A humble reflection

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Adeptus Minor
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A humble reflection

Post#1 » Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:12 am

I know the book well, and I know it starts with the chants/petitions.

While I've done those with much success, I don't do them that frequently. Perhaps when I need assistance with something.

However, something I do as a daily ritual, before prayer, is the middle pillar ritual. Sometimes Bornless Invocation as well, but always middle pillar ritual. I also wanted to say I silently vibrate the middle pillar and bornless. I don't only do this so I won't freak my roommates out, but it helps me concentrate on the feeling.

I hope somebody new to NAP or magick in general can read this post and gain some insight. In my inexperienced and humble opinion, repeating the MP and bornless on a daily basis will do wonders for yourself, and is overlooked in some NAP users. It helps ground you, learn about yourself, feel energy, so many positives.

Just my 02 and experience...take it for what its worth

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 813

Re: A humble reflection

Post#2 » Sat Aug 25, 2012 4:01 am

toothache wrote:I know the book well, and I know it starts with the chants/petitions.

While I've done those with much success, I don't do them that frequently. Perhaps when I need assistance with something.

However, something I do as a daily ritual, before prayer, is the middle pillar ritual. Sometimes Bornless Invocation as well, but always middle pillar ritual. I also wanted to say I silently vibrate the middle pillar and bornless. I don't only do this so I won't freak my roommates out, but it helps me concentrate on the feeling.

I hope somebody new to NAP or magick in general can read this post and gain some insight. In my inexperienced and humble opinion, repeating the MP and bornless on a daily basis will do wonders for yourself, and is overlooked in some NAP users. It helps ground you, learn about yourself, feel energy, so many positives.

Just my 02 and experience...take it for what its worth


NAP is a book a mage of any level can use, from beginners to advanced.

What you mention above is something I like to prescribe to beginners who I meet.
Every path or tradition has something similar to MP & Bornless ritual.

Posts: 20

Re: A humble reflection

Post#3 » Sat Aug 25, 2012 4:26 am

I started practicing the Bornless Ritual on a daily basis and it helps a lot......I combine it with the LBRP.

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

Re: A humble reflection

Post#4 » Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:55 pm

the sixth and seventh books of moses are of great influence on the Middle Pillar. but there is a great myth behind the ritual construction that reveals much of what some people experience in it, even when they do not know the myths.

Qabalistically, it is connecting the to the presence of the Deity in Seven Heavens of Assiah which come to assist the Adam in his exile through the seven earths. It is derived from a practive in the Rig Vedas.

Here is a short outline of the seven earths:

Eretz - the eixle of the Chevah and the Adam was here - the Eve was the first exiled, and her solitary eternity in Darkness was a time in which she was the mother of all wickedness. Adam was but three days in Aretz but Eve was Seventy, each was as long as a period of about 60 years. But there was no passage of time. This is the world in which lilith was born. This is in full view of the flashing sword and is the only light therein. The world appears hollow, and the center of its core is the tip of the flashing sword. One can only come or go therin by the calling of their name. Only by grace is one allowed entrance, and it is a place of terror and danger. This is the destination of the true left hand path, not just Hell. For there is therein a lost fruit of the tree of life wherein who finds it becomes as God without a God.

Adamah - the reunion of the Adam and Eve, and the birth of their three sons, Cain Abel, and Seth. Cain is sent back to Aretz after killing Abel. Seth emerges to the third earth. Cain makes his own way, as his mother did before him. God is impressed with his ordeal so he allows Cain to commit pentitence, and marks him as chosen. This the world where Adam and Eve die - its ground is cursed to hunger for blood because of the death of Abel. The inhabitants come when offered blood.

Arka - Seth is here for safe keeping, but after Cain agrees to not kill, he is allowed in. This is forever the land of the brood of Cain. Here there is a portal to Ge. They can be called by their secret languages.

Ge - This is the world of the division of the tongues, by the tower of Babel. It's roots are in common with the hells and the lands of Sumer. This is the land of craft, art, and science and knowledge. Ge is the root world of four others. it is the crossroads of all life on all earths.

Neshiah is the world of the Gnomes, dwarves with no memory of human life, who seek total communion with nature. They displaced themselves from society, wherever they were from. They can be found among the trees.

