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Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 4:18 pm
by Liderc
i see nothing wrong with love spells. or anything of that kind.

the thing is, i have plenty of interaction with her.. her boyfriend just broke up with her, and she keeps telling me shes not ready for anything.. shes not ready for a relationship, shes not ready for anything.

i just need that extra push to get her over it and into me,

Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:05 pm
by catmackenna
Liderc wrote:i see nothing wrong with love spells. or anything of that kind.

the thing is, i have plenty of interaction with her.. her boyfriend just broke up with her, and she keeps telling me shes not ready for anything.. shes not ready for a relationship, shes not ready for anything.

i just need that extra push to get her over it and into me,

Just a word of advice: don't be her girlfriend; she will never consider you boyfriend material if you are. Ask her out for coffee or some other nonthreatening "date," but whatever you do, don't talk about her ex-boyfriend with her. That's what women do. In a man, it's strictly beta male behavior, and no woman consciously chooses a beta male.

Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:04 pm
by IronOrchid
Hey, I go for younger men! :twisted:

Maybe your spell backfired, and Ima stalking you now, honey? :twisted:

PS serious mode on - don't ffs be her "friend" - look up some pulling material online, it won't sort you out maybe but it will STOP you falling into traps. 8-)

Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 12:02 am
by Variance
Yeah, seriously. Learn how to converse with women; don't expect magick to give them earth shattering orgasms whenever they see you causing them to want to jump on your cock within 30 milliseconds.

(....although.... that would be interesting....) Haha, just kidding.

Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 4:02 am
by BrotherButterball
Variance wrote:Yeah, seriously. Learn how to converse with women; don't expect magick to give them earth shattering orgasms whenever they see you causing them to want to jump on your cock within 30 milliseconds.

(....although.... that would be interesting....) Haha, just kidding.

Variance, you must be psychic.

There is a Setian spell in the book, The Seven Faces Of Darkness by Don Webb.

You ask that the woman glue her thingy onto yours.

Have seen two versions of this.

May be worth trying.

Tim :)

Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 4:43 am
by Liderc
Variance wrote:Yeah, seriously. Learn how to converse with women; don't expect magick to give them earth shattering orgasms whenever they see you causing them to want to jump on your cock within 30 milliseconds.

(....although.... that would be interesting....) Haha, just kidding.

that was never my intent. i don't know if you read my post or not. i am well equipped to talking with women

all i said was i needed a extra push to spark her feelings for me.

Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:16 am
by IronOrchid
Liderc wrote:that was never my intent. i don't know if you read my post or not. i am well equipped to talking with women

I think what a few replies (my own included) are getting at is, being a friend is pretty deadly, as she'll not easily convert that into being a mate. Seriously, i've been on every side with that, had it happen (and been frankly grossed out when a guy i thought of as a friend suddenly made a move, it was weird and just WRONG) so you need to find a way to get out of that.

So being able to really talk to women and click with them could actually be counter-productive?

Obviously 2 - 3 line chat on an internet forum is a terrible way to get or give help in detail, and it's easy to get the wrong end of the stick, but maybe try looking up some stuff online, even the book "The Rules" which is written for women advises NEVER falling into the friend-zone, and not being too easy and casual, or too helpful and matey, with someone you'd like to see you as a possible romatic partner.

If you have a thrift shop or charity shop, or just Amazon, you could probably pick up a copy dirt cheap and see if there's any advice in there you can adapt? Good luck. 8-)


Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:50 am
by vovin
One thing I learnt very early on.. "Nice guys come last" :evil:

Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:04 am
by IronOrchid
Vovin wrote:One thing I learnt very early on.. "Nice guys come last" :evil:

That's because Nice Guys are usually passive-aggressive manipulators, who put on a false front and then walk round with a sense of entitlement a mile wide because hey, they're "making the effort." :twisted:

Read this for the definitive all-time slap-down on "NiceGuyism" - 8-)

I dated one once - NEVER AGAIN. Now it's shoot on sight! jkj


Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:39 pm
by Frater EOE
Hi Liderc, You've actually stated why your magic isn't working on this girl. Of your casting, technically speaking your probably doing everything correctly (Although you should probably be focusing more on your visualization skills and mental clearing at this stage than chasing girls around - but I understand how it is).

According to your post this girl is telling you that "shes not ready for a relationship, shes not ready for anything." You pressuring her either mentally or magically to be with you isn't going to help get her out of that frame of mind and in fact will probably just turn into an obsession for you (if it hasn't already happened). And if it does work it will most likely backfire on you because you will be controlling her like a puppet and she won't understand why the feelings or things are happening and will most likely resent to hate you (and you'll be forced into repeatedly begging the angels for their help because I'm sure you wish for her to love you the same way you love her). So if I was in your shoes, i'd attack this problem from a different angle.

I would advise to do the 'Chant to Excite Love' again but this time ask the Angels to help heal this girls heart. Unfortunately I get from your plight [and don't hate me for saying this] that your not meant to be with this girl (at least not at the moment, and in not so many terms she is stating this to you). She may need a night or two of some heavy passionate no strings attached encounters with some random OTHER people. She may find that one of those people are able to break her out of her current way of thinking and she may even end up being with them for a number of years (or even for the rest of her life). If you are meant to be with her however, it will happen when it is meant to - because at this stage in time either you can't give her what she needs, she can't give you what you need or both of you can't give each other what ya'll need!

You may want to do the spell again as others have mentioned without focusing on this girl and asking for your emotional and physical needs to be met from a partner. You may be surprised that another person might come into your life (or something might form between some other person already in your life that you haven't thought about) and either you may live happily ever after - or it might be the catalyst that gets this girl (that your chasing now) to think about and want you. (Girls go nuts over guys they thought they have under their thumbs that end up finding happiness elsewhere, and will usually do everything in their arsenal to get that power back). And that also doesn't mean you have to be mean to her about it because if you do really care about her - your not going to want to hurt her, your just looking after yourself at the moment and that really should be your number one priority.

I have become very close with Anael and Jazar and I can vouch for their power, influence and effectiveness - so I can assure you they will definitely be active and around. But like everyone before me has stated, the angels can only do so much in nudging this girl your way, before you need to take the reigns yourself. Some may even say that magick is just an extension of oneself - if she's sitting in front of you, speaking to you and you can't make her change her mind - then your magick probably won't be able to either. But if you just want her to be a zombie sex slave, you won't be able to achieve it with NAP - maybe try a Demon from one of the many Grimoires (Gremory from the Goetia perhaps).

One last thing - try some divination to find out what your best course of action is and whether your wasting your time pursuing this girl at this point in time (and also whether your spells have gone through etc). Both your emotions and your mind are able to blind and fool you - follow your instincts, because your true self will never lead you astray.

I hope you get what you need man! And keep the experiments rolling, don't give up if at first it fails - keep trying!

In LVX - EoE