Some Newbie Clarifications... :)

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Some Newbie Clarifications... :)

Post#1 » Thu Jul 04, 2013 2:05 am

Hi, firstly thank you for checking out the thread. I've been dabbling with New Avatar Power for the past few weeks, and I'm relatively new to magick. So I really hope for your patience in my ignorance. :lol:

#1st question~

Well, the very first incantation for the NAP ritual involves relaxation. I'd like to know what is the optimum brainwave state for anyone to sink into while doing magick? I've heard mixed opinions... Some say it's the low alpha level at Schumann Resonance, while others say its the theta level. Which is the best which you've seen results in?

Do you use any form of brainwave entrainment while doing so, as well? Headphones? Isochronics or binaurals? Or just plain meditation? Self-hypnosis? Playing of hypnosis recorded tapes?

#2nd question~

During the rituals, what must one do? I find it a little hard to visualize stuff happening. Also, what is the best position for performing the rites? Do I have to stand up and do it? (Like central pillar seems to need the person to stand up) But standing up is really hard for deep relaxation too.

#3rd question~

What do I do when I start to evoke? I mostly just read the words and try and imagine the presence. However, I have really no idea on what to expect. I suspect sometimes that my imagination is getting ahead of me.

#4th question~

I read in a thread that the order should be like this:
[*]Relaxation ritual
[*]Central Pillar
[*]Bornless One Ritual
[*]Dee Hay Thooth

However, is it needed to really perform it in such a long manner? Or is it possible to just do it like the book says... Relaxation ritual, then skip to spell straightaway?

Thanks a lot for your patience in reading my post. :bow

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Some Newbie Clarifications... :)

Post#2 » Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:58 am

I use binaurals for lucid dreaming and obe, but not for rituals. It isn't necessary. I also find standing up suits NAP better. As for evocation, that's a whole other matter entirely and will require a lot of research on your part before you evrn think of trying it. This ritual structure is great too but the spells will work just fine as the author intended. Adding the LBRP to the mix is pretty effective aswell.

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Re: Some Newbie Clarifications... :)

Post#3 » Thu Jul 04, 2013 7:39 am

Riva626 wrote:I use binaurals for lucid dreaming and obe, but not for rituals. It isn't necessary. I also find standing up suits NAP better. As for evocation, that's a whole other matter entirely and will require a lot of research on your part before you evrn think of trying it. This ritual structure is great too but the spells will work just fine as the author intended. Adding the LBRP to the mix is pretty effective aswell.

Thanks for the reply!

So no binaurals for rituals? I'll try that then, hehe. I just find that I'm able to get into a much deeper state of mind when I'm listening to binaurals. I'll also try standing up for NAP.

I don't understand what you mean by evocation is too complicated for me now? What i meant is when I read out a spell... for example "Spell to Excite Love", do I imagine the presence of Anael and Jazar? Or what should I do while reading it out? Just read it out?

I'll check out the ritual structure.

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Magister Templi
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Re: Some Newbie Clarifications... :)

Post#4 » Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:52 am

1. Don't overthink it before you try it. Experiment with this if you like, but it is not really necessary to put effort into this.

2. Don't overthink it before you try it. Experiment with this if you like, but it is not really necessary to put effort into this.

3. Don't overthink it before you try it. Experiment with this if you like, but it is not really necessary to put effort into this.

4. Don't overthink it before you try it. Experiment with this if you like, but it is not really necessary to put effort into this.

the "other" answers

1. I make my own soundscapes. I also start by singing. Make a joyful noise, unto the Lord.

2. Visualize your goal being accomplished. The book instructs you to start in a chair, sitting down, and move to a laying prone position later, when you can do without falling asleep. Then some components occur where you appear to be walking around.

3. Just visualize the goal being accomplished.

4. I don't advise beginners to use that order, or half of those parts, but if you want to go ahead.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Some Newbie Clarifications... :)

Post#5 » Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:59 am

wtjy1380 wrote:
Riva626 wrote:I use binaurals for lucid dreaming and obe, but not for rituals. It isn't necessary. I also find standing up suits NAP better. As for evocation, that's a whole other matter entirely and will require a lot of research on your part before you evrn think of trying it. This ritual structure is great too but the spells will work just fine as the author intended. Adding the LBRP to the mix is pretty effective aswell.

Thanks for the reply!

So no binaurals for rituals? I'll try that then, hehe. I just find that I'm able to get into a much deeper state of mind when I'm listening to binaurals. I'll also try standing up for NAP.

I don't understand what you mean by evocation is too complicated for me now? What i meant is when I read out a spell... for example "Spell to Excite Love", do I imagine the presence of Anael and Jazar? Or what should I do while reading it out? Just read it out?

I'll check out the ritual structure.

Woops, I thought you meant evocation in the traditional ceremonial sense. My bad. Sure, you can imagine their presence, its also important to be aware of any bodily sensations you feel during the workings, they alone let you know that something is working ;).

