My Experience Working With Gremory And A Special Thanks To Silenciumetaurum

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My Experience Working With Gremory And A Special Thanks To Silenciumetaurum

Post#1 » Wed Aug 11, 2021 8:15 pm

I hadn't work with The Lesser Key in some years. When I was researching on SA, I came upon an old post where Silenciumetaurum suggested to dress tea lights in mint oil and give one as an offering three consecutive days before the evocation. It was really good advice.

I have tried the traditional, by the book method about 15 years ago and the results were disastrous. I have a lot more experience now working with spirits and I brought that with me into evoking spirits from The Lesser Key of Solomon. I do not threaten, I make deals. Below is an excerpt from a letter that I wrote my mentor about my recent experiences with the spirit Gremory. I may update the thread to reflect recent experiences. I am sharing this specifically to help magicians in the forum.

"A little over four weeks ago I started working with the Lesser Key spirit Gemory (also commonly called Gremory). Gemory is the only spirit in the Lemegeton that appears as female according to the grimoire. When I was doing a meditation with Roger Bacon, I performed some divinations at the end of the meditation. I used a couple of different decks for the divination. One of the decks that I chose to use was a deck that was designed by Lon Milo Duquette that I bought some years ago. It has the seals for a lot different spirits on the deck, including the Lemegeton.

I felt a strong connection going during my meditation with Roger that day. I sometimes feel my connection is stronger or weaker with a spirit on certain days than others. During the divination, Roger suggested that I work with Gemory when I asked for a particular spirit from the book.

The next day I performed an evocation of Vassago for the task of double checking my earlier divination session with Roger. I got very similar information from Vassago during the divination, the spirits seem to refer to Gemory in most of my readings using The Empress card.

I was interested in working with Gemory to try and increase my wife's desire and enthusiasm for sex with me. I was also interested in doing some dream work with Gemory if possible. The dreamwork seems to be a bust so far. Gemory only seems to give nightmares that aren’t particularly useful. Don’t get me wrong, I like a good spirit driven nightmare, but I want those nightmares to give me some kind of useful information (either psychologically, alchemically, or worldly useful).

I performed the evocation of Gemory and offered her some tea lights to help me. She said that she could. After the evocation, I started to dress tea lights with mint oil and I would burn the tea lights next to her seal. I did this two nights before I made love to my wife. I also asked Gemory to show me signs that she was working.

A couple hours before we made love (we have to schedule our sessions since we have two children), my wife went to the bank to make a deposit. At the bank she said she saw a man walk up to his woman and grab her ass enthusiastically with both hands. She said it was strange that he did it out in public and his woman was completely blasé about it. When she pulled into our driveway, she saw two giant flies fucking on top of my car. my wife comes into my house and immediately tells me about both occurrences and how weird it seems to her. I opened the blinds in front of our driveway and sure enough there are these two massive flies on top of my car fucking.

The sex was great. My wife was very enthusiastic and aroused. She is much less aroused usually since our daughter was born four years ago. It was fantastic. Our next session a few days later was also great. I again burned a tea light the day before our session and then I burnt a second dressed tea light next to Gemory’s seal after our session as a gift of thanks.

I did another evocation and gave Gemory some other offerings (usually I give a libation and some incense for evocations). She said in my readings that there would be a delay or something missing. I sometimes misinterpret my readings during the moment and only understand them after the events discussed in the reading have happened.

Our next to lovemaking sessions were rather poor. My wife wasn’t particularly enthusiastic or aroused. I did give her orgasms both times, but it took quite a while. I can get her to have an orgasm most times we have sex. I am very patient and I have read many books on various sexual techniques which I think has been helpful. Plus we have various toys that I purchased for her that can be quite helpful.

I still gave the tea lights, but I was becoming disillusioned with Gemory. On the second failure, I decided that I would give her the tea light, but that I was probably not going to try and work with her anymore.

A couple of hours later, I did my Lucky Hoodoo ritual and gave them offerings. I wasn’t planning on having a conversation with them. I wasn’t in the mood. I was feeling discouraged. When I was about to end the ritual, the lights in my room started to flicker rapidly again above my head.

I did a reading and pulled the following cards:

The Empress, Four of Swords, and The Lovers

The message I got was that Gemory (the various spirits seem to refer to Gemory as the Empress usually) was sorry. I got the impression that she would help me, but she wanted different offerings than tea lights.

The next day I evoked Gemory. She told me that she wanted different offerings. I kept asking her about specific offerings and she kept saying, no to the offerings that I suggested. I told her I was going to go to the grocery store and to please show me in the environment what she wanted.

I got some groceries and paid for them. I hadn’t seen any signs at this point. I went into the parking lot and there was no one in it besides me. I said out loud, “Gemory. I haven’t seen any signs yet of what you want. If you are going to show me, please do so now.” A second later these two teenage girls walk next to me. One of the girls takes a loaf of Cuban bread out of her bag and she starts eating this two-foot long loaf of Cuban bread in the middle of the parking lot. Gemory wanted bread.

The next day I evoked Gemory to confirm this and tried to make an agreement with her.

7/27/21 – Gemory Evocation (Cards are used for the Yes/No questions)

Me: Are You here with me now?

G: Yes

Me: Would you like a piece of bread for your help?

G: Her answer is unclear

Me: Will you help me if I give you bread, beer, and a tea light?

G: Yes

Me: Can we do this into perpetuity?

G: Yes

Page of Cups, 3 of Pentacles, The Magician, Queen of Swords, 6 of Wands.

Me: Is there anything else you would like to tell me?

G: The Emperor, 9 of Wands, 5 of Cups, The Sun, Ace of Wands (Interpretation – I can make you like an Emperor, protect you from poverty, bring you wealth, and success.)

This arrangement is working well, except that sometimes my wife and me will have vivid nightmares. I don’t mind them, but I don’t want to cause my wife discomfort. I am going to ask Amphitrite to help. I don’t think Gemory can help it.

On 8/1/21, I had a really strong connection with the LH while calling them and giving them offerings. I used the dice I got from ------ for the YES/NO questions and was getting some really strong messages with them that night.

8/1/21 – LH Spirits

Me: Are you here?

LH: Strong Yes

Me: What will come of my work with Gemory?

LH: 3 of Cups, Page of Swords, Ace of Swords, 5 of Swords

Me: Will I lose something from this work?

LH: No

Me: If I asked Gemory, would she help ------- get laid for offerings of beer and bread?

LH: Yes – Also, The Empress, Knight of Wands, 4 of Coins

Me: For those offerings would she help ------- get a long term girlfriend?

LH: Yes

Me: Would this be a good relationship for him?

LH: Yes

Me: Will my arrangement with Gemory work out well for me?

LH: Yes"

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