Bardonian Automatic Mind Reading

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Bardonian Automatic Mind Reading

Post#1 » Sun May 05, 2013 5:33 am

Bardonian Automatic Mind Reading

“I can perceive your thoughts as quickly as if you were speaking them aloud, so just tell me if you have a question. Is the quick reading of thoughts not one of the exercises in your lodge?” Fraboto

So out the spirit comes the soul proper and from there the astral matrix which is what is bound to the material body.

Vision is such an amazing and vivid sense they we often mistake it for what is real forgetting about the other realms in much of our daily lives which is natural for all animals on this planet and arguably these other realms are merely representational systems that help us better understand this I am reality.. .

I feel what we experience with our eyes closed is a much more accurate depiction of all that actually exists ironically we would not be able to concieve these things without beeing able to see. Although there is something to be said for Astral/ Dream Vision…I digress but its within these realms of spirit and soul that mind reading takes place.

So anywise much in the same as Astral Invisibility you must cultivate a natural state of silence through constant and deep meditation, as we all have different natural predispositions.

.Mind reading is the spirit experiencing the subtle energies form its environment through such channels as material world (facial reading), astral world (empathy) or in the Akasha.

A natural example of this is with people are close with you often know what they are going to say as soon as they start talking. This is because for them the thought comes to them in an instant but may take many sentences to express in language, but your spirit is always mingling with these ideas which can be read when you are relaxed in comfortable company...needless to say these forums would not be a good place to practice mind reading :bow

A good practice for Astral Mind Reading is to walk around in Silence totally relaxed and as you walk by people on the street don’t look at them but feel there energy as they walk by you may notice that the feelings you get from these people always match the expressions of their faces. However if you have any emotions going in within you they will weaken if not block out your ability to do this, which is the natural state for most of the world.

This empathy or Astral Mind Reading is an easier (imo) and much more vivid form then the Spirit as many people can do it well naturally because of the inverse law of Energy that objects 2x closer are 4x more powerful which applies to all energies like light ,sound and other forms of electromagnetic.

The spirit form of mind reading is more difficult to do (for some people) while walking around as it requires reading even subtler energies and its best done chilling in the Akasha, Ether or pure darkness/ dark violet.

In this place you want to shut off all forms of energy so you can read the subtle energies as well as possible and you can connect to certain people/ have energies already present coming to you. I do this best while driving/ sitting in the tub or doing silence meditations like the third meditation in Bardon’s Step 1 for the spirit…

It is often hard for begginers to distinguish between memories, imaginings and actual energies in this realm but not for those who have a strong hold over Franz Bardon’s Meditations in Step 1 as they can quickly block out energy within themselves to perceive that around them. Some people as well as some circumstances (drunk for example) can all but block your ability to read these things.

But remember as interesting as reading minds sounds this is just one of the spiritual gifts in store for the devoted disciple. There is no point rushing the natural development of the incredible systems that Franz Bardon has gifted our lucky world as , that is if you do not wish for a one sided development.

My best to you.

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