Enochian Methodology: A Brief Synopsis

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Enochian Methodology: A Brief Synopsis

Post#1 » Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:47 am

this is an amalgam of some of my most recent posts here on Enochian, I thought they all worked well together as a wide-angle overview of the system and how I work with and unfold its myth.

Its also on my blog with pretty pictures here: http://henochiussimon.wordpress.com/category/technica/



You have to think about Enochian as ‘Magick that Angels Use‘. There is actually a huge difference between an Archangel, and the ‘Enochian Entities‘ contained within the system itself for example.

I agree with the point of view that ther’re perfectly “gentlemanly” (honourable, chivalrous, righteous) ways to go about your dealings with spirits. Enochian Entities don’t generally work in this format, and this is for a specific reason.

Enochian Entities are Forces of Magick … a Magick System used BY Angels in their work of creation on behalf of God. Real Angels are Direct Active Functions of God. Ther’re very few of these Actual Angels in the Enochian System, and most Angels people work with and experience directly are the classic Archangels. The Archangels were the original guardians of the Goddess, so they will always have a special relationship with humanity. You can have the closest thing to a ‘real relationship’ with Archangels … what we would think of as ‘person to person’.

So, Enochian Entities are in fact Forces of Angelic Magick. The idea that ‘every letter is a being‘, should really be ‘every letter is an angelic Force‘. When different combinations of forces are synthesized alchemically within the practitioner, the correspondent ‘Act of Creation‘ will occur in manifest/arising reality.

This is what the consequence is of saying metaphorically that ‘Enochian Entities have an Agenda’. They are truly and technically not ‘personalities’ at all. We give them names as a scientist would name elements on the periodic table; but ‘Enochian Entities‘ in truth, are actually components and ingredients for the magick of creation, the magick of angels. The only way to truly synthesize these components is in the body of the practitioner. This is also a consequence of saying ‘Enochian Entities‘ have an agenda; they use you as a bridge mechanic to increase the consciousness of God, The Lord … and we should really consider the concept of God, or The Lord in an exalted and high conception as we are capable of, at least giving it the benefit of non-quality and non-quantity, formlessness and without limitation.

Bridging the Angelic Forces in this way causes a Divine Transmutation in the practitioner. The whole idea that Enochian Magick is ‘dangerous’ comes from these facts, but just as thinking that ‘enochian letters are angelic beings’, these concepts are outdated. Enochian Magick is not dangerous … it is Real. You can experience permanent changes and open doors. The thing to remember is that, all mundane things being harmonious (living conditions, cash flow, healthy relationships with other humans, health, personal maintenance), the changes that occur are inevitable evolutionary experiences. Bridging between The Ideal and the Actual increases the rate at which the Ideal can more fully manifest itself in the Actual.

When I evoked the Kings and Princes of the Heptarchia Mystica; I felt the general effect was a work of Karma. I have personally struggled in my youth to understand how to feed my body and train my body to maintain health and wellness and a purely operating system. One of the huge things that just changed without any effort on my part was that this ceased being a struggle. I was never told any direct information that I followed by the Kings and the Princes. I simply found that deep habitual ‘programs’ in my personality were suddenly altered.

I also had deep experiences of Ancestral Integration through the Heptarchia Mystica. I worked some Magick on these Planetary/Pranic/Universal forces as well. If you read Dee’s ‘Five Books of Mystery’, the 49 Good Angels (benevolent forces, blessings) are delivered in their raw form on 7 tablets/tables (arranged in a cross on a bright circle with nothing in it) which are the Essential Elemental components of the benevolent/karmic forces. Composing my Ritual Intent in terms of Enochian Letters (as mantra), I then found the Elemental Tablet which encompassed the essential powers I needed, and traced a ‘kamea’ style Sigil. This Sigil, in the old terminology would represent an entity; but really then represents the force of creation that is my Intent.

Since I partake of the creation because I have a Divine Spark … I am the Creation, The Creation is in Me, I am in Creation, I am Becoming the Creation … the Sigil is then synthesized alchemically in my subtle energies; and the correspondent adjustment to the vibration of manifest reality occurs, and unique forms begin to arise. In a word, Art. I get my result.

Imagine a situation where the practitioner is somehow not aware of herself.. the alchemical reality of the Angelic Forces would seize upon that dissonance, and this dissonance would also become manifest as part of the result. The only way to undo this (unless of course its just a kink and you like the way the dissonance sounds), is to work on yourself internally. Changing your habits; becoming a better person … accelerating your own evolution.

