
The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Posts: 34


Post#1 » Wed May 25, 2011 11:03 am

Guys what happens if we tell someone else about our rituals or that we are going to do a ritual....?
Or that we are doing a ritual for this thing or that...
I heard that occult stuff should be personal...And if you will share with anybody what you are doing...It wont work
actually i was talking to someone on chat.....And i just told them that i we need privacy for occult stuff...
I told that i need privacy to perform ritualts and meditation...Which is not there...
That thing is worrying me....Because i should not even talk about ritual....
Now i am afraid about what will happen if i will try nap....Because i have talked about ritual....Well i didnt even mentioned the ritual name....I just said ritual and i am still afraid...
Have you guys been succesfull with nap even after telling someone that you are going to perform ritual....?
I need positive inspirations pls.....
I know its silly but that how i confuse myself...Lol

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 773

Re: Secret

Post#2 » Wed May 25, 2011 2:00 pm

Actually, I'm editing my reply. I don't have NAP and can't reliably say whether silence is mentioned or not.

I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.

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Posts: 34

Re: Secret

Post#3 » Wed May 25, 2011 8:54 pm

Well i am not asking whether silence is necessar or not..
I am just asking....
Has it ever happened that before doing nap ritual....You talked about ritual to someone,Even if the slightest...
And still nap worked...

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Posts: 85

Re: Secret

Post#4 » Wed May 25, 2011 9:17 pm

You should keep your rituals secret until they are complete and the results are known.
It's kind of like if you are going to hit somebody, but first tell them. They are going to defend against it so your punch probably won't land. I have done many candle spells that worked and didn't tell a soul. Most people will probably tell you your results were a coincidence which in turn will make you doubt your own work. Keep it secret. If you must talk about your rituals save it for this board or people that can help you. I have had luck with NAP, but never discuss except here and then I am just looking for advice on doing it better.

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Posts: 34

Re: Secret

Post#5 » Wed May 25, 2011 10:34 pm

how much time should we wait before performing ritual....If we have told someone about our ritual...
As i have mentioned...I talked to some guys on chat and just told them that i need privacy in my rituals...Which i dont have right now....And i would love to go to another place where i can do them without disturbance and all...I didnt mention any ritual or my intentions...I just used the word ritual...
Do you think its gonna affect my ritual....If yes than what should i do now...
how much time should i wait....Before performing ritual...Now
if it really affects ritual than there should be a time limit too of its effectiveness...

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Posts: 85

Re: Secret

Post#6 » Thu May 26, 2011 7:34 am

When you say "chat", I assume you mean that you are chatting with someone on this board or with someone who practices magic. If that is the case, then I wouldn't worry about it. If you are telling people that might be effected by it, then that is different. I would perform it and just keep quiet about it. I don't know that there is a "set" time frame to wait. Maybe concentrate more on your cleansing than normal.

Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: Secret

Post#7 » Wed May 20, 2015 5:55 am


The reason for silence before NAP rituals

is so you don't and won't stress over possible

results and whether you have results or not.

You would do well to have a detached state of

mind. Just be here now as an observer.

Quiet that chattering mind of yours.

Keep a journal of your magical experiments.

Please do not stress over possible results.


jeff grayhair
Posts: 66

Re: Secret

Post#8 » Wed May 20, 2015 7:10 pm

I think in one of the introductory chapters Cobb warns to keep your Magick discreet otherwise friends/family will claim you have "lost your marbles" and the NAP will lose its power.I don't go around talking about my sex life(or lack therof),so why should I attempt to explain about my success in Magick(or lack therof).That is the reason for this forum is to vent all of our rewards and frustrations in this Magickal dream of ours.
I would never talk ab out my Magickal affairs with a common.

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