Ziah - the lands of the Desert - the people here are uncommonly pious and noble and their love of science and song is reputed. There is a limit to the amount of water they have, and water is a precious commodity to them. Sharing water is a sign of great respect for all life. Water is their portal to our world, and they can be lured by food particular to their natures.

Tzebel, the world where man gave his daughters for the secrets of angels in exchange for mating with their daughters. This is where Enoch was exhalted, and was destroyed by the flood. Tzebel rose to the luminary we call Luna.

This world - Cheled - a seed world that will one day break open wide and let the forces of the great struggle of creator and created collectively destroy all the worlds but the fourth - which will be the new earth.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

Posts: 83

Re: A humble reflection

Post#5 » Sat Aug 25, 2012 6:22 pm

MP and bornless also helps feel other people out and sometimes, predict their future if you are engaged in conversation..

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 752

Re: A humble reflection

Post#6 » Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:18 pm

enochianhoodrat wrote:MP and bornless also helps feel other people out and sometimes, predict their future if you are engaged in conversation..

Quite interesting, as my pracitce progresses, I will keep an "eye out" for this.

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 752

Re: A humble reflection

Post#7 » Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:24 pm

raum215 wrote:the sixth and seventh books of moses are of great influence on the Middle Pillar. but there is a great myth behind the ritual construction that reveals much of what some people experience in it, even when they do not know the myths.

Qabalistically, it is connecting the to the presence of the Deity in Seven Heavens of Assiah which come to assist the Adam in his exile through the seven earths. It is derived from a practive in the Rig Vedas.

Here is a short outline of the seven earths:

Eretz - the eixle of the Chevah and the Adam was here - the Eve was the first exiled, and her solitary eternity in Darkness was a time in which she was the mother of all wickedness. Adam was but three days in Aretz but Eve was Seventy, each was as long as a period of about 60 years. But there was no passage of time. This is the world in which lilith was born. This is in full view of the flashing sword and is the only light therein. The world appears hollow, and the center of its core is the tip of the flashing sword. One can only come or go therin by the calling of their name. Only by grace is one allowed entrance, and it is a place of terror and danger. This is the destination of the true left hand path, not just Hell. For there is therein a lost fruit of the tree of life wherein who finds it becomes as God without a God.

Adamah - the reunion of the Adam and Eve, and the birth of their three sons, Cain Abel, and Seth. Cain is sent back to Aretz after killing Abel. Seth emerges to the third earth. Cain makes his own way, as his mother did before him. God is impressed with his ordeal so he allows Cain to commit pentitence, and marks him as chosen. This the world where Adam and Eve die - its ground is cursed to hunger for blood because of the death of Abel. The inhabitants come when offered blood.

Arka - Seth is here for safe keeping, but after Cain agrees to not kill, he is allowed in. This is forever the land of the brood of Cain. Here there is a portal to Ge. They can be called by their secret languages.

Ge - This is the world of the division of the tongues, by the tower of Babel. It's roots are in common with the hells and the lands of Sumer. This is the land of craft, art, and science and knowledge. Ge is the root world of four others. it is the crossroads of all life on all earths.

Neshiah is the world of the Gnomes, dwarves with no memory of human life, who seek total communion with nature. They displaced themselves from society, wherever they were from. They can be found among the trees.

Ziah - the lands of the Desert - the people here are uncommonly pious and noble and their love of science and song is reputed. There is a limit to the amount of water they have, and water is a precious commodity to them. Sharing water is a sign of great respect for all life. Water is their portal to our world, and they can be lured by food particular to their natures.

Tzebel, the world where man gave his daughters for the secrets of angels in exchange for mating with their daughters. This is where Enoch was exhalted, and was destroyed by the flood. Tzebel rose to the luminary we call Luna.

This world - Cheled - a seed world that will one day break open wide and let the forces of the great struggle of creator and created collectively destroy all the worlds but the fourth - which will be the new earth.

Amazing post, one that I will have to read and reread again when my knowledge grows.

Raum, as someone who has great knowledge and has read through NAP, I have two simple questions for you:
1. Do you believe the "modified" Bornless Ritual in NAP is sufficient for it's purpose?

