those who are new, or been using NAP system for a while, will notice that it's brief, and not full invocations to various things.
I have been using full invocations. I received this middle pillar ritual from somewhere, I cant remember where, but I dont take credit for this, But it works quite well in my NAP invocations.
Middle Pillar Ritual
The goal of the Middle Pillar Ritual is to open up your major energy centers (chakras), and then raising and circulating as much energy as possible.
The chakras run up and down the middle pillar of the Tree of Life, and relate to specific points on the body.
[*The Mûlâdhara Chakra is considered to be at the base of the spine—which is fine when sitting down, but the Golden Dawn interpretation is that this chakra moves down to the feet when standing. Also, there are no traditional Golden Dawn God names associated with either Ajna or Manipura. I like the sound of Ajna when working on the third-eye chakra, but you may change “Ahj-na” to a Hebrew God name if you are desperate for consistency. ]
I downplay the visualization of the traditional colors. This is not to say visualizing each sphere as a specific color isn’t useful, but only that it can be distracting to sensing the actual energy.
Not everyone visualizes, feels, or senses the chakras in exactly the same way. Some people will see and feel the chakras, while others will get only the vaguest sense of their presence.
You may also add or remove chakras as you actually feel or sense them. You may wish to add a chakra for your knee level, or one right at the sternum (in between Anahata and Manipura). Bindu, on the upper back of the head, is another commonly used Eastern chakra, that is rarely used in Western chakra work.
For success, just assume the chakras are there while you repeat the chants. Your experience of each energy center will grow with time.
Part I: Awaken the Chakras
Step 1
Stand straight. You may use your hands to touch where each chakra should be if that helps your visualizations.
Visualize a brilliant source of energy glowing just at the top of your head (or just above your head). It can be quite large, spreading out over your face and neck, as high above your head as you feel comfortable.
Chant: “Eh-Heh-Yeh.”
Continue chanting at least 3-5 times, but continue as long as you like, until you are satisfied that chakra feels like it has been awakened.
Eh-Heh-Yeh is a God name that means “I am.” The Hindu’s call this chakra the Sahasrâra and is known as the “thousand-petaled lotus.”
Step 2
Imagine a stream of white light searing downward from the center of your Sahasrâra chakkra, down the center of your forehead to your “third-eye” area.
Imagine this chakra to start glowing brighter as you repeatedly chant: “Ahhj-Na.”
Ajna means “command.”
Hindu representation of Ajna
Step 3
Imagine the stream of white light continuing from Ajna down to your throat chakra known as, Vishuddha.
Chant: “ YHVH Elohim.”
YHVH Elohim means, "The Lord God."
In Tantra, Vishuddh is known as the “ 'poison and nectar' chakra, which is closely related to the Bindu chakra, a chakra on the back of the head, which is said to produce “Bindu fluid” which turns into the nectar of immortality or the poison of death.
Continue chanting until you are satisfied with the “openness” of this chakra.
Step 4
Imagine the white stream of light continuing from Vishuddha, down to your chest and heart area, known as the Anahata chakkra. This is a big, powerful chakra. Imagine it very large, glowing out even past your shoulders.
Chant: “YHVH El-oh-ah V’dah’aht.”
YHVH El-oh-ah V’dah’aht, means "Lord God of Knowledge." Anahata means “u nhurt, un-struck and unbeaten.”
Step 5
The white stream of light continues down your navel, or “gut” area.
Chant: “Mah-nee-pur-uh.”
Manipura is called the “city of jewels.”
Symbol of Manipura, a 10-petaled rose. I prefer mine in red.
When you are satisfied with this chakkra’s glowing power, then continue.
Step 6
The white light continues down to your groin area.
Chant over and over until satisfied: “ Shaddai El Chai.”
Shaddai El Chai means Almighty Living God, and the Svadisthâna chakkra is known as “one’s own abode.”
Step 7
The line continues down between your legs to the area at your feet.
Chant repeatedly, “Adonai Ha-Aretz.”
Imagine this chakkra at your feet, penetrating even into the earth or ground below you.
Adonai ha-Aretz translates as "Lord of Earth." Mûlâdhara means “root place.”
You may go back and repeat the chant for any chakras you wish. When you feel each chakra is as good as it’s going to get, then go onto the next step.
