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My current NAP progress and experience.

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 12:42 am
by icekev
Hello there fellow friends,

So I've been recommended to try this out, because it is simple and effective, and should work on most persons.

I will say that, as it is right now, some things has changed since i started with NAP, but i had some questions concerning what i am doing.

First of all, after reading the 3 first chapters in the same day, i have instantly started to do as they asked me to do. So i did my New Avatar power ritual everyday, and started a few days after it to do a Chant that goes along after it.

I've followed the instructions, and it's been more than three weeks that i perform the same Chanting targeted to the same person (Love chant to the same girl). Now i was wondering, if it's been too long I'm doing it or I simply have to keep on going like this. I will say, some things has changed, and i could feel the NAP at the beginning when i started doing it, but right now, it looks like it's not working anymore or some other reasons.

As per my training in the NAP, it was requested to do only one thing at a time, so i have not yet experience anything with my mentor, since i can only perform a single ritual per day (Which has been all the same, to the same person). Now, my second question was to know if i should stop doing my Love chant , and keep on going forward in the book, in order to meet my mentor etc..

Big thanks for reading my post & helping me out !

Re: My current NAP progress and experience.

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 1:24 am
by lefty

Shortly after I started NAP I had a period where my work with it felt less effective during the rituals. I also had strange interactions with strangers. Also, after an initial burst of energy in my life I kida "crashed" and needed some rest. I had no experience doing any kind of magick prior to my working with NAP (nor any really outside of it at this point). I then found the string of ineffective rituals were enough for me to stop abit and regroup. I tried other things both along side NAP and seperate from it, some seemed to work but I don't now really what to make of how effectively they worked or helped.

So, I don't know what experience you had coming into NAP, but for me I had and still have a lot to learn.

I also found things I was working for in my rituals would come in to my life but that I wasn't always able to capaitalize on them. The easy answer there is just I had work on my self--and still do-- before I could actually reap the benefits of the circumstances I sought.

So I would suggest continuing to work with and reading NAP and read all the great things here that might help. I would also suggest filling out our general understanding of this stuff to the extent that is needed (or not, I've only got my own experience to compare it to). The last thing I'd suggest is consider various angles to use to come at the problem. Sometimes a problem has more than one component to it.

Re: My current NAP progress and experience.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:57 am
by icekev
Basically, do you think i should keep on reading, and perform other rituals than my Love chant, and leave this aside while i do the rest of it, or keep on doing my love chant until i get what i wanted ?

Re: My current NAP progress and experience.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:32 am
by bloodvenus
icekev wrote:
As per my training in the NAP, it was requested to do only one thing at a time, so i have not yet experience anything with my mentor, since i can only perform a single ritual per day (Which has been all the same, to the same person). Now, my second question was to know if i should stop doing my Love chant , and keep on going forward in the book, in order to meet my mentor etc..

Big thanks for reading my post & helping me out !

Hi. I think the book says to only do one chant at a time. But you should be able to do stuff like the Magic Mentor (MM), the pendulum etc because that's not the same as the Chants/Incantations. After 3 weeks - The Middle Pillar, Fountain etc stuff can also be added to your chant. Go forward in the book and think about adding elements to your primary working (love chant in this case). So you would have something like:
Point A
Middle Pillar (Ritual for Opening the New Avatar Power Gates)
Circulation Ritual
Fountain Ritual
Bornless One
Love Chant
Come Back from ritual
And once in a while, you can do the MM, tests, pendulum to check how things are going. Maybe you can ask your magic Mentor why your Love chant isn't working and what you can do to adjust it... or maybe you are missing some cues in real life to move forward on this. Or maybe it's just a no go. haven't had success with this girl but have you had more attention than usual from others? Seize any opportunities that present themselves. Anael and Jazar may bring more suitable girls to you.

Re: My current NAP progress and experience.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:42 pm
by wright
i did a similar round of spellwork in january using a radionic machine. at the end of the month i was WIPED! it seemed like i wasn't getting a result either and frankly i was depressed about it. so i lay off the work for a while. the thing is, i couldn't get any other magic happening in the beginning of february either! i was outta juice.

i asked my machine vendor what to do about it and they told me i have to recharge the thing. i actually took 3 days to recharge it and after i did that i had to use my OTHER machine to test myself to see if i could still do magick! turns out the other machine worked fine.

if that's how a machine works (albeit an intelligent machine) then imagine how your body and mind will react. you CAN overdo it. take it easy and take time to recharge and have a little faith that what you did worked.

also, realize that some things take time. in my case the work that i have been doing has changed a situation around completely. i think some situations are more complicated and have more moving parts and things to deal with so they will need patience.

good luck