Depression NAP And Vibration

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#21 » Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:44 am

@ Fr Chika Chika & RAis - just curious, do you own the books physically?

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Frater Chika Chika
Posts: 68

Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#22 » Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:34 am

mrblack wrote:@ Fr Chika Chika & RAis - just curious, do you own the books physically?

No, I don't.
I've just the rituals on paper, but not the all book.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#23 » Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:59 pm

like i said, just curious - there's alot of practitioners here that makes NAP work w/o these
"depression" fuss and there's a small percentage of people who can't make it work for them.
c'est la vie but i'm more curious as to the variable that makes it not work for them.....

- could be they don't have a physical copy of the book which acts as a gateway.
- could be the they are not "worthy" per Arzels decision.....
- could be conjuring Elubatel for something silly reaps some sort of negative energy
in a form of depression.

just thunking out loud.....

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Frater Chika Chika
Posts: 68

Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#24 » Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:16 am

mrblack wrote:c'est la vie but i'm more curious as to the variable that makes it not work for them.....

This is something that imho we should really look into: after all, I like the idea of a system of magic without external tools and I'm willing to fix whatever could be fixed in order to make this NAP thing a workable system for anyone (as it was in the intentions of the author)

mrblack wrote:- could be they don't have a physical copy of the book which acts as a gateway.

I don't think that this could be that important since ancient grimoires were hand-copied... from adept to adept for a very long time.
I like to craft my grimoires in artistic ways.... and since the book is full of fluff stories, I copied the important parts.

Think about the bible - one of the most ancient magical works available- and the fact that the "words" themselves were considered gateway and the paper was just some sort of temporary divine abode. Think about the various regulations that Jews had in writing the name of God: once the name was written on paper, that paper cannot be destroyed for example.

Unless, the spirits of NAP are the "Kardek's spiritism" kind of things, it is unlikely that the physical form of the book may hold such a significance.

Just an opinion, of course.

Posts: 74

Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#25 » Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:10 pm

mrblack wrote:@ Fr Chika Chika & RAis - just curious, do you own the books physically?

No I dont - I have a PDF form.. Ive tried my best to order it for very high prices - no luck.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#26 » Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:08 am

@FrCC (& I guess this would pertain to RAI as well)
yes, ancient grimoires were pass down through time, through practitioners, sometimes via handwritten
copies but my point was that NAP is a talismanic grimoire (i think this is a well know fact, can't be sure
though.....) so having a physical, original copy that the author consecrated through ritual, would be a

since you two are somewhat new to conjurations, maybe this is something to look at but as Rai said,
the copies can get quite expensive.

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Frater Chika Chika
Posts: 68

Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#27 » Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:27 am

mrblack wrote:[...] so having a physical, original copy that the author consecrated through ritual, would be a

Is it true that the author consecrated each individual copy?
I always tough that it was a "commercial book" and the author never talked about the importance of the physical book in his NAP explanations.
Rather it is described as an inherent power which is awaken trough the medium of certain words.

Nonetheless, I think that you may be correct in the case of this book.
Maybe the entities are eggregores which work in this specific way as a sort of "initiation".

Thank you :)

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#28 » Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:43 pm

i know it's been mentioned alot of times here but here's what i dug from a quick search. ... t=talisman. ... man#p62371

well, when the author sold his book - the internetz and pdf wasn't really around so.....

i suggest if you really want to work w/ NAP that you really try to nail in the Point A ritual, which
in turn builds rapport w/ Arzel, which is the gatekeeper of this system.....even w/o the
physical copy of the book.

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Frater Chika Chika
Posts: 68

Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#29 » Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:38 am

Thank you :)

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: Depression NAP And Vibration

Post#30 » Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:58 pm

BrotherButterball wrote:This posting is in regards to depression

and New Avatar Power. Franz Bardon

commented on working with spirits

from various planetary zones.

He mentioned that each and every

spirit has a vibration.

I suggest that the spirits in the NAP book

are being invoked in the spells

Geoff Gray Cobb provided.

Invocation may engender a taking in

of that or this particular spirits energies

and potencies.

This then is my theory regarding

the depression some are experiencing.

They are feeling and sensing the vibration of

the spirits they are invoking.


BBB,Could it be that all of the chaos associated with Elubatel is to clear the path from point a to b?
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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