Mr Black NAP Experiments

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#21 » Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:33 am

original post @: ... -dub-thee/

After a series of ritual last month or so, I managed to acquire a familiar, a spirit guide, a SA – whatever you want to call it. From what I can tell, it is not my HGA, it is a good spirit, I’m stronger than it and not demonic to say the least.

I didn’t get its name beforehand and I was looking to do it but life got in the way…..till yesterday when I finally figured it out. I decided to give it a physical home by binding it to small bottle so I’ll have an easier access to it. I gave it form and I gave it certain task that it should be automatically be doing for me…..The whole premise for the ritual is kinda weird since it’s a mix of chaos magick, hoodoo and ceremonial magick.

Anyways, I wrote up my rite and the general specifications that I wanted this entity to take part with. I created the sigil and drew it on a piece of blessed sticky note (yeah, you’re reading that right – blessed sticky note :P ). Then, I took out the housing that I was going to use (an old small perfume bottle from a woman that I really adored) and decided to put some rockets candy, tobacco, some type of drug that I will not go into (it’s white, starts with a “c”), a piece of my hair and the paper talisman of the sigil. I then marked the bottle with a pentacle on one side and the sigil on the other side.

Here are the general specifications that I wrote down for it, in conjunction with type of form I wanted it to have as well. I figure, if it’s in its’ nature, then it’ll work better.

* Protection of master
* Attack when asked by master/necessary
* Bless master with royal powers.
* Help master charm people
* Show people that his master is great (some kind of magickal social proof).

That’s all I can think of, the first 3 were the important ones for me – the rest are “filler” technically but fun, nonetheless.


I did my basic evocation ritual and called the familiar, I spoke my customized rite to name the entity and to call it in its housing. The bottle became very warm, almost hot, right after I finished the 2nd repetition of the rite (I like to do it 3x to make sure). I then sent some energies at the bottle while breathing on it a couple of times. I then closed off the lid and said my closing/parting rites. I did a couple of readings to see if the arrangement is fine and I have not received any complaints.

I will be doing some followup rites in the next 7 days to reinforce the workings.

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Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#22 » Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:20 am

mrblack wrote:
After a series of ritual last month or so, I managed to acquire a familiar, a spirit guide, a SA – whatever you want to call it. From what I can tell, it is not my HGA, it is a good spirit, I’m stronger than it and not demonic to say the least.

Here are the general specifications that I wrote down for it, in conjunction with type of form I wanted it to have as well. I figure, if it’s in its’ nature, then it’ll work better.

* Protection of master
* Attack when asked by master/necessary
* Bless master with royal powers.
* Help master charm people
* Show people that his master is great (some kind of magickal social proof).

It's not your HGA. But that dosen't mean its not useful. It sounds like you have properties of both air and fire in here. Let me know how this goes. Familiar spirits are a side hobby of mine and my research could always use some new data.
Flectere si nequeo superos, Achaeronta movebo!

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#23 » Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:05 am

fratersd wrote:It's not your HGA. But that dosen't mean its not useful. It sounds like you have properties of both air and fire in here. Let me know how this goes. Familiar spirits are a side hobby of mine and my research could always use some new data.

Agreed, anything can be useful as long as you put it to good use.
When I connected with my HGA, it was very different - very uplifting and surreal.
I haven't done any work with my HGA at all since initial contact......and I should since
I had a friend do a reading and it said I should work on it.

I am still doing the rites for a couple of days then I will get it to do some stuff for me.
Odd things that's happening though, the paper talisman - it's reacting oddly.
The bottom part of it is taking some of the tobacco residue/properties but
the ink seems to be going up......all of the ink is pooling itself upwards.
What a weird reaction.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#24 » Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:37 am

Done my follow up rites on the familiar, will start using it tomorrow for practical workings/experiments.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#25 » Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:12 pm


I've been sending it around to do it's first duties which is protection.
It's doing it's job, for the most part - I now list the things I've been having it
do for me.

When I did a conjuration for Lucifer, I was surrounded by a column of
dark smoke like energies and I felt something watching me from the
stoop of my bed. I summoned my familiar/MM to check it out for
me but I got not warnings do I thought nothing of it.

