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Starting out with NAP? Some questions here!

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 7:56 pm
by jerrythemouse
Hello everybody. I`m thinking in starting my work with this popular grimoire.
I have several questions I`d like to clarify, if someone`s is kind enough... :lol:

1-I live outside USA and for several reasons I won`t be able to grab a copy of the acrual work.
Is it true that a pdf copy won`t work??Why?

2-Could be NAP used for baneful purposes? Probably not , (due the angelic nature of its entities?)

3-Why is it said that this current involves pretty much spiritual activity in the home? (poltergeist??)

Thank you!!

Re: Starting out with NAP? Some questions here!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:55 am
by johnblend
1.You can order the book from amazon and they will send it to wherever you live. It's pretty expencive though. I dont see any reasons why a pdf wouldn't work. Having the physical book does seem to give the whole shebang a bit more "oomph"


3. no poltergeists here

Re: Starting out with NAP? Some questions here!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:12 pm
by jerrythemouse
I`ll try the pdf then.
As regarding on baneful purposes, how come? HOW baneful, to what extent, and don`t angelic spirits refuse to do that sort of stuff? :toss

Re: Starting out with NAP? Some questions here!

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:11 am
by Pablo
Yes Angels can be used for baneful work. The debate is whether it is actually the angel or their attendant demon. The fact remains the same. I would never try such a thing but for you to get ahead or help yourself with NAP to secure a scarce resource that everyone wants like that beautiful woman a job etc. someone must loose out.

If you look to the bible you will see that God used angels to destroy and harass people, and even tribes!



Re: Starting out with NAP? Some questions here!

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:39 pm
by raum215
Angels are executive forces with specific agencies. Humans have qualms about the notion of selection. the fact is the circle of life in nature has to have death, and some things have to be less advantaged.

When you get a picture of events in the bible that is comprehensive, things change in perspective.

"Why did god kill such and such king?" The answer could be he was a jerk, or it could be to leverage his fortune into a completely different place, so ages past and someone else can inherit it. Go look for where Saul got his first fortune which fell to David's hands for the building of his palace. Then trace it back to see this is why Jacob - after stealing Esau's birthright fled to his uncle Laban. Laban itself is "white" and is the root of Lebanon. So, Jacob's wealth he gets from Laban is actually the reason that even good King Tyr was in league later with Solomon to build the First Temple. - and it is even how the materials to make the tabernacle were secured by the people of Jehosphat.

The lore is terribly sophisticated under the translations and redaction. The view of the events show that the idea of the orchestrations of a omnipresent entity not limited by condition on its power or presence would have a view that spans events that are separated by centuries - but work out in the end... to exactly what was promised.