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My Gift To You A Gift For A Gift...

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:38 am
by BrotherButterball
Dear Seeker after magical

knowledge and secrets,

I have a gift for you. In the

tradition of the Norse people,

I am offering you a gift

for a gift. I will offer to teach

you everything that I know

about modern grimoires

and all things magical

that I have learned, including

The Mystic Grimoire Of

Mighty Spells And Rituals,

The Miracle Of New Avatar

Power, Secrets From Beyond

The Pyramids all by the late

author Geof Gray Cobb,

and The Necronomicon

Spellbook by Simon,

and Power Secrets

From A Sorcerers

Magnum Arcanum

by Gavin and Yvonne Frost,

and Demonic And Sexual

Magic by the innovative

Carl Nagel. Have you ever

asked yourself or wondered

which rituals and spells

actually may bring you

a lot of money and even

make you rich and wealthy?

Have you ever wanted the

power to attract the woman

or man most compatible

for you and that you have

always dreamed of and

imagined? Have you been

lusting for that woman

and temptress that you see

every day when you go

outside for a walk?

Just ask me and I will share

with you the most effective

and powerful rituals

and spells. You have only

to ask me and I will

help you in an instant.

I know which books

and magical systems

get real results because

I have tested them over

the years and gotten

those same results

that you have been

looking for.

I have spent the last

39 years mastering these

books and magical systems,

and rather than just crowing

about mine own accomplish-

ments, I want to teach a literal

army of students about these

magical works, and I want

to help as many people

as I can, while I am still

here walking the earth.

For your gift to me

for mine time spent talking

with you daily over Skype

and the telephone and

emailing back and forth

for three months, I ask that

you send me a gift of $100

dollars American payable

by PayPal or Western Union

if you cannot get or don't have

PayPal. Please note that this

works out to just $33 dollars

per month. I am practically

giving away these secrets

to you, and how you may get

real mental and physical

results from these books

and magical systems.

I am offering you quite

literally the deal of a lifetime.

Your life will be changed

in the most immense

and innumerable ways.

It is mine wish that you

may live the life that you

have always dreamed of

and imagined, with the help of

these Cosmic Powers that

work for your highest good.

Brother ButterBall/Tim

You may email me at:

PayPal the same email

address for payment for mine

teaching you these secrets.