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The Moon project

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:38 am
by talerman
As I previously announced, after finishing one year circle of 360 heads of the Earth Zone, it is now time for me to start the Moon project in which I intend to evoke 28 heads of the Moon Zone from Bardon's grimmoire. In meantime, I will continue to closely watch the influences from the Earth Zone and occasionally to evoke their heads, analyzing the results from my last year work. I also intend to restart my work with Enochian magic after a break of one year. But I will focus now on the Moon.

This time I will not give myself any time limit. So, it could happen that I finish the Moon project in two, three, six months or in a year. I don't know it now. I gave up the idea to evoke the heads of the Moon solely on Mondays. I will evoke them whenever I feel comfortable to do that, but I might use magical calendar in order to evoke them at the hours of the Moon. Whatsoever, my idea is to evoke each one of the 28 heads of the Moon. And off course, I will be informing you about the results.