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Depression after workings with Nitika

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 2:01 am
by lightz
I just want to share with you that I experienced depression 2x already. I never thought that it will not happen with this spirit as I have read that it is only working with Elubatel that one gets depressed. So now I have been working with Nitika and 2x already, I did got my money request but the next day was full of depression. I did not noticed it at first but I remembered getting depressed last time after the ritual worked. So for my experience, NAP worked but with a side effect of depression for a day or two.

Re: Depression after workings with Nitika

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 2:05 am
by lightz
I do add that after weeks of working with Nitika, I can feel the spirit's presence, energy, and vibration and it is very far from depression. So I disagree that the depression are the spirit's vibration but I do have a theory that the depression is the price to be paid. Only after the ritual's success i do feel depressed.

Re: Depression after workings with Nitika

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 2:42 am
by Provenant
Working any magic can take a toll, especially on the endocrine system ... that is the glands that produce serotonin and dopamine... you brain's happy chemicals.

It might be not so much a vibration issue, as the fact that magick raises a lot of energy, and that has to come from somewhere. Different folks can have different reactions. But, you need to take care of yourself physically. Even if you think you're basically healthy, working magick can have a powerful effect on the body of the magician.

Mebbe, look into a good mineral supplement. Especially magnesium. Especially that you say it's transient, does seem to point to the working... but eliminate the easy things first. That is, it might not be Nitika, it might be your body getting used to channeling magickal energy in ritual. NAP can be a bit deceptive, in that the way the book is written, it makes it seem so simple. But you're still working potentially high level magick, it's just wrapped up in a Super Sounds of the 70's breezy style.

Re: Depression after workings with Nitika

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 5:27 am
by talerman
Hi Lightz,
Depression can't last one or two days.
If it lasts so short, it is just a temporary crises, it is just a bad mood. Nothing serious...
From the magical point of view, you might have gone through this crises anyway, but if you think positive, maybe Nitika just shorten its time and effects. Could be a good exercise to check out what would have happened if you did not evoke Nitika.

Re: Depression after workings with Nitika

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 12:26 pm
by Adnarim
provenant wrote:Working any magic can take a toll, especially on the endocrine system ... that is the glands that produce serotonin and dopamine... you brain's happy chemicals.

It might be not so much a vibration issue, as the fact that magick raises a lot of energy, and that has to come from somewhere. Different folks can have different reactions. But, you need to take care of yourself physically. Even if you think you're basically healthy, working magick can have a powerful effect on the body of the magician.

Mebbe, look into a good mineral supplement. Especially magnesium. Especially that you say it's transient, does seem to point to the working... but eliminate the easy things first. That is, it might not be Nitika, it might be your body getting used to channeling magickal energy in ritual. NAP can be a bit deceptive, in that the way the book is written, it makes it seem so simple. But you're still working potentially high level magick, it's just wrapped up in a Super Sounds of the 70's breezy style.

Agreeing with provenant and talerman. But if these feelings are holding you back a little to evoke. Try lavender just a few stems and place them in your cirkle or in your pocket .. It helps your energy. Something from a herbal point of view.

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Re: Depression after workings with Nitika

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 12:43 pm
by summerland
lightz wrote:I just want to share with you that I experienced depression 2x already. I never thought that it will not happen with this spirit as I have read that it is only working with Elubatel that one gets depressed. So now I have been working with Nitika and 2x already, I did got my money request but the next day was full of depression. I did not noticed it at first but I remembered getting depressed last time after the ritual worked. So for my experience, NAP worked but with a side effect of depression for a day or two.

Have you ever worked with Elubatel?

Re: Depression after workings with Nitika

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 12:55 pm
by summerland
I dont know this is theory.... Even if you havent worked with Elubatel in a long time, When you invoke Nitika and have the same purpose in goal as Elubatel he still is pursuing what you asked for.

Re: Depression after workings with Nitika

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 7:18 pm
by lightz
I have not worked with Elubatel yet but I have read in other threads about people getting depressed after working with him. What I know and experienced is that the depression comes up the day after the ritual worked. And this happened 2x already. The emotion that I felt was exactly the same, same train of thought. The first time that it happened I knew it was an effect of the ritual as the negative thoughts are not my usual everyday thoughts and If I do think about it before, it didnt bother me at all. The second time it happened, I got an intuitive sense that it came from the spirit. Before the manifestation of the ritual I can feel Nitika's wealth energy flowing and surrounding my body. The negative energy or emotion flowed in more or less the same way. Also, It is very unusual for me to get depressed that easily and that strong without any physical reason for me to get depressed.

I also observed that the depression is experienced after a larger amount of money was received. I did the ritual several times and did got a few amounts of cash and did not experience any depression, only when a large amount of cash was received (to my experience at least 3-9x bigger compared to a small ones). I do the ritual exactly by the book - Point A, Invocation, Closing.I have read your replies and I do appreciate other thoughts on this. I may be wrong anyway. I do agree that this is a very powerful magic that works and that the author made it very very simple that it looks like an ordinary spell. Unfortunately he did not wrote about anything on depression or any adverse affects these rituals can cause.

Re: Depression after workings with Nitika

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 1:05 pm
by Iamtheone
Hi !

I've worked with both Nitika and Elubated on many ocassions. I stopped working with Elubated a year ago because, although I did get what I asked , I got one hell of a depression and couldn't shake it off. Just like you, the last time I worked with Nitika ( a few months ago ) I got depressed . Like really depressed...but I thought it was just my pessimistic self ( Im not puking rainbows so go figure..Im gloomy as sunday most of the days ).I kept pushing myself to meditate but I had to say stop because I sort of felt like Nitika wanted me to take a break. So I did, and after one week, I was ok :) I guess you just need to take some time of :D

Re: Depression after workings with Nitika

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 2:44 am
by Monika
I have huge headaches after 1 month of doing NAP. I had some great results along the way, but I also had step backs.
I am going to follow the advice of member "totenkopf" and to try "the middle pillar ritual (Uncle Bearheart version) AFTER the NAP,
I really hope my headache will go away.

My headache was terrible, it's 2nd day with pain -I had to make radical changes to what I am doing.
1st I have checked if I am right with VOD. As I have been told to never do any ritual work during "Void-of-course-Moon",
2nd I decided that if there is even 1 spirit around me - I need a protection!
The changes are as follows:
- preparation as for the ritual by Frater Malak: clean the place, arrange the altar, psychic cloak, mistic oil, placing amulets on the alatar, the thaumaturgic triplet on the wall,
- and the most important now - the circle of protection around me, - my mystic flame and incense - psychic cloak on me
I perfom the "place cleaning ritual", I light the candle and incense.
NOW I start NAP
- Relaxation Ritual to point A... Prayer to Arzel x3
- Invocation for specific intent - that is follwed by thanking the spirits, promising p.ex that I will burn a candle in the honor of the spirit and then I release
Nitika x3
Elubatel x3
Iaoth, Petahyah and Opiel x3
THEN after basic NAP I follow with:
- Open the Five Gates
- Circulation Ritual
- Middle Pillar Ritual
- Bornless One Ritual
- Attracting Ritual (see the light changing into the colour p.ex gold, repeat the mystic being name 3 times aloud, and see the results already achieved)
- AGAIN I thank ALL the spirits for coming and I release them

AND guess what? My headache is GONE!!!