NAP ritual A analysis.

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#1 » Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:45 am

This is the 15 minute daily discipline that grounds the current of NAP into a bare minimum practice. The main reason it is 15 minutes, is due to the human attention span, which shifts every 15 minutes or so. This fits into the Ultradian Rhythms of the "Lunar" current of the Body, and connects to the Ida current in the body. This correlates to the "Magnetic" current in Franz Bardon's work. Thus we can see this as a qabalistic magnetism of the subtle body - which is basically sort of a charging of the body which allows the electric current of the rituals and spells to be enacted, in what is called the Pingala. The stronger the magnetic current, the greater the capacity for the electric current - and these can both be found to synergize in the Shushumna, or te electromagnetic central channel of the body - which is the basis for the Central Pillar Ritual to be so dynamically effective in relation to this work.

Let's go through these steps in some detail. The ride may be worth it.

The first step is learning how to Relax. It is not really what we think of when we think of relaxing. What is really is designed to do is prevent stress from creating blockages of the Ida current. This opens up the Lunar core of the initial processes of the relaxation, which is really an attunement to the system's electric components. These are generally very traditional sources, and later I may go into greater detail in these.

We must credit Geof Gray-Cobb, he is clever. Little do we see, this is in fact a mediation on our own death. As you see, first, you are sitting in a chair, with full knowledge one day you will be laying down. It should be the same piece of furniture, same wall - in short reproducing the same physical surroundings as best we can. In a psychological exercise, we sometimes see therapists give a person a moveable chair, and place them in an empty room. Little to they realize this is analogous to death - and so what we see is a person going through a discerning process in which they are engaging their own issues with the paradox of death, which by its nature cannot be rationalized to be a state of being.

Our criteria is in a single notion - ultimately a conducive, harmonious, and non-distracting space with minimal interference. So, this brings up the notion of Death - which is connected to the Lunar Sphere... as a metaphor for a greater supernal truth. In some models of Qabala the sun and moon are contingent to Binah and Chokmah polartized light reflecting off of amassed matter. The key is this is both attuning the Ajna and Muladhara chakras, or is you will, the Third Eye, and the Root chakra at the base of the spine. As Yesod is the entrance to Yetzirah, so is Binah the entrance to Briah. We are therefore trying, through "relaxation" as analogous to peaceful death gain access to angelic and archangelic states of being. It is TOTALLY irrelevant if we think these are aspects of us or real beings outside of ourself. Lets look at why:

Think in your life to when you saw something that changed you forever. Think of when that experience had an impact o what you knew to be true, about yourself, or your ability, or your limitations. In short, think of a reality check that left you realizing more about the power of your beings. THIS is one of the real benefits of Evocation. it is not to enslave speirits. it is to exerience things that not just give you networks of spirits to use, but that transform YOU by making you realize more of what you are capable of, by YOUR OWN POWER. Thus the real connection to the work is self-actuation through Knowledge, Will, Courage, and Silence.

Anyways, the next thing you do is dim the lights, draw the curtains and make the light at what is called your threshold frequency of light. You should be able to see form, but not discern color. This is not just a manipulation of brightness, but of contrast. IF you are not getting ANYTHING - make sure the light threshold is correct for you. The thing is as our eyesights vary, the key is to make it right for you. Make sure you can see Shapes, but not discern color. You should see the world at this time as varies of contrast, all with the warm hue of a incandescent flame, but indirectly. It is best if it is behind you.

The sitting position straightens the spine, and the tightening of the buttocks forces blood pressure to "activate" the muladhara, or root chakra. There is an undisclosed instruction that can help you. Take the tip of your tongue, and touch the back of your upper teeth, draw the tip of your tongue back toward the roof of your mouth just a bit until you feel a ridge. WHEN you hit it just right, you will know. It will almost feel like the roof of your mouth tingles. That is where you should press the tip of your tongue. While contracting the anus, and pressing the tip of the tongue to roof of the mouth, place your hands - ARMS straight not crooked, on your knees. Put your feet bare and flat on the ground. This is a powerful experience, and often people feel their entire body almost glow. Some actually do observe a glow - but the fact is if you do this right - you charge your whole body's magnetic capacity.

At that point - you begin to speak. I recommend a audio recording, and may provide one if requested.

At this point, in not just acceptance but in seeing death as a source of power - for the living, we say - clearly, "I am beginning the New Power Ritual. I call on the inner planes to witness. I state my purpose thus: ANKAR YOD HEH VAU HEH.

