“Partial Solar Eclipse/ Quadrantid Meteor Ritual” [Apocalypt

Personal Encounters and Experiences with Enochian Entities.

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“Partial Solar Eclipse/ Quadrantid Meteor Ritual” [Apocalypt

Post#1 » Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:54 pm

This Ritual Structure can be used by the reader.
The Calls, Heptarchial Mystica & WatchTower Hierarchy

"Partial Solar Eclipse/ Quadrantid
Meteor Ritual"

The Quadrantid meteor shower peaks on Jan. 3-4 to kick off the 2011 sky watching
season. January also includes partial solar eclipse and several planet sightings
for amateur astronomers. Credit: NASA/JPL
[21:00 UT (3:00 pm EST) on January 3 and 06:00 UT (01:00 am EST) on January 4]
A partial solar eclipse will occur on January 4, 2011. A solar eclipse occurs
when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partially
obscuring Earth's view of the Sun. A partial solar eclipse occurs in the polar
regions of the Earth when the center of the moon's shadow misses the earth.
[06:40:11 Universal Time (UT)]
1/4/11 –Tuesday
"Enochian Entities Practice & Theory – BY SaToGa" Volume #1:
1st & 2nd Key Vibrated
Call: Prince Befafes -Sol
[seal on right side of altar]
In the Prince's Name…
Call: King Babalel –Mars
[seal held in mage's left hand]
Call: 42 Ministers of the Prince
[seal under the mage's feet]
Son of Light: Dmal
& Son of the Son of Light: Liba
This Working makes use of the
Northern Sub-Quadrant of the East WatchTower
-Teaches Arts & Crafts-
Mechanical & Hand Crafts
My Intention: My Projected Analysis of What Knowledge might be "Initiated"
during This Rite
Water of Fire/"Arts & Crafts"
If I took "Etheric Water" and `pressure heated' it with "Etheric Fire", I would
have `Clear Quartz Crystal' –
[`Understand' what I am saying here…]
"Liquid Fire" – Kundalini
Water/Emotion Fire/Anger
[Adrenaline – Testosterone]
Quad[4]rantid Eclipse: Water/Moon Fire/Sol
Meteor Shower: "HandCrafted by the Gods, in a Mechanical Orbit"
Call #11:
[Water of Fire]
See My Article on "Which Enochian Key is Used"

Call: King BataivH
[7 letters - as the Seniors]
[This particular Working: `Severity'- minus the "A", add the "H"]
Call: Dispositor's God Name: [`ArchAngel']
Call: 4 Dispositors: [`Kerubs']
I slipped into a deep trance.
By not calling the Seniors, and adding the "ArchAngel & 4 Kerubs", the Rite took
on a totally different "Energy and Setting"..
These notes will reflect the changes in information I received, if compared to
my previous articles.
The King Name was chosen for Severity
[My previous Articles featured: King Bataiva (mercy)… now- Bataivh]
The change of King working- `Severity' from `Mercy', eliminating the 6 Seniors,
using Key #11, and invoking the Archangel & 4 Kerubs during a `partial solar
eclipse' and' meteor shower' brought highly charged `apocalyptic overtones'.
What transpires was extremely surprising, if you compare what is to follow with
`what I was expecting' in the beginning of this article…
[…As soon as the 11th Key was recited and the Archangel appeared- the whole
temple began to display mild poltergeist `crackling of walls']
…Immediately, my scrying produced visions…I see a blue sky, over cast by white
billowy clouds…the clouds and sky grow dark, and the clouds speed by my sight
quickly, as if a magnificent storm is about to ensue. I ask for knowledge and
initiation as I can sense something watching me from a distance...
I see a darkened desert with tumbleweeds blowing across. One of the tumbleweeds
become like fire, and out of the rolling grows one mammoth entity with a huge
wingspan. The wings attached lower than one would suspect, almost on the
Latissimus Dorsi muscle group.
[I confirm this Entity to be: HCNBR]
On His forehead was a triangle, encasing an eyeball. Light was beaming from it,
like a spiral funnel cloud. His demeanor was different from what I have been
used to in my Enochian Work.
In the distance, there were two thrones.
All I could see of each occupant of said thrones, were Kingly `head
I understood Them to be the two Kings evoked previously in this Rite.
In my previous Article: "New Year Rite"
…I was told to "join the union"- signifying [in vision], making `One' of the
WatchTowers and Heptarchial Mystica "systems"

The beaming LUX of the `Archangel'*
[Note: *Archangel and Kerub are terms `manufactured' by Magick Lodges, and have
become popular. I personally do not agree with calling these Entities "Angels",
but to not confuse the reader, "Kerub" will be transcribed]

I see the profile of the Archangel, and He peers upward and the clouds darken
which bring lightening and deafening thunder. The booming echoes literally
distort my equilibrium, as if wearing headphones with the volume turned up to

"Hark"…Entity rises and in His navel is a red stone, with light emanating from
He looks at me and roars with the mouth of a lion. The energy spirals through
me, and from my back, I feel wings sprouting.
I soar upwards, higher than He, and I am surrounded by 4 winged Entities [the
Kerubs, previously called]

They are `Mother' "angels" I am "secretly" told…
These are female, and surround me at the `cardinal directions'.
They spin around and lines are formed to create patterns. This creates a pyramid
and inverted pyramid = "a diamond shape".
This pulses…"this is the Art of Hearts"- They sing.