The Heptarchy is based on an ancient arrangement of Universal Forces; the Scale of Seven. All of Dee’s work seeks to represent the sameness of humanity IN creation. So the work with Olympic Spirits in ‘Arbatel’ for example, is the same work as the Heptarchy. Dee just describes those aspects of Creation better than anyone. The same is true for the Simon Necronomicon. ‘Gate Walking’ is this work of Karma and Creation, of Behavior and Works and Art, and Action. When Tool sings about ‘stepping into the shadow”, and letting go of judgments when Saturn comes around … this is the aspect of the work they are talking about.

Very Jungian vibe of Individuation. Also, it has the character of initiation and is indeed properly an operation of the White Stone; the work of the neophyte to purify herself and consecrate devotion to the Great Work, the magnum opus.

The Great Table of the Earth has Transcendence written all over it. These Angelic Forces work by timing, groove, astrology, and intuition. They are guiding forces and work in a manner that is severe or gentle. They are more purely ‘practical’ in the sense that they deliver results easily … and they will shock the shit out of you with the consequences of their employment. There is an old saying about Enochian which I do agree with, and it goes something along the lines of ‘never bring a nuclear weapon to a knife fight‘. They certainly get the job done, but they also tend to accelerate everything they touch into synchronicities and inexplicable happenings that can completely alter your life path. This can be hella fun, and is a way of magickal adventuring, and harmonizing your work across many lifetimes. And this is why it is transcendental and astrological. The 4 main powers of The Great Table of Earth are Spirals, Spiral Force, or the wheels of the Chariot, which crosses the abyss (transcendence).

The Aethyrs are Essence. They are everything, they are in everything, everything is in them, and everything is becoming more like them. Even setting up a contact with these forces requires magickal training, discipline, and skill. They can show you many possible futures, and also many possible pasts. They can open many doors in the Territory of Time, and are connected to a Galactic Supermind … the Aethyrs are basically the Neurons and Synapses of God. It is in every way perfected Nature, but is also Divided Form in its Perfection. They are capable of anything, and are freely liberated.

Aurobindo expounds on the Aerial in “The Life Divine”:

Aurobindo wrote:the elementary state of material Force is a condition of pure material extension in Space of which the peculiar property is vibration typified to us by the phenomenon of sound. But vibration in this state of ether is not sufficient to create forms. There must first be some obstruction in the flow of the Force ocean, some contraction and expansion, some interplay of vibrations, some impinging of force upon force so as to create a beginning of fixed relations and mutual effects. Material Force modifying its first ethereal status assumes a second, called in the old language the Aerial, of which the special property is contact between force and force, contact that is the basis of all material relations. Still, we have not as yet real forms, but only varying forces.

So I think the thing to realize is the difference between angels, and the angelic forces you work with when using Enochian Magick. I think the best place to start is with John Dee’s Five Books of Mystery. Its the beginning for Dee too, and that book truly reads like a childrens story for communicating something way over the heads of the current development of the reader. Dee was incredibly smart and talented. All the instructions are there, just do it along with the reading of it.

This is the universal process of purification and karma release and shadow work which is simply required before moving on with the work.


Definitely Enochian Magick can be viewed as an operating system, but that’s also true of any system whether it be philosophy or science or mysticism, etc. Most good systems however encompass much more than that. The basic 3 components of Enochian Magick are Heptarchical (Planetary), Great Table of Earth (Astrological) and Aethyr (Elemental). The method of employing angelic forces is a system, but the forces themselves are actual realities of creation which can be generated and synthesized alchemically in the practitioner.

It’s important to remember that Enochian Magick and Enochian Letters are ways of describing reality … so entities are not necessarily Enochian … we are just using Enochian as a language of mechanics, a science of magick.

there is a very important next step in magick. Contact is exactly what you want … but if you want to DO magick or alchemy or mysticism or yoga you have to ‘perenialize’ your personal material. In alchemy this is known as separating the dross from the fine. In all transmissions, there is a veil of our own personality.

To have natural talent and be naturally connected is the truest blessing for sure. But how are these gifts being transmuted and offered to humanity on behalf of ‘God’ … the Lord that you already are?

To make this bridge complete, you need to transmit this connection, and these entities/forces themselves can guide you in how to do that. Perenialization is then understanding the alignment with the perennial philosophy; which is:

The Perennial Philosophy (Latin: philosophia perennis), also referred to as Perennialism, is a perspective within the philosophy of religion which views each of the world’s religious traditions as sharing a single, universal truth on which the foundation of all religious knowledge and doctrine has grown.
The term philosophia perennis was first used by Agostino Steuco (1497–1548), drawing on the neo-Platonic philosophy of Marsilio Ficino (1433–1499) and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463–94).

When you make this harmony occur, when you understand your own personal visions and connections in TERMS of, or in context of the perennial philosophy, you can then become a true bridge between the Divine and Humanity. This is in itself The Great Work.

