Isolating Intent

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Isolating Intent

Post#1 » Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:49 pm

Some gnosis for your daily struggle: a way to unwind the tangled skeins for those of you having trouble manifesting what you want.

Make sure you know what you want (and have a decent idea of how to get there.) NAP Spirits (I am thinking here of Elubatel and Nitika) will do exactly what they say they will. Problem is you have to ask them to do exactly what you want, since their idea of getting something done will be totally different.

Case in point- Elubatel repeatedly helped me with sales at my last job, but I HATED that job. In fact I was supposed to leave the job to really be a success. And having done so I have graduated college with a 3.59 GPA (only due to my screwing around) and am beginning my own career as a freelancer. Have some promising opportunities lined up, too. I'm living my dream.

Anyway I only say this because I am investigating the Middle Pillar ritual. I have been minutely stymied lately due to my own complete lack of patience (I got pissed off when I had an empty email box and said 'I wish SOMEONE would reply at least' lo and behold a split second later I got a project rejection in my inbox.) I was wondering why things didn't work and read you should write your ritual down before you do it (the Middle Pillar colorized version.)

I sat down to write and realized I didn't exactly know what I wanted. On the one hand I could have a string of successful smaller projects which would give me much-needed money in the foreseeable future OR I could try to reel in the big fish with a huge project, capable of netting me a contract. Without going into specifics I wrote down what I wanted, minutely. I decided. Thinking back on it every spell I have ever jotted down has come true. Whether this is me remembering it because I jotted it down or the fact that these are the clearly defined spells that worked, well. You know. Chicken or the egg, really. I am choosing to believe it's because the spirits had a SPECIFIC, CLEARLY DEFINED SET OF INSTRUCTIONS.

Flesh it out and spell it out. Then spell it out. You don't just want a lover, you want a lover with twenty different attributes.

I would highly recommend a pen and paper for this as well. Makes you have to be more concise and specific and is way more concrete than a laptop, tablet or PC.

Posts: 58

Re: Isolating Intent

Post#2 » Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:15 am

I can attest to everything you said.

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