I see an aluminum pyramid and a round window portal.
I am told this is "Signs"
This metallic pyramid turns into a Nuclear Missile War Head.

"We provide the Arts which create the biggest weapons man has.
We provide the rationale and common sense of `not to use it'.
We provoke to make you use it.
We open the books and say `learn not to use it'.
Man's inherent ways, will decide that destiny.
In a smaller scale man within himself is god.
Within are bubbling fountains of light, that sprinkle forth the waters of life
and godhood.
This is truly the bigger picture, for bombs are the meager one."

I see white ceramic fountains of water that turn blood red.

I feel knowledge moving within me like light.
The temple walls are crackling loud.
The 4 EE I have seen before, return.
I see a flat spinning disc like a flying saucer.

"We are propelling it.
We are the inertia and We are the propellant force.
And We are the guidance.
When you combine what you have just seen,… the waves of the light of the waters
within you as fountains…that is the inertia that drives these mechanized
creatures. It is a dual system, one must learn one to learn to operate the
second one.
The nuclear warheads are the same crafts, but without the waters and power of
within. It is only externalized knowledge. Man rather have this, …[pause] it is
easier and without study.
And these tectonic plates, they move walls and they buckle. It is nature's
nuclear weapon.
Under the flooring where you sit, shall someday be split in half.
We shall guide you…and tell you when to leave"

[personal conversation ensues]

I ask what does the Black Cross of the WatchTowers mean:

"These are `passed third dimensional'…. [but…] They open at each quarter".
"There are two horizontal axes" [plural of axis]
(Each at the cardinal points) "…and one vertical axis"
[I am shown]
["North South, West East- Up Down"]

"When the lines of light form, this appears as a double helix. The pyramid [I am
shown Giza] is one half of the helix. The Earth's core spins and is the inverted
pyramid of resonance.
The energy of radiance opposes itself.
An alignment with "A" [not "The"] universe is created.
It is as a gyroscope that connects Earth to it's skies.
These are innate and with lines and meridians of power".

"Across the goddess [Earth] you see meteors which are winged messengers who
bring plagues and destruction. What you see is only the beginning of what it is
to come.
The penumbra hides the light which is as a shadow that walks and hides the
wisdom. The umbrella cloaks the knowledge. The light is hidden by it's darkness.
These both are harbingers. We are the sentinels to come. The trumpets are vials
and the vials are of plagues".

"The first of the 49 leaves shall be rendered true…
[wording inaudible, sounds like "Madimi"]
and the silence of one of 49 keys, shall be revealed unto you" ["…"]
(Was spoken as a deliberate rhyming poem)

[personal conversation- I omit this deliberately by my own choice]

"Conduits of energy open the next chapter.
We are inside looking out. For those who see us as needing man are in their own
foolishness for We have God. We seek acknowledgement of man in his haughtiness
now, as We searched for righteousness in man during the time of Sodom. Not
approval, but admittance that man has sealed their own final destiny, by their
mouth, and not our.
We have the key". [inaudible: God has the key (?)]
As in Sodom We oblige those who freely work with Us.
How many can seek truth?
This is what we seek.
In their own frailty and their own destruction is what they seek.
We seek that man now acknowledge his own doom*.
[*boom, bomb, doom – inaudible]
There is no external taunt nor any external tease.
There is no outside force that makes evil, for within man has every force
containing evil ever created and manifested".

"Bide Bide Bide" and I hear the word "Time" echoing in the back.

"Come now walk with us and rest easy son of men"

I see the `wheel of fortune', spinning.

I see a giant bird with long blue feathers…but now it looks like a phoenix. His
eyes are 2 diamonds on fire. It turns it head and opens it's beak wide.
A fly comes out of it's mouth.
The fly is holding a scroll and some sort of writing instrument.

"Fly to the heavens as the maggots of the field are awakening now! Now its is
your turn to write!".

The fly opens the scroll and it says:
"It Is Finished"

The first EE [Archangel] at the beginning of this Ritual appears and says "It is
time to descend."

I am back in my temple. I look into the larger scrying black shewstone and I
hear: "It is time, and time and time again after time"

He tells me to write this all down and record it just like They say it.

Except for three mild audio distortions, the voice recorder actually performed
almost 100% perfect this time.
This shows me They can control what gets destroyed…or not.

He says "." [period]


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