armchair magicians & questions from reading the board

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armchair magicians & questions from reading the board

Post#1 » Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:02 pm

Since this seems to be the "insult de rigeur" of this thread, I thought I'd suggest a redundant venue, a place to "minish and whelm" such sadly lesser beings with (totally unnecessary) satire. Everybody who despises armchair magicians, or who has even been accused of being one, copy your jokes here!

Q: "How do you can you tell an armchair practitioner of NAP?"
A: "Because he sells the book on Ebay for a high markup!"

Q: "How many armchair magicians does it take to change a lightbulb?"
A: "Legion, but they need a moderator to coalesce from Yesod to Malktuth."

.... Actually, who isn't an armchair magician in these multitasking, disconnected & fragmented times?" Human life itself in the 21st century rarely offers the luxury of free time for the refocus and realignment that mages past enjoyed.

I'm curious what you all think; should we truly be ghost-busting those posters we consider incorrect or bogus, or winning them over with compassion and wisdom? Is this a community of those striving striving to find their way, or just another occult watering hole? (though admittedly more articulate than most)?

I'm actually curious who moderates this board? I found it and joined it without any real awareness who runs it (that's one of the cool things about it, that one could do this so innocently). But who had the foresight to run this board, or hosts it, and why do you do so? Are you suffering the fate of the traditional village shaman, one who knows more but is cut off from community?

Are we your family? What's your intention for this board, and while we're at it, for humanity's mystical evolution? Thanks in advance.

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