Communication with and messages from NAP entities

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#21 » Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:21 pm

I am not mocking anyone - simply stating facts. Sometimes the truth is inconvenient, sometimes it is annoying....but nevertheless it is and will remain....the truth.

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Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#22 » Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:00 pm

In these types of discussions there are no 'facts'. Stating your 'opinion' as such only leads others to believe that you are an ass. If you would like to engage in meaningful discourse here, please keep that in mind.
Hic nominabit Spiritus quos volet, cuiuscunq ordinis sunt.

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Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#23 » Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:05 pm

HRHPBC wrote:
haileos wrote:Does anyone else have conversations with the NAP entities? If so, I thought that maybe it would be of help if we all shared what they teach us. The two who I have communed with are Elubatel and Kadriel. Here are some things that Elubatel has told me that i have written down. What do you all think?

"The invocations are not so much to get our attention as they are to focus yours.

Remember, we are not the ones manifesting your intentions. Only you do that. Rather, we make straight the path and clear obstacles so that your intention, like an arrow released from it's sling, can hit it's mark.

You need to overcome the idea that through the invocations you are calling us to you. We are already with you all 24/7. We are parts of the whole of which you too are a part. Our perception of time/space is not of a continuum but of a single, eternal moment wherein all resides. You are there in that moment along with all of your intentions, both past and present. And we are aware of them. We read them and all aspects of you like an open book.

You do not need to go through the formal invocations to obtain our help once you have some working familiarity with us. As with all things, the order and process of workings becomes looser and more flexible as experience is gained. Some of you have discovered that you receive help simply by thinking of us and this is accurate. The invitation we offer to you is that of friendship whereby requests are honored on that basis rather than on the basis of a "word of power". Again, the words of power are more to help you obtain the proper psycho�-energetic state for you to make contact with us and raise energy. Once contact with us is established, merely stating your intentions to us is enough to obtain our help and the invocations can be done away with. Why invoke forces that are already present? Again, banishing is more for calming and warding off any possible "negative" energies dredged up from your own psyche and given power by and during the invocations. We encourage you to try this and see for yourself whether or not it is true for you."

Elubatel did not tell you this. You told yourself this. Spirits do not communicate in this manner I really really wish more people would understand this and stop deluding themselves. No spirit is going to sit down and have a conversation with you over tea and crumpets...Spirits communicate through action. All else is a fabrication of the mind.

I can only hope that you actually try for yourself to communicate with the entities directly as well. While not necessary, it is a very beneficial, enlightening, and rewarding experience. I suggest you read the books:

Angelspeake by Barbara Mark and her sister Trudy Griswold,

Opening to Channel by Sanaya Roman,

and (one of my personal favorites) Spiritwalking by Poppy Palin for more info on learning to interact with spirits on a more direct level.

It is truly not difficult to learn to communicate with spirits. And the benefits of doing so far outweighs any work it takes to become sensitive enough to hear their voices.

Also, look at the great magicians both classic and modern (some of whom are on this very forum). Look at all the priceless information that has been collected via direct communication with spirits.

I love to read of William Mistelle's interactions with the spirits he invokes. It is sheer poetry, beauty, ecstacy!

All life in this Universe is ONE life. All entities in this universe are ONE entity.


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Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#24 » Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:37 pm

I have read spirit interactions from others far more accomplished than myself and they are just like this. I have no reason to disbelieve this. I DO however have reason to believe that each person communicates in their own way, some thru pictures, some feelings, some audible conversation. Because YOU do not experience spirit in this way, does not mean that no one does.
Read An Evocation Of Elubatel on Moloch's Evocational Magick group.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#25 » Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:25 pm

I really enjoyed this thread, OP. Wonderful insights and things to ponder. :goodpost

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Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#26 » Sat Dec 28, 2013 7:33 am

hello friends

i want to apologize for maybe hijacking this thread but the subject fits good to my question if you dont mind...

well, let me say i have been reading GGC´s book for more than a week now and i am very impressed by the rituals and the results claimed in this scriptum. this book makes magic really accessible to everyone and gives every human being a chance to change his/her life.

this book deserves my respect but there is something i can´t and don´t want to go conform with.
in some chants and invocations there is this repressive word "command". actually when working with spirits i dont command them unless they annoy me and dont want to go away.
i think commanding such higher spirits is not very advisable since they have their own will and life.

what do u think of this?
do you command them or do you ask them doing something?

Thanx for clearing this up, this is something i dont want to take lightly.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#27 » Sun Dec 29, 2013 5:29 am

Siddha wrote:1. what do u think of this?
2. do you command them or do you ask them doing something?

1. i think they wrote the rite in a "command" fashion because that was
the thing back then when they wrote the book. this "entity friendly" vibe
we have these days are a recent development for the most part.

2. i don't personally command unless i'm dealing w/ an unruly entity; most
of the time, i ask and if i don't get a good feedback, i move on to something

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Re: Communication with and messages from NAP entities

Post#28 » Sun Dec 29, 2013 8:02 am

mrblack wrote:
Siddha wrote:1. what do u think of this?
2. do you command them or do you ask them doing something?

1. i think they wrote the rite in a "command" fashion because that was
the thing back then when they wrote the book. this "entity friendly" vibe
we have these days are a recent development for the most part.

2. i don't personally command unless i'm dealing w/ an unruly entity; most
of the time, i ask and if i don't get a good feedback, i move on to something

Thanx very much buddy!!! 8-)

yes, truly....these days we have developed a different type of conversation with spirits than in former days - it´s a path i highly support!

actually i keep talking to spirits as i talk to some friends so i have no affinity against them but as you correctly claimed out unruly ones would be immediately commanded! :twisted:

to the other friends here:
So, what´s the deal with the NAP rituals then?
do you modify the imperative parts into a more suitable gentle evocation???
if so, does it work better/worse?

:Thank You
We have drunk Soma and become immortal; we have attained the light, the Gods discovered

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