This is very important. Specifically the "inner planes". The inner planes, are called in Agrippa, "the Lesser world". This is specifically a Microcosmic attunment of our body - as representative of diplomat for other planes. It is not enough to say "spirits" are in our heads, or inside us. it is more like there are parts of us that awaken AS we experience and encounter spirits. We know clearly, as above, so below. So, it stands to reason IF we accept the reality of a specific being MACROCOSMICALLY, it must also be represented in the model of the MACROCOSM our existence is privlidged to experience as singular - i.e. in the MICROCOSM. This means literally, the argument if a spirit is "real" is moot. It is also not enough to say if a magical operation is successful - it means we must analyse and be true for when our successes are microcosmically effective, or if they are successful macrocosmically. For this work, our magnetic charging, we are concerned with the MICRCOSM, or as Agrippa would speak of it - The Lesser World.

The statement ANKAR YHVH is for us, the key to both resurrection and immortality. It allows the brain to escape the trap of false-not false logic. There is only false and not-false logic. There is actually no such thing as "true" logic. Furthermore, not-false and false are CONDITIONS of logic... not constants. This statement is us declaring our right to create our own truth.

Now we say, "I begin to wind down, to let go, and be rid of all the tensions of my body. To let my muscles relax, unwind, and let go." Take great care with this statement. Do you know what wind down means? It means "come to a conclusion." The only way to be rid of all the tensions in the body is to die. The whole purpose is to "relax" - that is, to "open." Letting all your muscles "open" is key. And do you know what the greatest biggest and strongest muscle in the body is? The tongue. Which is formed of the same cell clusters of which the very first fetal cells are composed. This is called the enteric nervous system. This is the physiology which correlates to the body of light. This is part of you that assists in the formation of a "minds-view" of what you are. It is not you are you appear - it is a you that is formed of your instruments, your relations, your hobbies, passions, vices, and Virtues. It CAN be refined - but in most people it is not. This is a you, where your cell-phone is likely an appendage, your thousand arms are full of your favorite foods, weapons, making your favorite gestures, and your heads look like what you love, hate, fear and desire, your heroes, your most dominant expressions, your infinite self filtered through your finite preferences and definitions. it is your "GodForm" if you will.

This world - where we are really these accumulations of our activities and our experiences and desires - this is the Ouranic world of Chaos Magick. That is an aside, for those who are curious about this notion of a higher self that is not some romantic notion of a Holy Guardian Angel from the mind of a victorian mystic. This is more akin to the Ishvara of a aspirant in Vedism. Of this being - the magical mentor is an aspect - but by no means the entirety.

So the whole key is to have this personal "Unity Uttermost Showed" which is our personal glimpse of god in the microcosm as a omnidimensional self of us to freeze-frame the "here and now". This can be a powerful experience... or completely escape the person who does not realize the true goal.

As the heaviness weighs down the limbs - we are trying to COMPRESS that infinite self into our own image, sitting, and later laying prone - contracted to the moment of gnosis... not expanded and unfocused.

We continue to open and open and open - but in fact we are compressing the entire nature of our Ouranic self into our presence - and into our physiology. And then when it is unified and not exlosively unfocused - we call upon Thee, mighty ARZEL, who stands in the east to assist in this and all ventures.

ARZEL is in this - from another post:

Arzel (Arze-el) is traditional qabala, summoned traditionally by

"kahsu hureem ihlah wa'anah peha arze-el." spoken three times. it is Tehillim, psalms 80:10, after washing the hands and face and lighting the sacred oil.

arze-el is the Angel who watches over the sacred seder, "the mountains were overshadowed by the boughs of the cedar of god."

this name is rooted to arz, which is a word meaning "to be firm, to arise, to come forth in strength. It is a powerful verse, but also, this Angel is sacred to the reading of the whole Haggadah and the story of exodus. For this reason, he is seen as one of the agents of the Lord of the Mephoresh. His agency includes professing the faithful during the passover.

He is sacred to the east, the paschal sacrifice and the yesod of briah.

As he is connected to the passover meal, and presides over it, he is said to be half red and half white, for the wine and bread. this means he appears like a bloody edomite, red hair pale skin, covered in the blood of the paschal lamb.

This Angelic form has been used for centuries as the Opener to the use of Yesod as the threshold to yetziratic magic. That i the whole purpose to dive INTO the microcosm and to plunge through it, and into the macrocosm... thus effecting change in both. This is done THROUGH Yesod. Furthermore this is why Yesod is seen as immediately east of the altar of the temple in more ceremonial magicks. As Arzel is connected to the slaying of the passover lamb, he can only be reached fully by those who have attained the keys of Hell and Death. This is symbolized in the relaxation ritual.

I sincerely hope this helps. Questions are welcome. My study of this system is pretty comprehensive. My practice of it is not. So by all means take what i say as a recognition and comprehension, not a claim to full understanding. I will not discuss my personal successes, and I do not limit my efforts to myself. I did secure my brother an AMAZING livelyhood doing something he loves, though. I also brought a good bit of unexpected continuous support to my half-sister and my nephew and niece. So I know the approach I have yields results. I find this system works well for accumulating merit, if you use such techniques.