2. Would you recommend, to a beginner who has about 6 months of MP ritual under his belt, to purchase a book like Regardie's Middle Pillar? For instance, in my gung fu practice, trying to do to many things at once, I fail at them all. Trying to complete one task, I will achieve. Is a book like Regardie's "too much to think about" for a beginner? Are the basic instructions laid out in NAP's MP enough to successfully render the benefits?

Thank you sir!


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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 752

Re: A humble reflection

Post#8 » Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:33 pm

mrblack wrote: :goodpost

NAP is a book a mage of any level can use, from beginners to advanced.

What you mention above is something I like to prescribe to beginners who I meet.
Every path or tradition has something similar to MP & Bornless ritual.

Thank you for the positive feedback. It means I'm on the right track, and this gives me hope. It seemed, from reading the book the first time, and also from having no occult knowledge before hand, that these exercises seemed to be just as, if not more important than, the petitions themselves. Then again, we live in a fast-forward world, so who wants to put in time and effort, even if the rewards are sweet :roll:

Perhaps this comes from my taiji/qigong background...mastering my own mind is what I'm here for.

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Re: A humble reflection

Post#9 » Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:49 am

Raum, :goodpost Where did you get all that info on the seven earths? I couldn't find a thing on google..
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

Re: A humble reflection

Post#10 » Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:09 pm

Alot of this is in the Midrash Bereshith. Except it conceals the fact we live on Cheled (the hebrew word for "duration of a lifetime"), not in Tzebel. There are also other variances... but some of these are because the Zohar is heavily post-talmudic, and there is some parts known to not be authentic teachings.

Seven earths were created, one above the other. Under each there are subterranean waters. As a ship floats on the sea, so each earth floats on the water beneath it. (Bereishit Rabbah)

The seven earths are : Eretz, Adamah, Gey, Nashiya, Tziya, Arka, and Tevel. We dwell on Tevel, the largest of all. Parallel to these are seven firmaments, one above the other, each containing angels, one greater than the next.

[According to the Zohar, these seven earths] are seven [mystical] habitations. (Zohar, Bereishit 39b)

The first habitation is very dark, with no light whatsoever. it is a place of winds and storms. The winds blow in our world, but no one sees them. the angel in charge [is Tahariel, and he] has seventy subordinate angels who follow his instructions. He glows brightly like a flame, and can be seen by night, but not by day. When daylight comes, he descends to the abyss.

The second habitation has some light. Here are the angels who cause people to do wrong, and advise them to walk in an evil path. A great angel [Kadumiel] is in charge of these. When an Yisraelite keeps G-d's mitzvot, these angels ascend to heaven and report it to G-d, but when a person does the slightest wrong, they are ready to asscend to heaven and report the sin. Everything is written in a book, so that each individual is recompensed for the good and bad that he does.

The third habitation contains light and flames, which are channeled into purgatory to punish the wicked. Here are found angels of destruction, under the direction of Samael. He strives to cause people to sin, each in a different way, but when a person repents, these angels leave him alone and have no authority even to come near him. When one takes Judaism lightly, they surround him little by little, until they cause him to commit great sins.

The fourth habitation is a bright place. There live many perfect, merciful angels, under the direction of the great angel [Padael], who has the keys of mercy. When he sees a person repent or pray with feeling, he opens the gates of righteousness so that the prayer will be accepted and the request fulfilled.

The fifth habitation is the brightest of all, containing angels of fire and water. Some of these sing praise to G-d in the middle of the night; others do so near daybreak. A great angel [Kadashiel] is in charge of them all. When the first dawn breaks they all assemble and sing to G-d, and all the stars and other angels join in with them. When they finish, they arouse others. From this we learn that one should say his prayers early in the morning, because it is a propitious time, when all beings are praising G-d.

The sixth habitation contains angels which G-d sends on special missions according to His will. The angel Uriel is in charge of them, as well as all the other habitations.

The seventh habitation is our world, the most important of all. We have already discussed the existence of souls in the seventh firmament (Aravot). Paralleling them in this habitation are the bodies, which serve G-d by keeping His mitzvot.

[According to another opinion,] all seven earths are inhabited by humans, and the Holy Land is higher than them all. (Zohar, VaYikra) Highest of all is Yerushalayim.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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