Are Enochian Entities Yahweh's Angels?

Personal Encounters and Experiences with Enochian Entities.

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Are Enochian Entities Yahweh's Angels?

Post#1 » Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:02 am

"Mysteriorum Libri Quinque" contains some Gnostic teachings the EE share with

The Enochian Entities [EE] also share some 'Biblical Prophecy'.

Here's one prophecy I feel needs addressing:

The antichrist appearance is immanent.

If these EE were "angels of Yahweh", I am certain the EE would provide valid
information concerning scripture.
[This seems like common sense to me]

According to The Bible:

Deut. 18:20
"But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name, which I have not
commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet
shall die."

21) "And if you say in your heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD has
not spoken?'
22) "when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not happen
or come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken; the prophet
has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him."

The Old Testament is Yahweh's 'guide book' for humanity.

If Yahweh says it, He means it.

Would 'Yahweh's angels'.., lie?

Galatians 1:8 (King James Version)

8) "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you
than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."

According to scripture, if angels lie, they are 'accursed'...

How do we know the antichrist was Not 'immanent in coming'?

According to this:

The name "antichrist" is only found in 1 John 2:18, 2:22, 4:3, and 2 John 7.
The Apostle John was the only Bible writer to use the name antichrist.

There is Not a "The" antichrist.
There are Only "Many" antichrists.[plural]

1John 2:18 Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the
antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come.
1John 2:22 Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ.
Such a man is the antichrist--he denies the Father and the Son.
1John 4:3 but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This
is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even
now is already in the world.
2John 1:7 Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the
flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the

If the EE held any type of significant court in Yahweh's abode, They would know
Their Bible scripture.

By saying 'the antichrist is immanent', is [according to scripture]- Incorrect.

People who lived while Jesus was still alive could be [according to scripture]
considered- "antichrist".

If anyone prophecies, incorrectly [according to scripture], they receive fatal
punishment. [angels not being immune to Yahweh's punitive curse]

If an "angel" goes against what the Holy Bible teaches:

Galatians 1:8
8) "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you
than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."

If angels are Yahweh's servitors, and if the Holy Scriptures contains Yahweh's
rules- what happened?

Are EE then, "accursed angels"?.
If EE were "accursed angels", They are no longer privy to Yahweh's "high court"

If we believe the Bible to be Truth, and use the Bible for Enochian
correspondence [structure of the Tribes of Israel, etc.,] we just 'pick and

We could get into debate concerning if Magick is against Biblical teaching.

Does Yahweh bend the rules for mages?

Do we interpret the Bible as Cabalist code?

How come the EE don't know the Bible is Not to be taken literally, then?

[Kelley was the EE contact. He knew EE were not Yahweh's angels]

[The 'antichrist' argument amongst eschatology students today is not a valid
biblical teaching. {Similar to the "rapture theory"}
The EE were telling Dee what he wanted to hear. EE has a knack for using your
own 'subconscious data base' for referencing. They did this with Kelley [his
lack of Latin, in one instance] many times.

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