A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapists.

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapists.

Post#1 » Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:57 pm

Hi guys,

I've been lurking for about a week combing huge chunks of information here. I don't know what got me back into the occult after 2 years in absentia, but long story short I've picked up NAP and hammering away a little too diligently for the last week.

I wanted to share my last few occult journal entries over the last 12 hours, because the weirdness seems to have suddenly hiked up from 2/10 to 8/10. All the doors and windows are shut in the house because we are in the middle of a freezing winter.

Without going into detail nitpicking the little things or explaning the backstory/buildup here are the entries:

20/7/2012 @ 3:36pm
I am feeling these breezes around my face ALL THE TIME. It's like I'm getting a playful massage from a cat made of cool air. I'm also getting tingling on the top of my head. Other unusual sensations are feeling like parts of my face are immersed in warm sludge, or feeling a sort of implosion 'pressure from the inside' on parts of my head.

(so the backstory is that I'd been meditating while in trance on some of the angelic names in the book (Elubatel & Arzel).

I walked out of my room with a video on my computer frozen.. I was sure this was the only light in the room. When I walked back in the LIGHT TURNED ON. I still doubt that this actually happened, though logically I know it did. The nagging doubt wants to deny and pave right over it!

I go back to my room and start meditating on bed again. Holding 'imaginary' conversations with Arzel and Elubatel (also Jazhair and Anael) in my head.. like faking it till I make it.

At one point I think the light flicked on but it could have been a car. I was having all the odd sensations described about plus one other one I experience.. involuntary muscle spasms or movements while in this sort of state.

A few moments later MY BED STARTED SHAKING. Again it's hard to say what objectively happened while deep in relaxation, but my mind was completely lucid, and it felt like an extremely strong earthquake was moving the bed physically. The name METATRON kind of came out of nowhere, but I'm not sure that this wasn't just my own mind pulling a name out of a hat. After the shaking I opened my eyes to try to confirm was was going on. When I closed them to try to reenter my state my eyelids were fluttering uncontrollably quickly. I don't want to bore you with too many of my concurrent 'bodily sensations'.

So I had a 'fake it till you make it' conversation with Elubatel and Arzel and showed that I was grateful for the experience. Before Elubatel left he said (or I said to myself) here's something else: and the rat (I think it's a rat?) who lives in the roof above me started scurrying around. Arzel left afterwards, before he did he said "watch this" and my tablet pc screen lit up as I opened my eyes for no apparent reason.

Afterwards I meditated again to Point A at about 10:30pm last night. at 4:41 I woke up to what sounded like 2 isolated footsteps. I HEARD the turning doorknob (like something was trying to turn it but couldn't 'grip it') and the door partially open and then close. This could have been the person that lives with me, and I'll be able to confirm tomorrow morning. I didn't hear anyone walk off so I'm thinking this was general poltergeist activity. After I wake up I feel a presence stronger than earlier -- it feels vampiric, an oppressive silence, and hungry. Really oppressive atmosphere and the cool breezes I feel on my face are not playful but... well oppressive is the best word really. After hearing this I shift around in my bed and even though I'm under the covers with pyjamas AND thermals, I feel a cool breeze basically caressing my ass and like a 'ghost-finger' stroking the back of my arm. Haha I think I was ghost-sexually-assaulted. I also heard like vague moan from the heater vent which I never hear, and which had been off for at least 6 hours at the time.

Anyway that's it. I'm still feeling the breezes on my face at 5:50am while writing this.

I've tried to emphasise the physical perceptions rather than the subjective stuff because I'm really critical of my own experiences. Interestingly neither of the chants I've been working at have yet provided results after about a week.

Maybe someone can suggest how to be rid of 'unwanted' influences. I'm not terrified by the feeling as I was while a child, but it's annoying to have this intrusion to my mind/body by something that feels (for lack of a better word) oppressive.

Comments and questions are welcome. I'm probably going to take it easy for a little while.

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 752

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#2 » Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:58 pm

interesting journal, thanks for posting.

honestly ive never experienced anything oppressive with nap. when i did start, the "energies" it invokes are strange and foreign, but never oppressive.

you should perform a banishing when you finish, that way if you did attract something unwanted, you can get rid of it and not let it linger.

i recommend the nap uncrossing ritual, or perhaps even the LBRP if you know that.

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 653

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#3 » Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:25 am

The poltergeist activity might be due to blockages inside the OP rather than attracting unwanted forces. I would do at least a week of Uncrossing + Defensive Armor before resuming rituals.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#4 » Sun Jul 22, 2012 4:48 pm

I agree with the others , u should do some banishing ritual ,some house cleansing would.be good also.
I would recommend to do a banishing ritual before and after the the primary work.

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Posts: 18

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#5 » Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:30 pm

Thanks for the input.

Just as an update, I think the door sounds with the footsteps and doorknob turning could have been sounds from the rat (or WHATEVER it is) living above me. Sometimes whatever is above sounds like full on heavy stamping so I dunno. What I do know is that whenever I sort of feel the encompassing presence of a NAP spirit (like that 'warmth' that is larger than me) the rat flips out starts scurrying around everywhere.

I had actually started doing the Kabbalistic Cross Chant which I do believe has helped with the 'terror' presences (which I am convinced aren't NAP related), even if only through self-hypnosis. I think taking a new interest in spirit-communication has lifted the psychic-censor imposed by my default position of scientific reductionism, so basically everything is coming through. I feel that fear and paranoia definitely feed into "poltergeist" phenomena, whether there is an objective basis for perceived events or not.

I've been living with my anxious passive-aggressive grandmother for 2 years. When I arrived home today (yesterday now) there was an ambulance out the front (which has never happened). She was taken overnight even know there was nothing medically wrong with her. Apparently she felt like she was choking on her pills. I have entertained the thought that this is somehow related to my increased energetic/spirit workings.