As for the binaurals, I don't use them in ritual but thats not to say they won't help. If you like using them then do so, it can't hurt to try :)

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Re: Some Newbie Clarifications... :)

Post#6 » Thu Jul 04, 2013 10:01 am

:Thank You

raum215 wrote:4. I don't advise beginners to use that order, or half of those parts, but if you want to go ahead.
Hi raum215, so... I'll just need to go with (a) relaxation, (b) spell and "so mote it be" to end it?

Riva626 wrote:Woops, I thought you meant evocation in the traditional ceremonial sense. My bad. Sure, you can imagine their presence, its also important to be aware of any bodily sensations you feel during the workings, they alone let you know that something is working ;).
Nice... Have you worked with Anael and Jazar before? What kind of sensation can one expect from them? haha

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Re: Some Newbie Clarifications... :)

Post#7 » Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:26 pm

Raum's post nails it. Try and see what works for you.

I've tried Binaurals like for a month or so a while ago during the meditation part of it, which for me was after central pillar and before Dee Hay Thooth. I should try them again actually.

The singing that Raum mentioned I've also tried, a lot more and with some variations. I've sung in my mind while meditating which I liked a lot actually-- but that's not to say there's anything held back or fake about it. The level of concentration in this might be higher than real singing because when really singing you can move the point of resonance (middle of mouth, back of mouth, "just outside" the mouth which is how some accent coaches teach Irish accents), direct where the note is coming from (head, middle, chest for example), and make adjustments on the fly to get it working right technically. I've done "vowel singing" which I like a lot in general, and chanting singing repeating names, words of power, and prayers. What ever the moment calls out of me basically. I'd say this coincided with some of the earliest and strongest results I got, and when I do those rituals "felt" effective in the moment too-- where I'm saying a strong feeling during/after a ritual is one thing, confidence in effectiveness another, and when you can chalk up a result and assess your own effectiveness either in getting the result or working with the result as separate things.

As you grow in comfort with doing all this, you can find ways to experiment and find your place in your workings. There are 2 things I want to try that I've not fully figured out yet. Following Manning's idea of "Spirits want to have fun, make a game of it"-- I want to try this but haven't figured out how. I might be over thinking it. The other is to incorporate instrumental music into my practice/singing in the rituals. My hang up here might be what I'm saying in the "singing in my mind" thing above, where I'm holding back or trying to be in control, worrying about performance instead of playing. But here I'm obviously not talking about doing the rituals as in the book, but I do do it exactly as the book says very often-- like in a cycle I guess.

Find what works for you and what resonates with you. use all your senses-- again, something Raum talks about elsewhere. Some of the best rituals I've done have been outside, and the things I heard were indescribable.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Some Newbie Clarifications... :)

Post#8 » Sat Jul 06, 2013 7:23 am

[*]Relaxation ritual
[*]Central Pillar
[*]Bornless One Ritual
[*]Dee Hay Thooth

This is not a hard and fixed outline.


Do the LBRP or simply sit down light a candle and relax your body and mind for 5 minutes focus on slowing down your breathing and relaxing your body.

Central Pillar:

I found this a distraction to be honest. During the relaxation part of your ritual simply visualize yourself being charged with a very bright white light. I almost imagine the light being pulled from the universe into my body.


This is a great ritual but not a requirement. Do it a few times and see if you feel any different.


The most important bit. Obviously emphasis the invocation of Arzel. As a part of the spell make sure you specify what you require. No use asking Elubatel for success. Success in what?

Dee Hay Tooth:

Nice again but not a requirement. But recommended when you first start out.


I don't banish after asking my request.
Remember 'For the Man of Religion, Believes in God, The Magician, Knows God.'
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Re: Some Newbie Clarifications... :)

Post#9 » Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:32 am

lefty wrote:Find what works for you and what resonates with you. use all your senses-- again, something Raum talks about elsewhere. Some of the best rituals I've done have been outside, and the things I heard were indescribable.

Thanks lefty. I'll try to incorporate all of that advice tonight.

Vovin wrote:Spell:

The most important bit. Obviously emphasis the invocation of Arzel. As a part of the spell make sure you specify what you require. No use asking Elubatel for success. Success in what?

Hi Vovin,

In the N.A.P, the part for invocation of Arzel is in the relaxation part, prior to point A. So... do I perform the Banishing + Middle Pillar ritual + Circulation + Bornless One before the relaxation part overall? Then right after I complete the relaxation, I need to cast the spell (eg. Anael and Jazar)?


I think I have another question ... Like, how do you really know when to stop performing a spell? I've been doing it for close to 1 month now. I'm getting slightly tangible results, definitely. The first two weeks, it was just "Relaxation + Spell". The last two weeks, I've been adding in the Middle pillar ritual etc.

The book says something about you may just be like one day or one week away from achieving your results. So does that mean I have to perform the spell everyday until I get the results I need?

Thanks for the help guys!!

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