Nap Success Stories

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 557

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#171 » Tue May 31, 2011 7:35 pm

Vovin needs " like ' icon for some of these posts, heheheh good one

Super Celestials
Adeptus Minor
Posts: 589

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#172 » Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:12 pm

Anyone who trashes NAP must think that the book is worthless. Therefore, I extend an open invitation to all who think their NAP book is valueless to send it to me, I'll gladly take them and distribute them to people who will work wonders with them. You can PM me!

Posts: 230

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#173 » Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:54 pm

well, some have tried. ! :thinking

Super Celestials
Adeptus Minor
Posts: 589

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#174 » Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:52 am

I repeat -- for those who feel that the NAP book is valueless, just send them to me, they will be distributed to people who will work wonders with them and not lie dormant in the hands of the perplexed who aren't able to use them.

Posts: 73

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#175 » Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:04 am

Being able to form and keep a specific desire and intention seems to be relevant to NAP. I am not saying that NAP is mental magic. But I am referring to the principles of magic. This book has been successful for me with everything that I took time to carefully consider and realistically choose what I want out of life that magic can give me. The book asks you that question just before you get into chapter one.
I write down my all of magical intentions. I also keep a list of desires that I work on, I spend time reforming and re-wording them to reflect exactly what I want to achieve. And I determine the time considerations and the opportunities that I need to make a path or route for the desire to come to me. Sometimes do divinations for more info.
I have not worked all the way thru the book yet. But so far, so good. I wrote down a few desires/intentions last week for motivation for specific activities, for specific opportunities, and specific changes... Positive results, with both specific and general successes
p.s. It is written in kind of a cheesy style..but sfw

Posts: 230

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#176 » Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:45 am

Super Celestials wrote:I repeat -- for those who feel that the NAP book is valueless, just send them to me, they will be distributed to people who will work wonders with them and not lie dormant in the hands of the perplexed who aren't able to use them.

yeah, I have a pdf one.

Raz76 wrote:Being able to form and keep a specific desire and intention seems to be relevant to NAP. I am not saying that NAP is mental magic. But I am referring to the principles of magic. This book has been successful for me with everything that I took time to carefully consider and realistically choose what I want out of life that magic can give me. The book asks you that question just before you get into chapter one.
I write down my all of magical intentions. I also keep a list of desires that I work on, I spend time reforming and re-wording them to reflect exactly what I want to achieve. And I determine the time considerations and the opportunities that I need to make a path or route for the desire to come to me. Sometimes do divinations for more info.
I have not worked all the way thru the book yet. But so far, so good. I wrote down a few desires/intentions last week for motivation for specific activities, for specific opportunities, and specific changes... Positive results, with both specific and general successes
p.s. It is written in kind of a cheesy style..but sfw

Thank you Raz76, this is a very good and informative post and actually how things should be. I do that in my head, maybe I should write down a list like you and start to work on it, but last time I tried NAP for two weeks and nothing of the result came, maybe it doesn't work?, maybe I haven't been in a most usable state of mind or maybe you should do it everytime exactly on given time, and not 2 hours later some days.
I don't know what really causes it to work but if you say it worked I believe, but something has got to be a trigger.

Posts: 73

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#177 » Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:31 pm

Kitty Empire,
I think you are correct; it has to be something that causes it to work. I try to read everyone's experiences with practice and development.
In my experience with using different methods(and according to my personality), the main things involved were the application of magical principles to every level of my life(seeing the world from a magical perspective/paradigm and living accordingly), and spending time focusing on(thru reading, learning, praying, ritual, journaling, lucid dreaming, persistent psychic and magical development, etc.) entities and groups of entities-getting 'en rapport' with them.
It seems like some ppl are born magical and some have to work at it more or less than others.

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Posts: 69

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#178 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:07 am

I mentioned this just now in another thread but i will mention it here too:

I used NAP invocation for winning contests about a month ago for a prize draw at my work to win an Ipad -there were two draws, the first one was not the one i won, so i forgot about it and then there was a second draw today and i won it. - it probably helped that i lost he first one as i just then put the matter out of my immediate mind, but still generally had been thinking about how useful something like a ipad might be. Anyhow i am not sure how much i can put it down to NAP but the fact of the matter is that i did the ritual invocation and got exactly what i did the invocation for - i think though doing one's own daily practices on the side help too - and indeed in the NAP he advises to do the ritual each night until it comes true - so that might work in its own way instead.
Jeder fuer sich und Gott gegen alle.

Posts: 34

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#179 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:10 pm

@Raj76 and all of those for whom this book is working
i have a question...
Do you guys use general purpose invocation..?
How do you address your wish in general purpose invocation..
I mean in which tense....?

Posts: 230

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#180 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:28 pm

It's a good question!
Anyway I will try it for my test, are 4 days enough for it to work? :mrgreen:

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