Something wrong... but still interesting

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Posts: 20

Something wrong... but still interesting

Post#1 » Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:28 am

After reading about all the wonderful results you've all been getting with NAP i decided to give it a try.
My first attempts i got it totally wrong (because i apparently can't read) and i didn't get any results. Then, after going back and doing things right i worked the spell for success and i got all excited because it worked so i proceeded to work other spells which resulted in me getting the exact opposite of what i was supposed to get, like so:

During a particularly vigorous training session doing gymnastics i twisted my ankle really bad, when the pain didn't go away after a couple days i did the spell to gain health or whatever it is called in the book... immediately i felt my ankle warm and fuzzy and the pain did go away, until the next morning (keep in mind i do magic at any time between 11 pm and when i get sleepy, so this happened about 8 hours later) when the pain came back tenfold or something of the like, and not only that, my wrists started hurting and that same day after work (6-7 ish) i got a bad case of temperature that had me in a delirious state for around 12 hours. I blamed it on the H1N1 thing going around but then i tried a different spell which i'm ashamed to declare was the one to excite passion... the result was: the target person stopped talking to me the very next day (after the initial depression i found the irony was quite hilarious).... i experimented with yet another one but the outcome was the same (i.e. not what the spell was meant to do)...

so, any ideas on why this is happening? and how can i get it to work right?

Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: Something wrong... but still interesting

Post#2 » Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:15 am

Hello kbaudelaire,

Could it be that you have too many magical goals or

maybe are you mixing too many intents?

Might I ask how long did you perform each spell?

All the best,

Brother BBB


Re: Something wrong... but still interesting

Post#3 » Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:09 am

Doesn't he say to use the spells at certain intervals? Also, doing magick when sick...not a very bright idea. I agree with BroBB regarding the intent. If you're mind is muddled and concerned with a variety of things at once that account could account for the undesirable results.

Topic author
Posts: 20

Re: Something wrong... but still interesting

Post#4 » Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:38 pm


Regularly NAP takes me anywhere from like 15-20 mins, after that my mind starts wondering and i find it hard to keep my goal in mind. And i try a goal for 1 week so i don't think its too many goals or too short a time span?
However, there are instances where even while spellworking i can't keep a perfectly still mind, and it's not super bad as i catch and fix that pretty soon but... could that be it?


I find a little contradiction on his scheduling because at the beginning he says to cast the spell then let it work, anything else you do is considered interference. Then he says to work a spell until you accomplish your goals... then he says something about a spell a day... so.. i pretty much do it for a week or until it works (whatever happens sooner), the one spell i had amazing success with (and it was for success fyi) was a little more complicated so i worked it everyday for... like 15 days... until i hurt my ankle then i switched and everything went awry.

Thank you guys for replying

Thanks guys for replying.

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