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2012 Enochiana

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:09 am
by lgdvl73
I am copying and pasting this from the 2012 thread in the announcements section. I wrote a brief explanation of the alignments and events taking place nowadays, and I ended talking about Enochian Magick before the end. Such is a life of obsessions :-)


First ... Mayan Calendar - The Astronomical Event is that the Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way is in Direct Alignment with the December Solstice Sun. There is an actual place where you can stand in South America where the city structure is also aligned ('henged'). Timing is the reason Magic works ... you can time to anything, but most low level mages stay with lunar timing for things like sex and money, or destruction and illusion, etc. Working Magick based on the timing of this event happens to be an interesting way of working with enochian magick during this time period ... but for a completely different reason. And it is not something that lasts one year; we've been in alignment for over two decades, just not in direct presence of the rays from the black hole at the center of the galaxy. We will continue to feel their effects after its peak this year.

The mythology of these events retells a story of an original oneness that was split into duality, being restored to a living non-duality.


Second ... The Holy Cross - The Great Table of Terra, when understood in terms of the Quatra Tria Diagram has a specific directionality associated with it. The directions form a cross, and on a piece of paper a cross is easily seen as a two dimensional object. The Third Dimension (if you don't know it) is described when you put your finger in the center of the dimensional cross and pull your finger away ... defining the 3rd dimension. This is the first important thing to remember, is how the 2 dimensional flatland has an unseen 3rd dimension that you as a three dimensional being have access too.

Now, the thing about this is, is that it demonstrates how evolution happens by way of context. The subject (your subjective view) of one stage (context 1), becomes the object (the thing looked at) of the subject of the next stage (context 2). This is shown about halfway through Dee's Hieroglyphic Monad, and is also what Crowley means when he says "Love Under Will" (Eros / Agape), and WIlber's Transcend and Include.

The Holy Cross is formed by the Galactic Plane, the Plane of the Ecliptic, and the Equatorial Plane. It aligns into a cross twice every roughly 25,000 years. The Great Year of Plato and the Veda's. This cycle is commonly thought to be a result of the earth wobbling on its axis, but in reality is a result of the movement of the solar system itself through its great year. Its movement is dictated by our Binary Star; or Celestial Moon (most likely a Brown Dwarf). Pretend Dee had a computer, and then go here:

Once you can wrap your brain around that diagram, then you have to apply the principle of transcendence in the hieroglyphic monad. This is the astrological knowledge necessary to work pure 2012 era Enochian Magick.


Third ... Time Wave Collapsing on Christians / Muslims / Jews / Governments : The World is not ending, but these Paradigms might. If my God had been dead for years and was no longer listening, I might act like a 2 year old as well. Don't be confused because your magick unfolds perceptions that make everyone else seem asleep ... its your job to wake them up or to teach them to dream nobler dreams.

Immanetize the Eschaton! N'Aton!


Literally two important astronomical events suitable for frame-working all magickal works while they are in weather, and a Enochian System that seems tailor fitted to adjust itself based on these astronomies. Also, leveraging the immense energy of technology as it fully takes on a life all its own. This is all happening; and that's it. There are also the issues of pole shifts in the Sun and Earth as well severe climate unpredictability, but you know, that's just Terra being moody about everything that's going on in her garden ... typical woman