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Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 1:16 pm
by BrotherButterball

That NAP thang does work for me.

Some of the color and planetary visualizations work for me.

And all the curses in the back of the book work for me.

I tested them.

The Beings mentioned are not egregores.

However, if you know your angels, you will recognize the names

are the Mercury zone spirits described by Franz Bardon.

The book is a very simple system of magick.

The cheesy and corny descriptive names that you read,

were part of Parker Publishing writers guidelines

that were in place during the 1970s.

The spooky floating head does not bother me.

There are more spooky thangs found in the occult.

Now, wasn't that fun? :)

Brother BBB

Zezelryck wrote:NAP to me seems to be some cheesey 70's post hippie generation self help new age mumbo jumbo. The power that makes it work comes from the practitioner itself...or so it seems. It seems to be riddled with invocations to eregregores that seem to be based on quasi-historic sources and other occult materials predating it seemingly by some centuries or more. If this is my attitude and take on the thing no wonder this NAP thing isn't working for me...I wish I could get it to work because the book makes amazing promises. Maybe that funny floating head of the author on the dustjacket put me off before I even started. :?:

Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 2:42 pm
by Zezelryck
OK, I'll give it another go. You have convinced me of my ignorance Brother Butterball. I will begin doing as you instucted in an earlier post today. Also which bardon book were you refering to?

Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 5:50 pm
by BrotherButterball
Zezelryck wrote:OK, I'll give it another go. You have convinced me of my ignorance Brother Butterball. I will begin doing as you instucted in an earlier post today. Also which bardon book were you refering to?

Hello Zezelryck,

I wasn't trying to convince you of your ignorance.

I am trying to help you and others and help myself along the way.

The Bardon book is titled, The Practice of Magical Evocation or PME.

Brother BBB 8-)

Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:59 pm
by axeezo
hey all, that photo i like alot. heheh it makes me feel happy ,seeing him like that and that we actually got to talk to the guy, that probably blew my mind more than 70s' pic could.

Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:57 am
by Monte Lostra
Saying something like 'NAP thing don't work for me...', makes me ask....

- what ritual did you try?
- how long did you try it for?
- did you follow the book TO THE LETTER? e.g. one ritual a day, being completely relaxed, having an image of what you wanted in your mind while you did the incantation?
- were you skeptical while you did it?

One thing I've realized is that a lot of times, if you want to find a reason to doubt something - or just doubt something for the most part, you'll get a reason to do that. I'm not claiming that with NAP you totally have to believe, as I have started on it recently, but at the same time, having strong doubts can usually hinder that progress. If the author recommends that you have an image of what you want in your mind (so you can attune yourself with the spirits), then it's probable that your skepticism could be read too. Just a thought.

Focus on the fact that there's a whole section of this forum dedicated to discussions about this book. Many many knowledgeable magicians here have confirmed that it works very very well. The truth is, I'm going to do a little reading here about NAP, mainly because there are people who will sap your confidence in any ritual, workout plan, holiday plan, retirement plan, evocation name it. Perhaps I'm sensitive to the stuff people say, but I've noticed that a lot of people want to doubt the book, and convince other people to do the same. Remember, a lot of people get caught up in searching for 'the next resource that will change my life', and when they come across it, it might just seem too good to be true. So they're sure to look for 'the next more powerful resource that WILL change my life this time'. They go on and on, because deep down they've lost belief that they will find a working solution.

I remember in the longest thread "The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Cobb...", there was a someone who kept focusing on the point that how could those testimonials have come out before the book was published...yadda yadda. She kept going on about how she didn't believe the testimonials were true. She even emailed the author regarding her doubts in how true these testimonials were, and got a reply! Funny enough, in the reply, the author said that he had taught the course for up to four years world wide, and of course, had success stories of the NAP system from his students. Interesting thing is that THAT very explanation is in the book. In the very beginning in fact. She didn't read very closely. You can miss out on things by not reading closely and carefully.

There's a Buddhist saying about 'The finger that points to the moon is not the moon'. In this case, our friend was focused on all the skeptism on the book, preventing her from focusing more on the fact that this book does produce undeniable results. In this case too, I'd say...this forum is the finger pointing to the NAP system. Focus most on the NAP book, and following it's directions carefully, and you'll find yourself succeeding.

I think a good idea for NAP practitioners to read and reread the book closely, because I'm sure that will lead you to more success on the part of the book. I think it's a very carefully written book too.

Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:11 pm
by Omnis Validus
Great post Monte Lostra Image

Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:31 pm
by Monte Lostra
Thank you, Omnis Validus. I hope it helps anyone in doubt.

Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:55 pm
by Grab
Monte, good post.

I do not think following NAP to the letter is the most important, after all, there's a lot of the original rituals that he chopped off and people still get results.

I do think doubting the power of the book can harm the results.. for instance, personally, I never had any, nor do I think I ever will get any, good results from this book, due to how it is written. I find it hard to take serious.

For others, I'm sure it will sound great and brilliant, and hence give great results. Good for THEM!

Speaking of which, what is your favorite method to erase doubt in a book/method/magic in general?

Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:30 pm
by Martialis
I think that's the point. Sometimes techniques work regardless of our perceptions of them. Some have doubt, you yourself can't take it seriously (I see it as watered down Qabalah) but what does that really have to do with it? Nothing. At the end of the day magick is, more or less, empirical in its results which is one of the reasons I disagree with all of this moodiness and other stuff like that whole belief = all equation (sponsored by Chaotes the most along with psychologists and "skeptics"). Fire will burn your ass no matter what mood your in although depending on that mood your regards for it maybe irreverent or cautious. Magick does the same and we've heard of the stories (not all bullshit and shared by more serious practitioners) who've used it flippantly and got more than they bargained which contrast those that were at least modestly, if not honestly, skeptical and found results that amazed them. Ultimately I think it's more about making it work.

Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:57 pm
by Monte Lostra
Good point Martialis...

On the topic of belief in a ritual, I think the requirements are different. For example, if you do a well-planned Goetic evocation, with a successful spirit manifestation...and best of all, the spirit agrees to carry out your instructions within the time-frame you gave it. And then you end the ritual... I think in this case, even if you strongly doubt it will work, your request will manifest. In some other rituals - perhaps prayer in the Christian context, faith is needed (because I think in some ways, it has to do with if your subconscious believes the prayer will be 'answered').

Lemme quote this...

Afterward the disciples asked Jesus privately, "Why couldn't we cast out that demon?"

"You didn't have enough faith," Jesus told them. I assure you, even if you had faith as small as a mustard seed you could say to this mountain, "Move from hee to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible."

Matthew 17:19-20

Grab - For having faith in a book, generally I'd focus on people's successes with it. As Martialis said, it's about making it work. Sure, some people might do well at some kind of magic at the begining, as well as others, but with practice - you'll get it working. This is what I 'believe'. For example, I honestly believe ANYONE can be as good at drawing like daVinci was, but you might have to practice as much as he did. With regards to NAP, people have had success with it, and I think you can focus on those stories, and keep working at it. I believe you'll get 'in tune with the book'.

Another thing about is a thought. A thought of the moment. At the moment you wake up from sleep, you don't even know if you have faith in NAP or not. You're not even thinking about NAP at that instant. When you're at McDonalds ordering food, you probably don't have NAP on your mind...much less whether you have faith in it. It's not your thought at the moment. So, since we know faith is a thought of the moment, what I can advise is - before you work your NAP ritual,

Say affirmations to yourself, laugh about it (cause you know it's going to work). Be happy because you have this incredible solution. Throw your fists in the air like an Olympian who just finished first. Celebrate your success.

Keep doing this (even if you might still have a little doubt...). We're trying to get your faith to GROW as big as a mustard seed, and your doubts to reduce. (I sometimes think of faith and doubt as inverses on a scale of 1 to 100. e.g. Faith can be 75, and doubt 25....and so on...)...and then go into your ritual.

I don't know if you do/did this, but I'd advice anyone who can to record the NAP ritual, so you can really be relaxing with eyes closed when you're doing it.(low volume, I even put a little reverb effect to make it sound can do the recording using this free program called Audacity - - download the 1.2 version not the one in beta - I can say more about this if you'd like)
Put it this way, if at the begining of the NAP ritual(which should take about 4 minutes), you're already closing your eyes and trying to relax, by the time you've waited for 2 minutes after, you'll be in a MUCH deeper state of relaxation than if you read it, and then relaxed for 2 minutes after. And Mr.Gray-Cobb does say relaxation is like the most important to let your NAPower flow.

This is for faith in general, I'm not saying you need to have faith in the NAP for it to work. However, it cannot hurt to try and get those faith numbers up, as this will definitely expedite your requests happening.

My own testimonial...For this New Avatar Power:

I had some of the book a while ago, but not done the rituals. On the very day right after I did my first ritual: NAP ritual + Invocation for Money....on the day after, the craziest stuff happened.

At about 11:00am, for some reason I logged into my stock trading account, which I had assumed for OVER 2-3 months, to be at $0. I thought I had sold all my stock, and cashed out entirely. But NO! I found money in there...I don't want to say the amount...but I DID find money in there. More than my 5points of faith would every imagine was there. I

THEN, at about 4:00pm, a family member who I had an argument with about 3 weeks earlier sent me an email saying he had sent me some money, since he knew I didn't have a job. At this point, I was thinking...that's cool. But then when I remembered that I had done this ritual just the night before, I was flipping out. I thought that was it.

At about 8:30... I was looking for matches, to light candles so I could do my second-ever NAP ritual, because the night before my lighter had ran out. I didn't want to have to light up paper using the heating-surface stove, so I was looking everywhere in the kitchen. ("There has to be some matches somewhere..."). Then I opened this red box one of my other housemate had which was covered by many papers and mail. I know he had not opened this box in at least 3 months. I was thinking much much longer. Guess what I saw in there....more quarters than I could cup in one hand. Enough quarters and a few one dollar coins to fill my two hands. I didn't take any of it, but I knew where I could get it if I needed it :)

This was all within 24 hours of my first money invocation ritual. And this is candid...just like it happened.

In other news, there's a lot to be said about faith. Let me throw out a theory I have at the moment:

I think in fact, unknowingly, we use magic to supplement, where our faith is not 100%. Because I think if you have 100% faith in somethhing. Even maybe about 70% faith or more in something, it will come to pass. Even if it has to do with others. I think this is so because of your subconscious. Your subconscious can do pretty much anything. I think this is why affirmations work over time - you say it enough consciously, and it seeps into your subconscious which is a miracle-worker, and it will make events happen in world around you.

I think it could be a good idea to generally affirm confidently as much as you can, what you're performing the NAP to achieve. After all, getting results is why you're doing the NAP in the first place, so any help is definitely welcome :)

I hope you succeed with your NAP endeavours!