Mr Cobb ?

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

Topic author
Adeptus Minor
Posts: 557

Re: Mr Cobb ?

Post#11 » Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:37 pm

Hi all, i received an email from Mr Gray Cobb, i asked him if i could post it so i await his reply. he seems to be doing ok, the impression i got from his daughter and the way she said it , i thought he was dying right away, he seems to be holding his own though, so lets send him some healing energies.Ill let you know when he replies to me again.

Topic author
Adeptus Minor
Posts: 557

Re: Mr Cobb ?

Post#12 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:55 pm

Hey all i got an email from Mr Geoff Gray-Cobb, wow he seems to be doing better than it sounded

" Thanks Axeezo for your interest in my health. My daughter forwarded your e-mail to me. Yes, I did have a nasty stroke and a couple of heart attacks in October last year which left me paralyzed on the left side which has improved greatly. I can now walk, slowly, which is a blessing. I spent 5 weeks in the hospital, Doc gave me two months to live as he says my heart pump is not working so my wife decided to bring me home "to die" in comfort. I am now into my sixth month of living , certainly defied Doc's prediction. Indeed I am reasonably well, although I do have days when it is hard to breathe comfortably. All in all, life's pretty good. Regards Geof Gray-Cobb. "


Re: Mr Cobb ?

Post#13 » Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:00 pm

Good Day All
Just to inform you that Geof Gray Cobb, my father, passed away on May 12th at home. He had requested to be taken the hospital at 5.30am that morning as his heart pains were above tolerable. [He had a no resuscitation request] At the hospital they made him comfortable, but wanted to bring down the blood pressure with paddles on his heart. He had experienced the paddles before and refused them. He said he rather die. Mum took him home at 9am and he passed away with her holding his hand at 11.30am. Thank you all for your nice words about him.

Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: Mr Cobb ?

Post#14 » Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:29 pm

Viki wrote:Good Day All
Just to inform you that Geof Gray Cobb, my father, passed away on May 12th at home. He had requested to be taken the hospital at 5.30am that morning as his heart pains were above tolerable. [He had a no resuscitation request] At the hospital they made him comfortable, but wanted to bring down the blood pressure with paddles on his heart. He had experienced the paddles before and refused them. He said he rather die. Mum took him home at 9am and he passed away with her holding his hand at 11.30am. Thank you all for your nice words about him.

Viki, you and your family, have my deepest condolences and sympathies.

I wish all of you good health and peace and wellness during this difficult time.

Surely, Geof Gray-Cobb will live on in his great and wonderful books.

I can feel his presence when I look at his photo

in the back of The Miracle of New Avatar Power book.

What a legacy he left the world...

Last edited by BrotherButterball on Fri Jun 05, 2009 1:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

Topic author
Adeptus Minor
Posts: 557

Re: Mr Cobb ?

Post#15 » Thu Jun 04, 2009 6:25 pm

Hi Viki, if its ok, can you please let me know where your father is buried( unless he has been cremated). Id love to visit his grave site when im in Canada in a few months. Do take care and let me say its been a pleasure actually corresponding with you ( and your father while in physical body). You can still pop in here now every now and then as, im sure you're most welcomed to do so.

Super Celestials
Adeptus Minor
Posts: 589

Re: Mr Cobb ?

Post#16 » Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:40 pm

Vicki and Family,

From both near and far, there are many people on this forum who feel great concern for your family and miss you dad, -- an extended family of sorts, if I may make the suggestion.

I cherish your fathers books, his works and his memory.

With the kindest regards,


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