Franz Bardon's theory compatible with platonism?

Initiation Into Hermetics, The Practice of Magical Evocation and The Key to the True Quabbalah.

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Franz Bardon's theory compatible with platonism?

Post#1 » Sun Feb 22, 2015 11:00 am


I'm new here; I've read through Initiation into Hermetics once, struggled with the first excercises on & off but I'm always lead back to the work of Bardon by Providence so I'm trying to make a more disciplined effort this time around.

Since my main interest thus far has been traditional astrology, I wanted to see whether the platonic view of the world at the basis of astrology is the same as Bardon's hermetic view of the world.

In the platonic view the Divine Idea of Justics exists in the Divine World of Ideas & appears in the Celestial World as Jupiter & in the Material World as just judges, lawyers etc.

Would you say that the Mental, Astral & Physical-Material Plane's in Bardon's IIH the same as the Divine, Celestial & Material?

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