the forums, this is such a great page. I wanted to share my experiences with the New Avatar Power. I have been doing the ritual for money and it's been a total success. I started the 5th of January of this year, and since then I've been given back money the Phone Company, and the Government of my Country (Spain, ¡Vivan los torros!), in my job they've offered me extra hours and maybe soon a promotion. Ok, but I have not finished yet, I just discovered 3 days ago I had earned 600€ in a bank account I had forgotten I owned.

INCREDIBLE, it really works. Just like Geoff Gray-Cobb points, they seem coincidences (but they aren't). So I'm keeping on with this little jewel.

Cheers and give it a chance

PS: Another note, is I feel more positive about everything in general, since I've started with the NAP rituals :D

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