Part II: Circulate the Light
Step 1:
Imagine your Sahasrâra chakra giving birth to a ball of white light. You will control this “imaginary” ball of light with your breathing. You may use your hands and arms to help orchestrate the energy.
Step 2:
Take a breath, as you blow out the exhalation. Start by imagining the ball of light traveling from a spot above your head, and down the front of you in a circular fashion, to end at your feet. Then breathe in, as the ball of light travels behind you in a circular fashion above your head.
Your breaths do not have to be complete full inhalations/exhalations for this. In fact light, rhythmic breathing is all that is needed to control the very subtle light field you have created with you imagination.
"I suck at this! Please help!"
The hardest part about this exercise is not visualizations, but simply the concentration. This is not a difficult task by any means, but just to stay focused on the ball of light for very long can be a challenge to newcomers. That’s why don’t go too fast. Stay at step two until you actually enjoy doing it and it’s very easy and natural.
Step 3:
Repeat Step 2, but in reverse, i.e. imagine a ball of light traveling behind you from above your head to below your feet with every exhalation, and up in front of you back above your head with every inhalation. It doesn’t matter so much if you exchange inhalations for exhalations either. The key is rhythm and concentration.
Step 4:
Breath in, visualize the ball of light traveling down your right side in a circle, from above your head to down below your feet. When you inhale the ball continues up your left side to above your head. Do this rhythmically at your own tempo. Remember light breaths are just as good as large ones if that’s working for you.
Step 5:
The same as step 4, but reverse the direction. Once this is fun and easy you can move on.
Step 6.
Experiment with other orbits. Do “diagonal” directions, for example.
You can even do “hula-hoop” style, i.e. around your belly or hips, but try sending the light out very far from you, even past the ends of your room. When you get more comfortable you can imagine the light spinning all around the Earth and back and however else you see fit.
Stay at this step until you can do it for several minutes and suffer no mental fatigue, and then go onto the next section.
Part III: The Fountain of Light
Step 1:
Start with a huge ball of light at your feet. As you inhale, Bring the light from your feet directly up the center of your body into your Sahasrâra chakra above your head.
Step 2:
Exhale when the light reaches your Sahasrâra chakra, spraying out like a fountain and cascading down and around your body back to the ground.
Step 3 :
Inhale again, pulling the light that has scattered into the ground back into your feet, where once again it travels to the top of your head.
Step 4:
Exhale as the light explodes over the top of your head once again, cascading down around you.
Continue this process for as many cycles as you like, at least 3-10 times, or as much as you can handle. Many of these exercises are so powerful that you might feel “high” or light-headed after doing them.
Part IV: Channel the Light
Once you’ve nearly climaxed with the previous section, it is time to do something with all that energy.
If you are doing a healing ritual for yourself or others, you would channel it directly into the area of the body that needs the light the most.
If you were charging a talisman you would send the light into the material basis.
If you are doing this ritual as a standalone exercise, you will practice by channeling the energy back into yourself for general health and beauty:
1.Take a full, deep breath, focusing especially on your Anahata (heart) chakra.
2.As you slowly exhale, imagine the energy flowing from your chest down your arms and hands.
3.Touch your hands to your face, rubbing them back over the top of your head. Imagine the white, healing energy washing over you like a shower or waterfall.
4.Rub your hands sensually over your arms and chest, and even your over your legs and feet, as you imagine the refreshing energy dripping down over your entire body.
5.When you’ve exhausted your exhalation, stop, stand straight, and make the Sign of Silence. You are done.
Please note that there are many types of yoga, and many ways of working with the chakras. The Golden Dawn skipped two important chakras for example (Ajna and Manipura), and there are others used in Tantra that we aren’t specifically using here, such as the Bindu chakra on the back of the head.
The importance of this ritual in magick is to do a reasonable job of opening up your major chakras and raising as much energy as possible. The ritual given here strikes a good balance for chakra work, but if you are advanced in some other form of yoga or Tantra, you can substitute your own chakra-working for the Middle Pillar ritual.
that should help in your NAP. Some of you dont think it's necessary to do all of this, stick more to the book.. But it works and it makes NAP results quicker, and sometimes big orders quicker.. Full on evocation of the spirit is the best result