NAP Opening Ritual Question

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Re: NAP Opening Ritual Question

Post#11 » Tue May 13, 2014 5:14 pm

That is very interesting that you both had a similar time frame for success, I wouldn't doubt if for most people big results don't happen until 2 months or so unless your one of those people who get instant results. This gives me a idea of how long it may take so thanks for the feedback! :goodpost I am very happy that I get money here and there more often then never like before I started doing NAP ritual. Things will change I just need to have patience. :D I have been doing ritual for about a month so maybe big change is around the corner!
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Re: NAP Opening Ritual Question

Post#12 » Mon May 26, 2014 5:36 pm

wherethelightfades wrote:....... I want to know what you guys think about this post and the one before it. I am poor so this happening to me is awesome! :D

Hi Wherethelightfades,

What I strongly suggest is to avoid saying that you are poor. You have mentioned this directly and indirectly in all of this thread.
Once you think of a state be it poor, rich, happy etc. then you enter that state and become it. This is like self sabotage albeit subconsciously.

I am glad that you have noticed activity with the spirits as this is confirmation that you are on the right track and connected. I myself have not started using NAP as yet but I am very familiar with spirit activity. My gratitude book fell of the shelf yesterday as reminder for me to do my daily gratitude. I have also practiced envoking KNEE TEE CAR just to get my self ready and my Attorney contacted me today regarding the finalization of my late fathers estate which has been going on for 7 years.

You are already in the right mindset to receive from what you mentioned but all you need to do it let go of poverty, just deny it.
Just to give you an idea of time frame for manifestations in my own personal experience it takes me between 7-9 days to feel something working and my see a tiny results or hints that it's on it's way. Thereafter I would say it can take one month for me to get the results if "Work it" consistently every single day. Some thongs have not happened at all but I believe that is down to me being too attached to the out come, I even if I pretend that I am not.

I hope that helps and would like to hear any up dates you've had since your last post.

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Re: NAP Opening Ritual Question

Post#13 » Sat May 31, 2014 11:03 pm

Mme wrote:
wherethelightfades wrote:....... I want to know what you guys think about this post and the one before it. I am poor so this happening to me is awesome! :D

Hi Wherethelightfades,

What I strongly suggest is to avoid saying that you are poor. You have mentioned this directly and indirectly in all of this thread.
Once you think of a state be it poor, rich, happy etc. then you enter that state and become it. This is like self sabotage albeit subconsciously.

I am glad that you have noticed activity with the spirits as this is confirmation that you are on the right track and connected. I myself have not started using NAP as yet but I am very familiar with spirit activity. My gratitude book fell of the shelf yesterday as reminder for me to do my daily gratitude. I have also practiced envoking KNEE TEE CAR just to get my self ready and my Attorney contacted me today regarding the finalization of my late fathers estate which has been going on for 7 years.

You are already in the right mindset to receive from what you mentioned but all you need to do it let go of poverty, just deny it.
Just to give you an idea of time frame for manifestations in my own personal experience it takes me between 7-9 days to feel something working and my see a tiny results or hints that it's on it's way. Thereafter I would say it can take one month for me to get the results if "Work it" consistently every single day. Some thongs have not happened at all but I believe that is down to me being too attached to the out come, I even if I pretend that I am not.

I hope that helps and would like to hear any up dates you've had since your last post.

Hello Mme, I appreciate the feedback. I do firmly believe that the spirits are working for me and that results will come, and since my doubt of the working has been shattered a while back I don't think about results pretty much 95% of the time because I know they will come. I do feel something significant is in the works and that my ritual call is being heard. But it feels like the spirits are to busy to give me signs of there presence or signs of the working. As for being in a state of poor, well that is sound advice but the state of poverty is only null an void if I think about what I have. And I do this sometimes of course but reality is something I cant ignore. I put myself in a state of well being by thinking about things I have and being satisfied. But its hard to maintain that mentality. :? So I try being different about how I think changing my aura into a positive one more often and I do maintain a positive aura most the time, but the whole reason I decided to do NAP workings was because a member here suggested it and everyone gets results fast. And I have been doing this ritual with all my heart and soul with high levels of energy for 3 months now. And well I am kinda frustrated a little. Being in the mind set of being poor would mean giving me $5 would make me happy but when I do the ritual I expect both little things on the side and big things as well, to put it bluntly I put a lot of expectation in my workings but at the same time I am open to any result size. And so far I have gotten little things but nothing out of the ordinary. I make sure to thank the spirits as well but at the same time I am firm as well, and I sense the spirits understand. Maybe I am just impatient, which is usually my nature but I have very little of it so 3 months is a break through with me.
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Re: NAP Opening Ritual Question

Post#14 » Sun Jun 01, 2014 3:02 am

There is also one important thing you should consider, I am doing NAP from end of April and I have good constant results - more money comes from my online business... for me the golden rule is that money must come from somewhere... I know it's written in the book that money come unexpected... but in my opinion if you have 1 source, either some job, or maybe you play or gamble then there will be easier way and money will fly to you more often, I am a very good example ;)

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Re: NAP Opening Ritual Question

Post#15 » Sun Jun 01, 2014 7:29 am

I was just about to mention the same as Monika.
Wherethelightfades I am curious, can I ask what are you doing to receive more money in your life? e.g selling things on eBay, extra job, looking for a higher paid job, website that will generate money from Google ads etc.

