The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

Posts: 27

Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#401 » Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:41 am

Thank you, Mighty Arzel and mighty Nitika for providing me with much-needed finances earlier than I expected! Thank you for the bottom of my heart for all the times you have helped in the past! Glory to you, I always find peace and comfort when my prayers are listened.

Posts: 187

Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#402 » Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:46 pm

Been having some recent abundance opportunities with extra shifts available for a contract I have in the health care field plus other extra per diem shifts being available for another agency. Of course, no way of telling how much is working with NAP (like Elubatel, Nitika, etc) plus Saint Expedite, plus prayers to God, chants to Ganesha, Kali Ma...and good, old-fashion elbow grease from learning, experience and trying to do a good job. Plus a shortage of workers in my field. Anyway, doing the New Avatar Power ritual and other stuff in the book makes me feel good and I enjoy doing it.

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Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#403 » Sun Nov 12, 2017 7:49 am

Thanks to Brother Moloch's NAP articles, and the NAP spirits, the person I was helping found for a good buyer for the item they wanted to be sold. It took a while and there was a high chance of it being unsold, but the NAP spirits pulled through for me. Once again, thanks to everyone who helped. :bow

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Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#404 » Tue Dec 05, 2017 10:48 am

I'm thanking the NAP spirits once again. With Arzel facilitating things, my work with Nitika has borne fruit. The same could be said for my unified works with Gadiel, Kadriel, Zoroel, Sabriel, Dynamis, Elubatel, Iaoth, Petahyah, and Opiel.

It's awesome because I've only done the minimum required actions due to urgent issues until the results manifested. I'll be adding the Dee Hay Thooth evocation and the other things I've learned about it from here next time. :bow

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Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#405 » Thu Jan 10, 2019 10:06 pm

After reading so many posts, claiming success in NAP i decided to give it a try.
After having the book in hand and spend some time to read and re-read it, I start to read all the posts in the forum that gave me a lot of information on the way i must work with the Spirits.
I finally decided to work in the following order.
1) The New Avatar Power Ritual
2) The Central Pillar Ritual
3) The New Avatar Power Circulation Ritual
4) The New Avatar Power Fountain Ritual
5) The Bornless One Incantation
6) Uncrossing Ritual To Banish Evil Influences From Any Source
7)Then the incantation that is for my need and after each incantation I state to the spirits exactly what it is that I need while visualizing it happening. I do the incantation and statement of intent three times all together.
8)Then I do the incantation for Elubatel to bring me success in what I am asking of the spirits. Once again incantation and statement of intent three times for Elubatel.
9)The Dee Hay Thooth Evocation
10)Thank the Spirits
11)How To Come Back From The New Avatar Power Ritual
Tonight was my first attempt.
I had some noticeable signs that i must mention.
When I did the central pillar ritual:
a) after the Air gate i have until now a swollen throat.
b) after the Water gate I felt in the area a warmth sensation
C)After the Earth gate started a tingling in my feet that keeps until now
When I did the circulation ritual and by the time I was finishing the second flow i had a feeling of electric waves running through my spine
When I did the Chant to Bring Success, on the second repetition and after the vibration of the name of Elubatel i felt the presence of the Spirit. I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye, I had some shadow floating in the room for some seconds and a chill sensation cover my body.
I am happy with my first attempt on NAP.
I will continue to perform this every day the same hour.
I have faith in it and i believe that i will see results.
Life after Death

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Magister Templi
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Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#406 » Thu Jan 10, 2019 10:37 pm

Thanks for your comments Nakis.

I got this area your first impressions, for sure will be very interesting to know how that move for the next months.


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Re: The miracle of new avatar power by Gray-Cobb, Geof

Post#407 » Sat Aug 06, 2022 5:17 pm

Hello brothers, many great experiences and advice in this thread, and I'm glad to see many of you have had some results with NAP.

I want to chime in with my experience with NAP yesterday evening.
I binge read the first 80 or so pages last night, after learning about it here on the forum. I was shocked by how well it was thought out, (I even enjoyed the testimonials).

I did not feel like attempting a ritual as I was quite tired. My S.O convinced me to try it after a bit of chatting, as I usually complain that I read too much, but don't practice enough. I decided to give it a go, even if it didn't work, at least I would be relaxed.

I had a question in mind about when a particular event would come to pass, and decided the best way to do this was through the relaxation ritual, then calling on a "magic mentor" and asking if he had a date in mind.

I did the ritual up to point A, did the chanting, and called out to the mentor as the book instructed. I then felt the "tickling of the ant" as described in the book.

As I did this, I felt compelled to envisioned myself walking through a large wooden door, then as I did I saw another larger door with 3 round seals on it, clearly locked. I couldn't make out what they looked like unfortunately.
As I chanted each time one lit up blue, and turned slowly unlocking the door. I walked in.

I came into the room with two chairs and a table in the center of the room, the floor was checkered, and the walls empty and brown, with 2 candelabras on either side of the table. There was a bearded grey old wizard in the seat across from where I eventually sat down. He had a starry robe and a pointed hat. He looked like any other generic old wizard (just google wizard if you want a good example), but had a calming presence and wasn't moving.

I am not sure if this is a normal thing for this sort of being to appear as, but perhaps it was a comforting form for me to converse with on my first attempt? :?

The wizard didn't speak until I spoke to him, I asked the following:

Q1: What are you?
A1: Well, I'm you, but I'm also another person.

Q2: What can you do to help me?
A2: I can see the future, tell you hidden things, and help direct you to the right path.

Q3: *Asking about specific date of event*
A3: *Scrolling red text flashes across my vision, I see a date in the future. He does not speak the answer. I ask for confirmation and he does not answer.*

Q4: What is your name?
A4: (name I have chosen to leave out, not sure how to spell it he just spoke it)

Q5: Will I ever get promoted at work in my current company?
A5: No.

Having run out of things to ask and being a bit taken aback by the experience, I thanked him for his time and said my goodbyes, he nodded and said "You're welcome". I walked out the door I had come in, and promptly "came back" from the ritual.

I have a few things about this experience that confused me, but ultimately it was a warm and positive conversation. I will definitely try this one again, as I read further into the book. From the other comments here it seems like there are other pieces of the ritual to be added later on.

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