Acknowledgment and thanks to Leraje

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Acknowledgment and thanks to Leraje

Post#1 » Sun Sep 24, 2017 6:04 pm

Hi Guys, I am new but I think I am in the right place to provide acknowledgement to the demon Leraje. I have Gordon Winterfield's DEMONS OF MAGICK book. I have tried a few rituals from it. Some have worked others have not produced results yet but I am cautiously optimistic. A little background. I have been with my partner for over 17 years but he has never properly commited to me. When I first met him, he is married but it isn't a good marraige.In fact, they have never consummated the marraige, they were involved in big fights and had been sleeping in different rooms. I know this for a fact. However, despite these and having been seperated for over 17 years, none of them has filed for divorce. The wife seems to have a stronghold over my partner and used religion as an excuse to keep the so called marraige intact.This has caused so much pain in me. So I used a ritual from another Gordon' book to lay the groundwork to cause the seperation. However, although there are positive signs, results are slow. So, I decided to petition Leraje for help. A few days later, I heard that the wife has filed for divorce. This divorce is not finalised yet but I am here to say thank you to Leraje for his help.

The ritual involved was as follows: firstly, I carried out the Ritual opening. This involved calling 4 archangels while facing north to gain protection and to prepare for the demonic evocation. Then I performed the ritual to Wield Power. This involved looking at a sigil consisting of a black disc with hebrew words and a white ring within a circle. I spoke some words with the aim of gaining authority to command the spirits to do the bidding. Next I carried out the Core Ritual. This involved looking at Leraje's sigil. I scanned the letters in the sigil which represented the Angelic emissaries and the ruling Shem angels. Then I called the Shem angels 3 times and said the relevant invocation psalm. I gazed at the demon's seal and used the evocation keys. Then I called Leraje. I have earlier prepared a petition for the results which were encoded. I passed my eyes over this written petition, turned the paper over and wrote Leraje's name also in coded form.i thought of the results as though it has been achieved and spoke of the sentence out loud. I promised Leraje that I would honour his name and burned the paper. Lastly, I performed the License to depart. So here I am, to provide public proclamation for his help and I hope that he will continue to help me with the issue. The detailed ritual process can be found in Gordon's book. Thank you guys.

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