I believe that you are doing NAP correctly but it's the action part that is what I am questioning also the fact that you still are complaining that it's hard and "trying" to change from your current reality and you can't just ignore it. Well yeah yes you can ignore it as this is what I am doing myself. I have mold growing on my walls and the stench of the mold reminds me every nano second that I need more money to get out of this place that I've been stuck in for the last 3 years.

I just know that I am in transition and my current reality is just for the short time. I always have more money than I need to pay my bills etc. I just started doing NAP a few days ago and have received $5,000 from different sources.

No this money didn't come all at once it started of with tiny partial refunds from $3 then things $50-1,590.... I knew I opened the flood gates. I have not got a job either. Then I received a phone call form my Lawyer telling me that things are going through with getting a house that was owed to me. Then tomorrow I will have to go to another Lawyer to sue my landlord/Agents for damages in my studio flat. I will win because they covered things up.... long story. I could of done this 2 years ago but I was worried and freaking out because of the Estate agent and I didn't want to be faced with any fees for major repairs. However I was so wrong the whole thing is the other way round and the agents are licking my backside as they don't want me to take them to court. Also I money may well come from elsewhere as I now looking for a job.

I noticed that even before I starting NAP and when I was intoning Nitika I felt a connection, like yourself but not as strong. I just went along with it.

My whole point of what I have been rambling on about is just to say. Act as if you have want you want now. Just like an Actor. Yes I do know that you will get hit by reality a few times within each hour but just know that this is just a stepping stone to something better. If you know, like you know, like you know, then you will chilled out with the expectation that whilst you are taking action to bring money into your life will come in.

You need to do align into the physical like you are mentally. They go hand in hand and you will see changes happen pronto. Trust me on that as I have just stopped procrastinating. Another thing that I would suggest is to read over and over the NAP success stories in the forums as that will help you keep in sync. I know it does help me.

it would be worth writing down how much money you intend to receive in your book of shadows if you have one. if you just openly ask for money then that could be $2. Keeping in mind that if you state some thing like $50,000, $100,000, or $1M and you realistically can't see your self ever having that, then it will never happen. You have to work within your beliefs until you create new beliefs. I also look at your core belief system with regards to money also as that can sabotage your stream of money.

I hope that helps in some way.

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Re: NAP Opening Ritual Question

Post#16 » Sat Jun 07, 2014 12:03 am

Mme and Monika I do appreciate the feedback. I will try and keep myself in a positive state of being and see how it works out. Sometimes I get really discouraged by life's BS and I hold on to my anger, I do many things to be rid of this ideology but I get pulled in again. So will take your guys advice and maintain a constant aura of hope and positiveness. I am sure it would work out, like I said sometimes I let life's BS get to me, if being an actor helps then I will give it a shot. and as mentioned in my last post I believe the workings are well under way in my favor and hold no doubts and my expectations are stationed well. and regarding my sources which the money can come I am looking for a PC job, my father gambles at the horse track usually with ok results, I play scratchers and lotto, I sometimes get more hours at work. I was thinking about adding more opportunities or sources for the workings to manifest prior to our recent conversations on this forum recently and my guess was correct. Thank you for verifying this Monika. Thanks for the advice I have feeling I will be surprised by this reinforced ideology. :goodpost
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Re: NAP Opening Ritual Question

Post#17 » Sat Jun 07, 2014 12:12 am

Also I plan to super charge my ritual by by adding things like power gates, circulation, fountain, bornless from the book I heard positive things about this and currently compiling a ritual list to go by. I will be asking a question regarding this in the NAP forum to gauge what experiences others have had with power gates ect.
“I am Ultimecia. Time shall compress... All existence denied.”

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Re: NAP Opening Ritual Question

Post#18 » Sat Jun 07, 2014 1:27 am

wherethelightfades wrote:...regarding my sources which the money can come I am looking for a PC job, my father gambles at the horse track usually with ok results, I play scratchers and lotto, I sometimes get more hours at work. I was thinking about adding more opportunities or sources for the workings to manifest prior to our recent conversations on this forum recently and my guess was correct. Thank you for verifying this Monika. Thanks for the advice I have feeling I will be surprised by this reinforced ideology. :goodpost

Relying on the Bank of Mum & Dad and scratch cards will not give you fruitful results IMHO. It will most likely come from another source or just from your extra hours, promotion or an a new job etc.

wherethelightfades wrote:Also I plan to super charge my ritual by by adding things like power gates, circulation, fountain, bornless from the book I heard positive things about this and currently compiling a ritual list to go by. I will be asking a question regarding this in the NAP forum to gauge what experiences others have had with power gates ect.