Because I've never had consistent results in magic I'm only suspending disbelief. I don't really trust anything I've written about as actually happening because I am only too aware how easily beliefs affect perception.

So far I might be guilty of overdoing it in terms of too many chants per day. I think I usually do 4 all up: 2 times twice per day for each chant. I've been going for about a fortnight.

No results thus far, but that said, one of the goals has been something that all my previous workings with different systems over the last couple of years has failed to achieve as well.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#6 » Mon Jul 23, 2012 4:57 am

Because I've never had consistent results in magic I'm only suspending disbelief. I don't really trust anything I've written about as actually happening because I am only too aware how easily beliefs affect perception.

You re doubts are ruining everything , they are like a wall standing between you re and the results.
Try to see things from a different angle.

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Posts: 18

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#7 » Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:58 am

Thanks for your response but I believe you've misunderstood. I don't actively doubt the process or the spellwork, and I am able to suspend disbelief through various methods such as 'feigning belief' or relaxing to the point where I'm in trance so any doubts from my conscious mind are effectively silenced.

Obviously I'm not going to attribute things which are only speculatively related to my spellwork as a consequence of my spellwork. That would be crazy. However if I performed a chant for X and I saw a result which fell within the parameters set, I'd have no problem attributing the result to my spellwork.

That said, I actually took the extra step of going over affirmations like a mantra, given that the subconscious tends to 'believe' whatever it is bombarded with. While suspending disbelief/doubt is important, I've never met an adept of any system which believed that 'pure faith' was a requirement.

Then again I could be wrong.

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Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#8 » Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:13 am


I was doing my meditations before bed just now, and I've got these really crazy crown chakra sensations... like far more sensation than the rest of my body combined, and I was completely mentally lucid/awake, then suddenly a CLICK sounds and a yellow light flicks on and off quickly -- I think it was from the lamp just to my left. It was just like the time before in terms on the stage of meditation, though this time I'm sure a globe in my room physically flicked on and off.

What's going on? NAP doesn't say anything about this?

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 752

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#9 » Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:08 pm

LEE wrote:AHHHH.

I was doing my meditations before bed just now, and I've got these really crazy crown chakra sensations... like far more sensation than the rest of my body combined, and I was completely mentally lucid/awake, then suddenly a CLICK sounds and a yellow light flicks on and off quickly -- I think it was from the lamp just to my left. It was just like the time before in terms on the stage of meditation, though this time I'm sure a globe in my room physically flicked on and off.

What's going on? NAP doesn't say anything about this?

I'm assuming you are writing about the Middle Pillar exercise (since you mentioned crown chakra?)

One thing about NAP is it doesn't really go into details about much of anything. It has the success stories, and the chants.

The good news is some of the things (or most?) have been written about extensively in other sources.

For example, the Middle Pillar ritual. If your interested in that, you can buy one of Israel Regardie's books about it. He's written a few that are exclusively about the MP.

Something like the Bornless Invocation, is an abbreviated version of the full ritual which is written about other places as well.

So even though the NAP book doesn't contain much explanation, Mr. Cobb (RIP) borrowed those exercises from the Golden Dawn, and used alot of the words of power from kabbalah sources, and the angels/entities you call on are from sources you can research as well.

I recommend studying the roots of the exercises in NAP to understand more about it.

Also, you said you've been chanting twice a day, two times each chant for a fortnight.

It's been said, and I do this myself, to do the chants 3 times for the best effects. It's also said that you shouldn't carry on the same chant for too long. I believe some people say, a week, some say a month. But if you've been chanting for love every night for 40 days and it hasn't yielded any success, I would stop and reevaluate everything. Usually you can see the wheels begin to turn in 3 days - 3 weeks. More is not nessecarrily better, because if your petition hasn't been answered, there may be a reason why it hasn't. Continuing the same petition has a culmulative effect but only to a point, from my understanding (I'm still learning and could be wrong.)

For instance, if I chant for success for 7 days, and I do not see any new opportunities or more success, I will stop the chant and reevaluate WHY I'm doing it, what I've done to HELP MYSELF become successful, and what obstacles may be in my way. Perhaps more success is not in my best interest.

Hope this helps.

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Posts: 18

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#10 » Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:37 pm

Thanks for the excellent post and suggestions. The biggest hurdle to get over in my opinion is the blurriness between the subjective and objective elements of magic. People that get 'spells' right can vouch for the objective reality of what they do, but I'm starting to believe that 'sensations' are for our personal use and can't carry any real value in discourse, unless for instance both magicians are indoctrinated into a very detailed system with the same terminology (etc).

As to how you addressed my (lack of) success; I have tweaked my methodology and encountered some preliminary success -- though I do intend to spend more time perfecting the formula before I move on.
As for my success; I can tell when I do the evocations well because the whole process "flows". I am in trance and there is nothing between me and the material. I've also started to visualise my outcome while relaxing after Point A, as a verbal statement of an outcome seems like it's not really enough of a blueprint for the universe to work with.
Anyway, 2 nights ago I performed the chant to excite love. I performed well, I felt empowered and as though the whole process resounded or 'vibrated' with me. A couple of hours later I attended an induction for a volunteer program that I was participating in. As I got settled I was reading some material and the object of my chant to excite love walked in and caught me off guard as I had no idea she would be there. She did have a prior connection to another aspect of the program, but it was still uncanny.

Anyway I wouldn't say that it's not working at all; moreso that I need to find that sweet spot where it all just works together. I find it hard to believe that laypersons can just pick it up without any prior training and make the material work so dramatically

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