The Sigil of Elubatel

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Gordon Finn
Adeptus Minor
Posts: 880

Re: The Sigil of Elubatel

Post#11 » Mon May 18, 2009 1:19 pm

Okay, anyone carrying elubatel's sigil ever lost time? I drew it and put it in my pocket with the addendum of having him essentially by my side and I loose an hour. I sware, it felt like 4 minutes. And I've been really good lately at not loosing track of time.

Posts: 248

Re: The Sigil of Elubatel

Post#12 » Tue May 19, 2009 5:36 am

Well, I’ve used that sigil (it was posted by Vovin in the past) and got great and immediate results, with long lasting effects, different from other spirits where you find that the results fade as time passes by.

It was amazing not only to get the results within less than 24hours, but how He handled circumstances, chances, and apparently random events to get my request fulfilled.

I used a purple, 7 day candle, anointed with virgin olive oil and with his seal drawn on it, then I did the NAP ritual for him, and then I skryed to his seal, when it was open I made my request in a very solemn and respectful way, thanking him for his help. I left the seal below the candle and the following day took it with me. Yes, I asked him to charge it during the ritual, while it was left under the candle.

The following day, when things were getting tough in a business matter I just visualized his charged seal, and things went all the way around in my favor, I kept doing this until the goal was accomplished, every obstacle was overcomed.

I forgot to mention, that was only the first day, as that business took a while (almost three months) to complete, he helped me all the way until the last moment, overcoming obstacles as mentioned above.

Later I gave another candle to thank him for his help.

Praise to Elubatel, he is a very strong and powerful being, that is willing to help.

That’s all.


P.S. Hi Gordon Finn, I'm not an expert, but to answer your question, after the goal was achieved I just told him that I would burn his seal, so in case I need his help again I just make another. One seal for one goal is my personal approach and is a sort of way -for me- to dismiss the energies or release the link with the spirit, there's no point on keeping the spirit looking after me if he did his job.

But, that is interesting, it seems that with the visualized seal even after the dismissal the link can be re-established to some degree.
Last edited by splfr on Tue May 19, 2009 6:12 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The Sigil of Elubatel

Post#13 » Tue May 19, 2009 5:40 am

Wow, I never heard that great results before with the NAP! Thanks for sharing splfr!
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Re: The Sigil of Elubatel

Post#14 » Tue May 19, 2009 5:40 am

SPLFR that is pretty much exactly how I work with Elubatel .. Damn now all my Secrets are out :)
Remember 'For the Man of Religion, Believes in God, The Magician, Knows God.'
(Ars Solomonis)

Posts: 248

Re: The Sigil of Elubatel

Post#15 » Tue May 19, 2009 5:56 am

Hi Grab, your are welcomed, actually I must share as I've received many benefits from the forum and its members, so is the least I can do.

I really hope this helps other people.

Last edited by splfr on Tue May 19, 2009 6:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 248

Re: The Sigil of Elubatel

Post#16 » Tue May 19, 2009 6:00 am

Hi Vovin, first and foremost I have to thank you for sharing the seal, it was of great help. By the way, it's been said that there's not secret under the sky :lol:

That's a joke, I think that maybe Elubatel guided me regarding what he likes and how to work with him, or just I hacked your mind :lol:

And yes, the NAP works, is real.

Thank you Geof for leaving this treasure.

Thanks again brother,


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Gordon Finn
Adeptus Minor
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Re: The Sigil of Elubatel

Post#17 » Tue May 19, 2009 8:33 am

splfr wrote:Well, I’ve used that sigil (it was posted by Vovin in the past) and got great and immediate results, with long lasting effects, different from other spirits where you find that the results fade as time passes by.

This morning, I figured since he's one for working with large, overarching concepts and ideas, I figured I'd go for the goal line. I told him I wanted to get rid of my 'dweller at the threashold'. I've been working on it piecemeal for some time, but I figured, if he's really an angel of omnipotence, this should be a snap. So, I told him to clear every fear and insecurity and self-defeating impulse the dweller represented all at once. All the dweller was, I wanted it gone for good. There had been a problem that I was going back and forth on forth months and immediately after I told him, I could feel a shift in the currents around me. And I thought 'okay, that's something'. And 2 seconds after I told him what I wanted, the answer to the problem I've had for months popped into my head, a third option I hadn't considered yet, even though I've done it for other things before.