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#2 » Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:41 am


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Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#3 » Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:24 am

Excellent analysis. Thanks.

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Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#4 » Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:48 pm

Another great NAP post by Raum! All this time I've been using my bed instead of a chair because I disagreed with the author that I could fall asleep that way (because I can only sleep sideways). I'm going to start using a chair from now on though.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 653

Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#5 » Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:30 pm

raum215 wrote:ARZEL is in this - from another post:

Arzel (Arze-el) is traditional qabala, summoned traditionally by

"kahsu hureem ihlah wa'anah peha arze-el." spoken three times. it is Tehillim, psalms 80:10, after washing the hands and face and lighting the sacred oil.

arze-el is the Angel who watches over the sacred seder, "the mountains were overshadowed by the boughs of the cedar of god."

this name is rooted to arz, which is a word meaning "to be firm, to arise, to come forth in strength. It is a powerful verse, but also, this Angel is sacred to the reading of the whole Haggadah and the story of exodus. For this reason, he is seen as one of the agents of the Lord of the Mephoresh. His agency includes professing the faithful during the passover.

He is sacred to the east, the paschal sacrifice and the yesod of briah.

As he is connected to the passover meal, and presides over it, he is said to be half red and half white, for the wine and bread. this means he appears like a bloody edomite, red hair pale skin, covered in the blood of the paschal lamb.

This Angelic form has been used for centuries as the Opener to the use of Yesod as the threshold to yetziratic magic.

Can you provide sources on these attributes of Arzel? I’m trying to distinguish between the entity you’re describing and the one in Dee’s vision.

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#6 » Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:54 pm

the one in Dee's vision? which vision? Surely you do not mean his permutation of the eastern subangle of the eastern tablet as he was told to permutate them?

r z [ ] l a


rzla and zlar and larz and arzl.

This is not the same being at all.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 653

Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#7 » Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:39 pm

Yes, the one that appeared in the Watchtower Vision. It is also mentioned in Clavicula Salomonis: ... 10&p=31715

There is also an "Archarzel" mentioned in the GKOS. Other than that - zilch.

If you can provide the sources on the "Arzel" you are describing, I would like to research it further.

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#8 » Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:37 pm

I mentioned its presence in psalms. I am unsure what kind of reference you are looking for. Do you mean something on the internet?. Arzel a figure in nestorian and ethipian christianity. He is seen as a sign of integrity because he was first to be asked to rebel and refused. His effiigy is often a dove. My sources are oral tradition, biblical hebrew, and i MIGHT could find something online.. but i would have to look. Most of my library is not online. And very few oral traditions are.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 653

Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#9 » Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:38 pm

I’m looking for titles of books - sources indicating Arzel is the angel of the Yesod of Briah, been used for centuries to open Yesod, appearance as a bloody Edomite, a figure in Nestorian and Ethiopean Christianity, effigy as a dove, sign of integrity, etc.

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

Re: NAP ritual A analysis.

Post#10 » Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:07 pm

I would recommend with a study of psalms in the hebrew. I am still confused what you mean. I do not read "dictionaries of angels." The dove is white. Cedar is white. Cedar is pleasant to smell, it keeps away bugs and such, and it's name "cedar" is taken from context of preservative and it was analogous to immortal. The word for cedar is "Arzah" - it's root being ARz, which is a reference to its uprightness, firmness. Literally ARZEL in Hebrew means "Cedar of God."

Dove = white.
Cedar = white.
Leban is the word for white.
Leban is the root of Lebanon, which was known for it's cedars. Lebhnah was the name of the Moon, because it was white.
The foundational world of which the moon is but the image of is Tzebel. Thew root is Tzba, or "Star, Army, host" - as in Tzabaoth.

The east is STRONGLY connected to passover, the moon, and cedar in the bible, and earlier qabalistic thought. Paschal, the commemoration of the passover is calculated by the moon, and was originally on a Full Moon, as was the beginning of the month. Also, it is used for the high holy days and the greatest.observances. Modern Jews observe Rosh Chodesh as a NEW moon, not the Head of the Moon, which is the full moon.

Ezekiel 46:1

Thus saith the Lord GOD; The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the new moon it shall be opened.

This mathematical formula cannot be done with new moons, only with full moons, just like in the books of Enoch, Ezra, and several others.

You would be amazed at what this statement reveals in Hebrew to them who know how to read it.

I could point you to a shelf of books on ancient israel, and ancient canaan, and ancient phoenicia. BUT, not one specific book. I am not sure where would be good to start, for even most of the books on the subject are out of print. See if you can find King Solomon's First Temple, Religion in Ancient Israel, and books of similar subjects. But the single greatest reference on Qabala that I know of, is the Psalms. If anything, the rest of the bible can be read as commentary and context for them.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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