I send it to protect my sister when she's out.

I send it out as a "watchdog" when I am per-occupied.

Sometimes, I just summon it to me and see if it's around.

There was this one time where I was talking to a practitioner (through email)
and the next day, she said she had a dream of visiting me and was stopped
by a "thing" with blue eyes. We think it's my familiar checking her out.....


That's pretty much it for the protection testing.

I am now moving on to "attacking" phase. I tried to "attack" a fellow yesterday
by giving him a headache for 5 minutes but it didn't seem to have worked. Initial
reading says that the shielding was too strong for my familiar.

Will now try to ambush him.....:)

With that said, I'm also trying to physically manifest it.
Any ideas or tips on how I can make this happen?

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 813

Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#26 » Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:17 pm

My sister has been having a hard time with her douche of a boss/company
so I felt that they were going to have a falling out soon and that she's been looking
for new jobs, so I decided to dust out my notes on NAP and did an invocation for
Elubatel to help and boost her overall success.

Magick Field
NAP Ritual
NAP Bornless Rite
Modified Elubatel Rite
Thank you rite
Banishing Rite

The ritual was done yesterday.
Today, she didn't take any crap from her boss which resulted to her getting fired. It was
their loss, they do not know WTF they are doing. (To me, that counts as "success" since
I wanted her to quit that god-forsaken place who makes their employees come in to work
in Xmas holiday)

As soon as she got home, she has 2 job offers already. I will be doing the ritual for at least
6 more days to reinforce the overall working.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#27 » Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:09 am

mrblack wrote:My sister has been having a hard time with her douche of a boss/company
so I felt that they were going to have a falling out soon and that she's been looking
for new jobs, so I decided to dust out my notes on NAP and did an invocation for
Elubatel to help and boost her overall success.

Magick Field
NAP Ritual
NAP Bornless Rite
Modified Elubatel Rite
Thank you rite
Banishing Rite

The ritual was done yesterday.
Today, she didn't take any crap from her boss which resulted to her getting fired. It was
their loss, they do not know WTF they are doing. (To me, that counts as "success" since
I wanted her to quit that god-forsaken place who makes their employees come in to work
in Xmas holiday)

As soon as she got home, she has 2 job offers already. I will be doing the ritual for at least
6 more days to reinforce the overall working.

That's great. NAP works really well for me but even better when I use it to help others. They usually ask for the help but I never tell them when or how until its done.

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 813

Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#28 » Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:38 am

Slater wrote:That's great. NAP works really well for me but even better when I use it to help others. They usually ask for the help but I never tell them when or how until its done.

Lol, the life of a sorcerer - like a superhero that no one knows.
"Oh hey, that thing was falling on me but it disappeared - must be my lucky day."

NAP is part of my personal grimoire, I've read through TMG but hasn't put any time on it though.....

Posts: 330

Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#29 » Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:03 pm

those multiple NAP invocation experiments, do you still do that Mr. Black

I just did a multiple NAP invocation, and it made me weak, until i did the Health invocation. but still made me weak, I did

NAP ritual A with Alpha noise x3
middle pillar/circulation/rain
open the veil
bornless rite x3
invocations of the entire NAP list
dee hay thooth
NAP count back to consciousness
License to depart and thanks
close veil

I felt tired, but afterward i feel ok now, with little energy drained, i wonder if i should just do one ritual instead of all the list?

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 813

Re: Mr Black NAP Experiments

Post#30 » Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:08 pm

I had the same "side effects" the last time I did multiple invocations so
I've been holding off till I found something that needed that "big guns"

Which I did so I'm probably going to start a whole run again in a few days.

I'm hoping that my "bodies" have gotten stronger or able to handle the
strain since then.

P.S: In regards to the familiar/magick mentor, I find that it has an odd
behavior. It will scope out people for me without me telling it to do so.
I mentioned the first incident with the girl, the second incident is with
the associate of mine girlfriend.

We were talking about sending the mentor to haunt him so he can see and
check it out and stuff and the next email I got, he was asking me if I was
scoping him out because his girlfriend (who is clairvoyant) felt a presence
around them and told her "he's not there yet.".

From the description, it sounds like my familiar.....Odd.

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