I can understand why your not getting any results from NAP. You have answered your own question here if you are are not getting results. There are plenty of gems in the NAP forums, with people giving loads of useful tips and even step by step examples. I suggest reading every single post more than once, rather than skipping or just scanning though to look for the juice.

As a Neophyte myself I have read the this forums rules, yeah after my first post :oops: and found that this is site/forum is for experienced folk. The most I could have done was do my homework first as I don't expect anyone to spoon feed me here. Or even answer my questions on something that I have not even experimented with yet. If something is not working for you after 3 months it means that you are cutting conners and reinventing the wheel. Yes for sure NAP can be tweaked but after doing some experimented test runs through trial and error. You will find that after that you will have your own NAP which works wonders for yourself and maybe others too.

Sorry for being a tad harsh but I hope that helps in someway.
Maybe Monika can add as she has a more diplomacy and experience than myself.

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Re: NAP Opening Ritual Question

Post#19 » Sat Jun 07, 2014 2:38 am

Relying on the Bank of Mum & Dad and scratch cards will not give you fruitful results IMHO. It will most likely come from another source or just from your extra hours, promotion or an a new job etc.

I stated in my response that you wanted to know what my sources are, I told you them. I said Nothing about relying on just those sources. As stated before in my response I was asking my self if my sources of income was acceptable and upon seeing your comment as well as Monika I came to that realization that its not enough, and once again Thank you.

I can understand why your not getting any results from NAP. You have answered your own question here if you are are not getting results. There are plenty of gems in the NAP forums, with people giving loads of useful tips and even step by step examples. I suggest reading every single post more than once, rather than skipping or just scanning though to look for the juice.

I have not skipped any info here friend I have read plenty on the material in this forum and book, and you forget that have been getting results not life changing ones. That was the point of my griping. Look I am here not to just chat about my experience but to read others experience, even if it means posing a question. There is nothing wrong with asking questions here and receiving input. I think you unintentionally rubbed me the wrong way.

As a Neophyte myself I have read the this forums rules, yeah after my first post :oops: and found that this is site/forum is for experienced folk. The most I could have done was do my homework first as I don't expect anyone to spoon feed me here. Or even answer my questions on something that I have not even experimented with yet. If something is not working for you after 3 months it means that you are cutting cutting conners and reinventing the wheel. Yes for sure NAP can be tweaked but after doing some experimented test runs through trial and error.

I have done alot of homework on the occult, I may be a neophyte in terms of practicing magic. But not knowledge but does that mean I know everything? No it doesn't and there is nothing wrong with that. I am not having anyone spoon feed me! Where are you getting this from? If asking questions is bad here then there is no point to this website. Oh and for experimentation don't act like every one has the same situation as you do, you mentioned that you live on your own well congratulations you made it work somehow even if its a rotten place as you mentioned. I am not trying to make excuses for not having grand success with magic or not doing well but please don't make it sound so easy as 1.2.3. Everybody is unique and has different situations going for them. My life is not so simple but I still managed to make room in my life for change by committing to NAP. And yes I have gotten results just not big ones and as I go that will change. I know your trying to help, but....cutting corners? Ok, first you say I complain. Now your also saying I am cutting corners? In what way? I am not going to try and convince you how much effort I put into my workings but I assure you that I am doing the ritual correctly and properly word for word, and my updates on this forum are proof of that if you read them. We have both come to the conclusion that my sources are not good enough, that was the premise of all this. I am sorry if I came off as an asshole but don't make assumptions or misread the info I give here. I really am trying my best and so far I have been happy with the results but each time I get results I raise the bar. We have established that a constant positive attitude and not getting discouraged is key here and I am thankful for your advice but please don't judge my character so quickly here please. We are all here to learn even if some are more wise and knowledgeable then others. I want to state now that I try to be modest and patient here as much as possible out of respect. Please do me the same courtesy even if its criticism. Diplomacy is key here, please use it.

Sorry for being a tad harsh but I hope that helps in someway.
Maybe Monika can add as she has a more diplomacy and experience than myself.
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Re: NAP Opening Ritual Question

Post#20 » Sat Jun 07, 2014 3:05 am

to: wherethelightfades

I really like you are honest here and you do not sugar coat or try to show your situation look better in the eyes of others. And please do not worry about other people opinions or comments. I believe you are on a good way to change your financial situation as you took this 1st step and admited you want to be in better place financially. Now you just need to believe and act on it. I think that NAP and any other magick teaches us: determination, perserverance, and ACTION - well in your case you need money to flow-in certain way, p.ex why not start to sell on eBay on Amazon, some other online extra job, job that you will love and be passionate about.
Here is the link to brother Moloch NAP experience: ... power.html

I cross my fingers for you. I also recommend you to explore more your magickal path and maybe start reading other grimoiries as well. I really helps, believe me it does ;)
Warmest regards Monika

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