My NAP problem

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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My NAP problem

Post#1 » Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:49 am

Hi there everybody

I have been into the NAP for a while now, to be exact it is my 12th ritual today.

I always preform the banishing of evil ritual at the beginning then i do my NAP then the requested ritual after that. In this case it is "chant to bring success".

my 11th ritual went very good on the NAP part, i felt pressure on my forehead and didn't feel my body at all.It was so strong that i couldn't do my chant.

Regarding my NAP I do not see anything wrong with it, I like to keep it this simple and short. And I always focus on my intentions and pause during the chant.

Well my problem Is that I do not feel good, I am depressed. And the girl I want and doing the ritual for have been an total disaster. Like hitting into a wall :jkj .

Could this be because of my approach or am I doing something very wrong. I am feeling really down, so bad that I sometimes get dark thoughts. Not that I want to kill myself, Its just that I am thinking what if thoughts.

Could someone please help me and give me advise. should I stop or should continue... maybe try to reach my mentor ?

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O Delano
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Re: My NAP problem

Post#2 » Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:10 am

My last few NAP rituals failed on me too. To be honest, they actually worked exactly opposite to what I asked for and pretty much wrecked me up for a couple of months. I still have effects from one of them.

But in my case I'm not sure if the fault lies with the way I was doing NAP or with some other condition I suspect I may be under.

In either case, I recommend contacting your mentor. Also, repeat the ritual, but before ending it, address the spirits and ask them what's wrong.

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Re: My NAP problem

Post#3 » Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:23 am

O Delano wrote:My last few NAP rituals failed on me too. To be honest, they actually worked exactly opposite to what I asked for and pretty much wrecked me up for a couple of months. I still have effects from one of them.

But in my case I'm not sure if the fault lies with the way I was doing NAP or with some other condition I suspect I may be under.

In either case, I recommend contacting your mentor. Also, repeat the ritual, but before ending it, address the spirits and ask them what's wrong.

It's weird but a similar thing just happened to me; I used the general purpose invocation...and I got the complete opposite of what I asked. I did the ritual about five hours back, and two hours after I used it I got the "results". Good thing I didn't ask for anything big. :shock:
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke

Posts: 138

Re: My NAP problem

Post#4 » Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:26 am

^- have you tried courting the girl? If you just relied on the ritual to let her notice you, your chances of getting her to love you are decreased.

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Re: My NAP problem

Post#5 » Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:36 am

WaitingVainly wrote:^- have you tried courting the girl? If you just relied on the ritual to let her notice you, your chances of getting her to love you are decreased.

:lol: lol it had nothing to do with getting a girl; I asked for help with a psychological problem (can't say what it is, it's personal) but all I got was a situation that made things a lot worse. Kinda like trying to teach a kid to swim by leaving him in the middle of the ocean...Maybe the spirits thought it would help, I dunno. :|
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke

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Re: My NAP problem

Post#6 » Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:08 pm

I will try to contact my mentor for the first time now, I will let you guys know how it goes.

I just want everything to be as it was right now, i hope something or someone will contact me and slap me in the face and make me do the right things right now.

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Re: My NAP problem

Post#7 » Thu Feb 03, 2011 2:03 pm

Pax wrote:
O Delano wrote:My last few NAP rituals failed on me too. To be honest, they actually worked exactly opposite to what I asked for and pretty much wrecked me up for a couple of months. I still have effects from one of them.

But in my case I'm not sure if the fault lies with the way I was doing NAP or with some other condition I suspect I may be under.

In either case, I recommend contacting your mentor. Also, repeat the ritual, but before ending it, address the spirits and ask them what's wrong.

It's weird but a similar thing just happened to me; I used the general purpose invocation...and I got the complete opposite of what I asked. I did the ritual about five hours back, and two hours after I used it I got the "results". Good thing I didn't ask for anything big. :shock:

I thought I was the only one too. This thread reassures me though I didn't get, fortunately, an opposite result. It simply failed miserably.

I have never tried to contact my mentor yet. Maybe I have a problem in my mind as I can't see how "om" can't invite him to my place but, once again, I haven't done the experiment.

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Re: My NAP problem

Post#8 » Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:39 pm

my first try to contact my mentor is done.

I really really do not know what to make out of it, was it real or was it me giving myself desired answers.

Anyway I will share it with you guys.
Did my NAP, then stood up and did my banishing of evil chant after that I sat down and tried to get back to my NAP state of mind. Did my "auuuuuuuuum " five times then I tried to contact my mentor.

My first question I asked was I need help and what should I do . And I tried to imagine an answer and what came was " take care of the stuff I already have". So i proceeded to ask another question "I have problems with girls, i want to find myself an girlfriend". And as above the answer I told myself was " I will take care of it , wait and see wait and see".

Now i feel like one big schizofreni, did that sound like I was in contact with my mentor. Did my mind make that up out of desperation. Well I do feel little better I have to admit, If my depression is gone I have to wait and see .

Posts: 32

Re: My NAP problem

Post#9 » Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:03 pm

I've never had much response from the mentor, so I can't comment on that. But I went through something with the success chant that sounds similar.

In short, I got opposite results - really strong opposite results, and then my life was turned upside down in such dramatic ways, that I was eventually led to see that the result I'd requested wasn't something I wanted. At least, it wasn't something I wanted until I'd done a lot more work on myself, to overcome some massive blockages related to the success.

I felt like my world was being torn apart to lead me to a better place. Well, it felt like that in hindsight. At the time, it was pure hell. Now that I've come through it, I'm sure it was a good thing.

So, although it was horrible at the time, and not what I expected from something as "simple" as NAP, it was probably the best result I've ever got from magic.

I always try to make sure I really know what I want, before diving into a ritual. Be careful what you wish for, and all that. And yet, there are some things we are sure we want - absolutely sure - and perhaps the only way to move through them and find out what we really want, is to have a big destructive happening. I could be wrong, but it worked for me.

Chant For Success is a strange name for such a strange and powerful working.

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Re: My NAP problem

Post#10 » Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:35 am

Clayfield wrote:Chant For Success is a strange name for such a strange and powerful working.

Very true. In my experience, Elubatel has been more than willing to deny me when he wants to. On one occasion, he manifested astrally and simply said no, he was not going to do it. On another, he actually explained why the request was inappropriate. I have a very strong resonance with many of the NAP spirits and have deliberately evoked a few, including Elubatel. May I suggest that if you find Elubatel consistently unhelpful it could be that he simply doesn't like you and / or your goal. In that case, it might be better to use the General Purpose Invocation. Those spirits seem a lot more friendly and amenable, at least to me. This is all so subjective. And yet we can see commonalities even among the practitioners in this thread. The attracting / banishing ritual might also be a more useful substitute.

:twisted: ,

Aradia: Letters from the Dark Moon

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