This kind of practice (as opposed to the shadow work I mentioned before with the Heptarchical/Planetary/Universal aspect) is in line with the practice of Transcendence, which as I mentioned belongs in The Great Table of Earth/Astrological/Transcendent aspect. It is a work of the Soul, of Consciousness, of offering your deepest gifts, of Bhakti Yoga.


it is important when working with the Governors of the Aethyrs to understand that they are bridges between the world of form and the Aerial world of the aethyrs … which is itself formless. Visions such as Ben Rowe’s circle city are then entirely allegorical, and do not exist in the aethyrs themselves, but as a mechanism the governors use to bridge between the aerial realm and the world of form.

Crowley’s Vision and the Voice is particularly good for the Aethyrs, because the allegory recognizes itself as just that, and this is a really important difference. Most of his work in the Vision and the Voice is predicated on his Star-Sponge Vision which is very much a formless mystical experience, and describes very closely this realm of formless varying forces.

My specific point here is that the function of the governors is to translate the aethyrs into terms of mind, into something you can see in the spiritual vision. What you see is a symbol given to the mind so it can interpret a reality that is beyond mind. We cannot interact with the aethyrs using the terms of mind, we can only receive visions in a limited way to help us ascend beyond mind into the heights of the heavenly city. It doesn’t have to be Jerusalem or Circle City, or the heavily thelemic influenced Vision and the Voice. Spiritual Contact and Mystical Vision are right and proper in their own sphere, the sphere of mind and spiritual vision. But it is not the thing in itself, it is only a dumbed down version from its actual reality, (which is formless). The form it takes in the mind of the practitioner is facilitated by the governors as a bridge mechanism.

The Following is Crowley’s brief writings on the Star-Sponge Vision, which encompasses his deep realization of the Aerial, and mentions how influential it was on his work with the Aethyrs:

There is a vision of a peculiar character which has been of cardinal importance in my interior life, and to which constant reference is made in my magical diaries. So far as I know, there is no extant description of this vision anywhere, and I was surprised on looking through my records to find that I had given no clear account of it myself. The vision developed gradually. It was repeated on so many occasions that I am unable to say at what period it may be called complete. I was on a retirement in a cottage overlooking Lake Pasquaney in New Hampshire. I lost consciousness of everything but a universal space in which were innumerable bright points, and I realized this as a physical representation of the universe, in what I may call its essential structure. I exclaimed, “Nothingness with twinkles!”

I concentrated upon this vision, with the result that the void space which had been the principal element of it diminished in importance; space appeared to be ablaze, yet the radiant points were not confused, and I thereupon completed my sentence with the exclamation, “but what twinkles!”The next stage of this vision led to an identification of the blazing points with the stars of the firmament, with ideas, souls, etc. I perceived also that each star was connected by a ray of light with each other star. In the world of ideas each thought possessed a necessary relation with each other thought; each such relation is of course a thought in itself; each such ray is itself a star. It is here that the logical difficulty first presents itself. The seer has a direct perception of infinite series. Logically, therefore, it would appear as if the entire space must be filled up with a homogeneous blaze of light. This however is not the case. The space is completely full and yet the monads which fill it are perfectly distinct. The ordinary reader might well exclaim that such statements exhibit symptoms of mental confusion.

“… Each stage in the process was like the joy of a young eagle soaring from height to height in ever increasing sunlight as dawn breaks, foaming, over the purple hem of the garment of ocean, and, when the many coloured rays of rose and gold and green gathered themselves together and melted into the orbed glory of the sun, with a rapture that shook the soul with unimaginable ecstasy, that sphere of rushing light was recognized as a common-place idea, accepted unquestioningly and treated with drab indifference because it had so long been assimilated as a natural and necessary part of the order of Nature. At first I was shocked and disgusted to discover that a series of brilliant researches should culminate in a commonplace. But I soon understood that what I had done was to live over again the triumphant career of conquering humanity; that I had experienced in my own person the succession of winged victories that had been sealed by a treaty of peace whose clauses might be summed up in some such trite expression as “Beauty depends upon form”. It would be quite impracticable to go fully into the subject of this vision of the Star-Sponge, if only because its ramifications are omniform. It must suffice to reiterate that it has been the basis of most of my work for the last five years, and to remind the reader that the essential form of it is ‘Nothingness with twinkles.'” — From Crowley’s new comment to “Liber AL”, Ch. I, v. 59.

you can see that he is very specific about how contradictory the human terms and language become when trying to describe the experience. that is because it is in fact an experience of formlessness; aerial in character because you can see that everything that he tries to ‘define’ or ‘distinguish’ with words, doesn’t actually quite cover what he was experiencing in the vision. It requires a union of subject and object (samadhi) to even taste the experience, something that completely annihilates mentality and renders it silent and transparent. the visions of aethyrs are just so; dualistic symbols which attempt to encompass a reality that is itself without form.
Last edited by lgdvl73 on Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in." ~ Rumi


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