From Homeless to Home Owner

The Heptameron, the Key of Solomon, the Lemegeton, the Arbatel of Magic, the Book of Abramelin, etc.
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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 518

From Homeless to Home Owner

Post#1 » Mon Feb 17, 2020 4:58 am

At the start of 2019 I was battling with a lot of personal losses and trauma. I reacted badlt to things and made some terrible choices. Consequently I found myself homeless and went through what has been the toughest period in my life so far.

I conjured Bune and asked for £5000 to help me get a home and get back on my feet. The spirit came through in spades. I got twice that amount and found a relatively cheap property in my area so I started bidding. Of course, I wasn't the only one bidding and as the bids got higher I decided to call upon some more help. I asked Haures to burn the desire of other bidders both current and prospective so they would no longer wish to purchase the property. I also asked Leraje to shoot down any and all future bids before they happen so that I may acquire the property without breaking the bank. All of this I asked with the caveat that none be harmed in any way through this working. The spirits pulled through and no further bids were made. My mortgage was approved, and thanks to Raphael and Cassiel who sped up the process, it was a rather quick turnaround.

I'm now sitting in my new property. Its been a stressful move and it will likely be a while before I feel settled in as there is still much work to do. But I am no longer homeless. And that means a lot. I'm so grateful to all these spirits. But more importantly, I'm grateful to God for making this all possible through the agency of his angels and demons.

I haven't detailed my process for the above workings. But I give them as an overall example of how to work sorcery effectively. If I can do it with no cash and no home, so can anyone else.


Adding a bit of the method for those who are interested.

For the Bune working I went to a graveyard because, sepulchres. It just felt appropriate. It was a conjuring style working with an offering and petition. Beyond that I won't say anymore because I hope to write a book on my methods in future and can't afford to give the game away just yet. Suffice to say the offerings I lit started a small fire that lasted for some time. I knew the spirit was present and heard my request. However, weeks passed without any signs of success. I almost considered it a failure. I thought Bune had just taken my offering and buggered off. But just as I found and bid on the property I was offered the aforementioned sum. All was well.

For the other demons I created a petition with the promise of offerings upon completion of the work.

The angels I prayed to and visualised in my mind as I made my request. Simple stuff compared to what I was more familiar with.

In all the work with demons I incorporated the binding agency of God and his angels and saints to keep things from going awry. Like I said, there is more to each of these workings but I won't be sharing that here now. It is my personal system and process of which I am proud and will share at a later date.
Last edited by Riva626 on Mon Feb 24, 2020 3:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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