NAP worked with Love, but...

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Re: NAP worked with Love, but...

Post#21 » Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:08 pm

Last edited by Clayfield on Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: NAP worked with Love, but...

Post#22 » Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:14 am

Great posts S+A and MagiAwen!

Silenciumetaurum wrote:I don't mean to be melodramatic, but it is just as Yeats asks in "Among School Children": "O body swayed to music, O brightening glance,/ How can we know the dancer from the dance?" Yeats knew his magic as well being a genius artist. And in both magic and art, one thing is certain: your creations are a part of you, are deeply connected to you at a soul level, unless you consciously and deliberately break with them. Even then, it's difficult and so ritualizing the process helps. Sell your novel or painting or screenplay and walk away / start something new. Cast forth your will onto the universe and banish, avoiding lust of result. It's the same thing. The dancer to the dance, the magician to the magic.

The saying "you are what you eat" can be extended, here, to say "you are what you create." What you create shapes you and molds your consciousness, as you're the one whose been focusing on its creation.

As S+A mentioned, when you do a destructive working that really pulls you into it, its damaging. You suffer for it through nightmares, bouts of rage and sadness, and other such effects. I've done workings with the intent of killing another human being, and I can say that its very damaging. It messes with you after the fact, even if the person in question deserves it.

If I were to say that I was the same now as I was years ago, I'd be lying through my teeth. That's, of course, part of why I charge more for destructive workings.

So, to get back to the topic at hand and address MagiAwen's post, I find myself to be in the same position. If I am going to do love/lust magic, I'll do it to sleep with a woman....nothing more. There's a difference between saying "Hey, can you help me get a girl that loves me?" and "hey, I want her to love me.", and realizing this is rather important.

Clayfield wrote:So, with all this in mind, I had a long think about what to do. She was my friend, we were attracted, magic probably pushed us both over the edge into something more. And our lives teetered on the brink of change, but I always felt like I was tricking her with magic. I carried on anyway, because I was lusting for that result in a way I've never lusted before.

Indeed...magical practice is a bit like cheating in the sense that we're being a bit underhanded to get what we want. Now, if this doesn't bother you, then there's nothing wrong with that. However, if it does bother you, its probably time to walk away from the practice.

Given what you, Clayfield, have said on the subject. It sounds as though you would rather start from scratch. You may need to utilize magic once more to do this....unbind your work. Take all of that energy you exerted to make your dream a reality, and unwind the work. Once that's done, just focus on the fact that you want things to proceed in the way that's best for everyone involved.

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Re: NAP worked with Love, but...

Post#23 » Wed May 30, 2012 7:22 am

Last edited by Clayfield on Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: NAP worked with Love, but...

Post#24 » Wed May 30, 2012 2:30 pm

Clayfield wrote: ... Was this a NAP success? I'm not sure. I used the Chant to Excite Love, but as detailed earlier, it felt as though it left her in a damaged relationship, and myself in love with no hope. Now, to my surprise, we are together and it's going very well indeed.

Here's the amusing thing; after everything I read here I was worried that I was using magic on her against her will. I agreed that working against her true will was a bad idea. So I backed off with the magic, for the most part. I did use magic to give us both strength.

I found out, much later, that she was also using magic on me. I had no idea she knew anything about magic at all until she made this revelation. She used it right at the beginning, to attract me, and later to get me to go to her when all seemed lost.

So, when it was said earlier in this thread 'when we seduce we are seduced' it couldn't have been more true. I used NAP to attract her, and at the same time she was using magic to draw me into her life. Who knows where cause ends and effect begins?

I'm not sure how much the NAP chant helped, now, but it certainly seems like it clarified feelings at a time when clarity was what we needed to set us off on this path.

From my limited perspective, both with magick and with women :jkj , I see this is a massive NAP success. It is also essentially a parallel of every "journey" of this sort there is. First off it seems that in hind sight she was directing this more than you were-- and I kinda think that is most often how it goes. Secondly you started off somewhat "me" centered-- though I don't mean to push that idea too far. You started more in a "I want her" place than a "I want what's best for her and for me regardless of what that may be" place. But once you saw that she was wrestling with something insider her, what you wanted began to change and you asked new questions about yourself. This is exactly how it should be, you saw her in a new light it seems, and you grew with regard to what you wanted from her and what you wanted for her. And, ... you both have each other and a really cool story about the means you both pursued to get to where you are. That sounds pretty magical, magickal and awesome.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: NAP worked with Love, but...

Post#25 » Thu May 31, 2012 1:44 am

Clayfield wrote:It's been a long time since I started this thread. I am now living with the woman in question, and all is going well. It has been for a few months. Against the odds we got together. Was this a NAP success? I'm not sure. I used the Chant to Excite Love, but as detailed earlier, it felt as though it left her in a damaged relationship, and myself in love with no hope. Now, to my surprise, we are together and it's going very well indeed.

Here's the amusing thing; after everything I read here I was worried that I was using magic on her against her will. I agreed that working against her true will was a bad idea. So I backed off with the magic, for the most part. I did use magic to give us both strength.

I found out, much later, that she was also using magic on me. I had no idea she knew anything about magic at all until she made this revelation. She used it right at the beginning, to attract me, and later to get me to go to her when all seemed lost.

So, when it was said earlier in this thread 'when we seduce we are seduced' it couldn't have been more true. I used NAP to attract her, and at the same time she was using magic to draw me into her life. Who knows where cause ends and effect begins?

I'm not sure how much the NAP chant helped, now, but it certainly seems like it clarified feelings at a time when clarity was what we needed to set us off on this path.

And that's what called "success" in magick - the fact that you took steps to get her, and the universe aligned
to your wishes, should be proof enough that it worked. And c'mon, what a high coincidence that she'd use magick
on you as well. :)

Good stuff, glad everything worked out.

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Re: NAP worked with Love, but...

Post#26 » Thu May 31, 2012 11:18 pm

Thanks for your replies, and yes, I agree. It felt like a huge NAP success to me, if I'm unabashed and frank. My experience with NAP ranges from the simple (Nitika makes money turn up easily and without drama), through to the more complex and interesting, as with this situation. I'm truly delighted with this result, and love the synchronicity and strangeness of it all.

Posts: 16

Re: NAP worked with Love, but...

Post#27 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:07 pm

To the OP, did you just use the Chant to Excite love, or did you use it in conjunction with another chant? Wonder if I could use this to attract love in general (and not a specific person)?

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Re: NAP worked with Love, but...

Post#28 » Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:52 am

hey, you can attract any person with the chant to excite love, it doesn't have to be someone specific. Maybe you could combine it with a general purpose ritual and clearly state that you're looking for a new date ;)

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