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Issue: Dominant Right-Half of the Brain

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:09 am
by Bronco
I think this is worth a new topic.
During my work with IIH and meditation I realised, that all of the key issues I have, have to do with the dominance of my right-half of the brain (I tested it. 60-70% compared to the left-half).

E.g. my will is not strong enough and also in my private life there are issues related to a weak left/domainating right half of brain.

So, if I don't watch out, magick can cause harm to me, since the trance state e.g. means that the left brain-half is damped down and if I don't leave the trance state properly it will be worser than before...

Does anybody know, or has anybody expiriences in how to strenghten the left side of the brain? I mean, it' surely more complex than simply doing more mathermatics or playing more chess, isn't it?
Yor advice would be very helpful for me.
Thank you.