Since I know there were things the dweller represented that I wasn't conscious of, I'm now waiting to see how other parts of my life unfold.

Posts: 248

Re: The Sigil of Elubatel

Post#18 » Tue May 19, 2009 11:00 pm

Hi Grodon Finn,

it is working, as I see it Elubatel is working on your request, just take into account that your request is in a more subtle "realm" so to speak.

By the way, it was a great idea from your part, I'll put that in my agenda: to permanently delete the dweller in the treshold.


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Re: The Sigil of Elubatel

Post#19 » Wed May 20, 2009 4:19 am

This is similar to the psychic censor?
".. nothing but infinite chaos, stochastically dragged into existence by each and every observer according to their predispositions, and by manipulating these .."
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Gordon Finn
Adeptus Minor
Posts: 880

Re: The Sigil of Elubatel

Post#20 » Wed May 20, 2009 7:44 am

This is what I wrote to Nick Farrell's blog on the 11th of this month when he posted about dwellers, in response to another person commenting.

>>The problem is, that it would seem then, a person could never get any Work done because the reality of this "shadow" would constantly have an "in your face" type of presence looming in the background.

When I have done my own search on the hga level, I found my guardian angel and demon, as well as a third figure that always looked like a shadow/bust of someone that at times also looked like a rolling mass of black and dark gray clouds. At other times, it looked slick, like oil. For a long time, I tried to find out who or what this figure was that completed this triumvirent on the hga level. I could never find any other 'entities' besides these 3 in relation to myself.

The day I found out, I hadn't heard of dwellers before. When this figure finally stepped 'out' of the shadows, it was me, standing with his hands behind his back. I asked him who he was and he said he was me.

This kind of dweller, I don't think, prevents all attempts at magick. The mechanics of magick are required for life, but the attempt to 'be a magickian' is largely prevented in many by giving them a 'taste' of it, but stopping their efforts to force you to go back to a more mundane life until you are better prepared for a more magickical one.

I would say that it is our animal instincts, which include fear. It is the lower self in the sense that it is what's at the forefront of our minds. The material is the strongest, the most forefront thing in our minds day-to-day that gets built up over time and lifetimes. 'The Dweller' will keep you bouncing back and forth between trying to do magick and the mundane life's familiarity and trying to do magick and trying to do magick well.


I would say that the dweller is partly a psychic censor. Because there's no telling just how extensive the dweller is, with a short or long list of incarnations under your belt, I wanted it over with. I've tried a variety of visualized symbols for getting rid of self-defeating behavior: light switches, black masses of opaqe and semi-transparent energy fields that I rip out of me, etc. Sometimes, they work. Other times, they only work for varying amounts of time and the old behavior creeps back in or bulldozes its way back with the strength of the t-rex roaring in jurassic park. At some point high enough, it has to be simple and immediate to be fully rid of it.

I know that both the holy gaurdian angel and devil both use the heart chakra (not the higher or lower heart chakra, but the central and main heart chakra), as a focal point. As much as you have a differing thought/energy/occult stuff eminating from another chakra, like the crown, throat, third eye, one of the transpersonal chakras, etc., what's in the heart is gonna be the main thrust of what it does when it makes something manifest, regardless of the level. The stuff in the other chakras throughout the body can be in whatever concentrations you want them to be in, but if they aren't having the effect on how the heart chakra is outpouring what it's giving off, it won't matter.

The dweller is within all your chakras. Bits and pieces in all of them, including the smaller ones and the energy exchange ports in the fingers, toes, shoulders, etc. But, it's the central and main heart chakra that is the CPU equivilent for the dweller. All the information (feelings, thoughts, experiences) are codified a particular way, which is stored in this heart chakra. What's in there spider webs out to the other chakras and energy exchange ports. Think of a global internet connection you see in telecommunication commercials and what not. There are points of light and lines of light connecting them going all over the place. Each of the components of every aspect of the dweller in this heart is represented by each point of light.

This is why soemtimes, you get rid of the main thrust of a problem, but some things linger. If you get rid of 62% of the points of light for a single aspect of the dweller, the other 38% can connect with other things because something about it is related to something else (a similar situation, a similar response witnessed in memory, etc.). So, there is a chance of a recurrence to a degree because you haven't done as thorough as clearing as possible.

You know how a situation experienced enough will fray your nerves to that type of situation? It's like that. You might have moved on and dealt with it, but the ghostly remnants of it remain and you end up avoiding those types of situations.

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