Laidrom- Earth -

Personal Encounters and Experiences with Enochian Entities.

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Laidrom- Earth -

Post#1 » Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:17 pm

Laidrom- Earth - (Taurus)

Subterranean, chthonic- Hades, psychopomp- images raced through my vision, while
"hearing those words".

Fire, caverns, then crystalline structures. Meet with one called 'Agatha', and
was taken to see the Elder..

Laidrom appeared, like an old fashioned Dracula.

Was hostile at first, (called me an 'asshole'!) then said He was only kidding,
as He called himself a 'trickster'.

However, He (they?) holds a grudge against humanity, saying we didn't appreciate
the work the Watcher/Grigori performed in 'our benefit'.

(A lot transpires- personal)

He puts in my aura- as Initiation- a solid cross with a blood red stone- said to
be the 'blood of saints' (got very dizzy at this point- only recalling later the
cross (minus the stone) is the seal to the earth tablet)

I am taken deep down- (again, spinning).....what appears to be Hades. I am not
christian, so these scenes took me off guard (quite disturbing)

He mentions a multitude of gnostic doctrine- linking up the deities of Venus

He said (with many voices) "Enoch was here, speaking to the Grigori- to
intercede for them"

The chains that imprison them, shackle their "Duties", not they, themselves. I
see them lifeless, like wax figures. Suddenly, I am on a space craft- flying up,
out of a portal.

More dialogue is exchanged- but I am holding off revealing it at this time.
These notes are brief, as the whole 'Initiation' lasted for about 40 minutes.

He gave me instructions for my next initiatory rite,, before 'dropping me off @
my temple'.

Again, the EE tell me to 'write it down, and tell others'...but they also limit
my mentioning of details.

So I am hesitant to write anything, to be honest.

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