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Re: What is this?

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:37 am
by Gilbertopb
Zadok wrote:Yeah I did the search. I was wondering if ELubatel was called for a specific thing but he effected the whole life experience. Sorry for not being clear.

People have good results with him too as we see at some topics and without a storm in life.
I guess this is related, as I told before, with the needs one have.

So, if you are looking for something, that means you have to change/learn/develop something on your life, this may result into events to move you from where you are to where you can be.
But if you already are closer the target, or have the skills, for example, what he may do can be just an adjustment. I'm doing a suposition here as I worked few with him on something stronger to me. But this is the impression I have about Elubatel.

Re: What is this?

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:20 am
by Pablo
it should be remembered that the Angels are (like God) good. Good can be fluffy at times but can be radically good. Radically good is the sort of good that overturns or derails your life as a way of getting you back on track. I cannot say what has happened in individual situations but often when individuals look back they can see it clearly. Often tbere may be hints as to being on the wrong track but sometimes we fail to act.



Re: What is this?

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 1:16 pm
by summerland
summerland wrote:Elubatel...Elubatel.... Oh hell no i will not summon or invoke you again! My course of events are just like they were before. I have not invoke, summoned, or any way called his name. But this is the same energy i dealt with before (exactly) a forceful energy that whoops you up things going very badddddddd, then good (to put out that fire) all at one time simultaneously. I have learned to control my emotions and learned to relax.....breath.....let go... before i would let my emotions go where he would put me. Angry, happy, stressed, exhausted all emotions at one time because these things would hit me at once.

Yep its him! why beyond me i havent invoked him in a very long time ( and will not) As far as what punched me in the back when i was asleep i still dont know. But when i got up my back was sore still. I havent seen this whatever it was again.

Maybe i will...............I have seen the destruction and miracles of Elubatel

Re: What is this?

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:03 pm
by summerland
i am drunk....Not surprising when....Oh the mighty Elubatel is around......What is the message now? I dont know because im so incoherent i cant think. Why am i so lucky to have your presence?

Re: What is this?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 8:23 am
by X-GUY
When we don’t listen to the whispers, we are forced to listen to the shouts.