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Initiations of the 4 WatchTowers.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:23 pm
by Enochian.Mage
EE have laid out a blueprint, calling it 'Initiations of the 4 WatchTowers.'

After a session, EE tell me what comes next.

EE are using the Original Table (I was not even aware of this until completion)

Each one, about 40 minutes in duration, like a 'hypnagogic' astral vision quest on acid*.

I received a thorough system via each Senior of the Zodiac.

Also, they have given me a name of what 'appears' to be a "Ben-Ben Stone".

They have told me to tell others, but also warn against giving out explicit details or names.

EE have 'called me' for years. If I told you half of it, you would call me a liar.

Any told about such Initiation?

*want to clarify: No drugs taken, Never.